Random Info About You

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Fact: I love poetry.
Info: So much I had to run to the toilet to throw up when some creepy guy read some bad poem to me in scary voice. But I guess the amount of alcohol had done a thing here, too...

Fact: When I'm lacking cigarettes I ask people if they have one...When I'm drunk my English knowledge becomes as good as if I'm a native speaker.
Info: I went out from club yesterday to fetch myself a smoke. Some guys asked me to speak English and so I did - they appeared to be that epic Italian band that played and made me headbang like mad. I've been talking to them for a fair amount of time. Then I needed to visit a toilet and they were gone.

Fact: I do attract influential men.
Info: Slept in the arms of the owner of the club I was drinking at last night, danced with him when I was hardly standing on the ground and the song was 'Enter the Sandman', and after they closed at 6 AM we went to his place to drink more. And had no hanky panky! XD Though in result I drink there for free now. Wonderful, since there's one more concert there tonight. XD

Fact: I am kinky.
Info: But when the club's owner at his place was starting 'www.' and the very first link announced 'Bondage and latex sex video' I felt a little... Uncomfortable. XD
Info: Today is my wedding anniversary.
Info: Been married for 6 yrs (though I've been with my hubs for 13 yrs).
Info: Going out to dinner to celebrate with him and the kids at The Melting Pot... sooooo cannot wait! :)

Damn sandy seems like she's making everybody dead right now.
I need someone to write with. XD So bored and amped up for no reason.​
--Being seriously entertained by a lovely rper.
--seriously need some sleep.
--however, gunna rp for as long as i can before I can't cuz of this storm. XD
Fact: I wanna write a detective story about an ambiguous serial killer. He'll do that thing where the killer kidnaps someone important to the main detective, leaving the police clues to finding the person in a string of murders and then he'll just allow the cops to find the kidnap victim safe and sound with a note left with them like, "You should be proud of yourselves. You guys are awesome. You're all winners." And then he'd do it again, maybe even kidnapping the same person, only to eventually, after murdering several people and leaving taunting clues with the bodies, let the person go free with no harm done and a note, "Damn! You guys are good at this!"
Info: Had no classes today and doesn't have work.
Info: Also has no classes on wednesday.
Info: Has shit tons of homework.
Info: I swear my professors planned this.
Fact: Me and my friend saw something today that made us both go "whoa" at the same time
Info: He jinxed me! D<
Fact: It happens when there's ice crystals really high in the atmosphere, normally during a full moon.
Fact: I spend too much money.
Fact: I'm moving out in spring, so I need to stop.
Fact: I am getting 37 hours a week now at 17 bucks an hour.
Fact: I applied for a new job, but within the same school, but a different campus.
Okay, so not so much about me, but...

Observation: I've noticed a trend in Halloween costumes. As children, people are innocent, and go as witches or wizards, superheroes, and cartoon characters. As teenagers, people either steadily start to grow out of the costume phase, or use Halloween as another excuse to dress like SKANKS. >:/ ANIMALS SHOULD NOT BE ABUSED!
Info: I'm so proud of BMR.
Info: October has proven to be our BEST month ever.
Info: We've had a massive influx of new members; we've managed to increase our numbers to consistently reach above 200 users online daily; we've managed to break our record of 'most users online at one time' at least 3 solid times.
Random Daily Fun Fact About PF -- A woman accused me of being an agent of Satan today after I tried to show her how ignorant she was about the true origin and meaning of the pentacle (which she incorrectly called a pentagram).
Random Daily Fun Fact About PF -- I had four Mainse State Deputies in my drive way last night after they received an 'anonymous tip' (*cough* ex *cough*) that I was having suicidal thoughts. They showed up 20 minutes before I had to be at work. I was rather displeased.
That's weird. o_O

Info: Trolling stupid people on facebook. It's funny, because they call me an idiot when they have terrible grammar and spelling, and don't have any real points.
Fact: For some reason I've been full on RP's but I'm just NOW getting them started.
Info: I'm really greedy with my RP's and I for some reason can never get enough.
Info: I use the word "Full" lightly.
Random Daily Fun Fact About PF -- Found out that one of my coworkers is gay last night. Also found out that he has a thing for me. Yay awkward homo on hetero crush?
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