Random Info About You

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I'm just about positive it comes from my first girlfriend outside of high school having braces. And being an incredible fuck, but that's not what anyone is here to listen about, lol.
FACT: Has had girlfriends!
Info: Misses sex.
Info: Will start working out on monday.
Info: Hopefully this transformation process will help me fix some of my insecurities instead of making them worse.
Fact: Cyanide should give me her WoW ID and add me on WoW so we can play together
Fact: I try to go party but the internet locks me in the house
Fact: The idea of finding a group of people to play WoW with makes me tempted to join in too.
Fact: I'm just not going to purchase any expansions above the Lich King.
Fact: Everyone that befriends me on WoW usually get a free copy of expansions past Linch King
Fact: ^-^ I am a generous >.> Yet very lonely person
Fact: I love this site and the people on it.
Fact: There's a lot of talent here and much to be inspired about.
Fact: The people here make it what it is.
Fact: The diversity of the people and the stories they create as well as the conversations had make it truly unique and wonderful.
Info: We're having audit this week.
Fact: I complained to my colleague of them not visiting me at all for two days, and then they came at the worst possible moment, seeing me messing up completely. Fail.
Fact: A part of my hair is bright orange. The other stays black.
Info: It's not because I'm already going through middle-age crisis and suffer from lack of attention...It's because I love autumn and it's colors.
Fact: I'm really really really keen on decorating things lately. I love how I'm no longer ashamed to wear my uggs and they no longer look so...Crappy as all the uggs look?
Fact: Laces make everything better.
Fact: I've learned how to put my big brown contact lenses on from the first try, not poking eyes continuously for ten minutes each.
Info: I possess a brilliant logic. I go to sleep at 2 AM, get up at 5 AM, when I have to be at work at 9 AM and it takes me only hour to get there from my place.
Info: 6 AM, I'm all ready and I have nothing to do. My mind is way too sleepy to roleplay. Lol.
Info: Actually tired to the point of crawling into bed before midnight.
Info: This work out is intense but I love that I'm doing something for myself.
Info: Test tomorrow. Not looking forward to it.
Info: I wonder when I'll start seeing results. Hopefully something will have changed by next week even if only a little bit.
Fact: to my own surprise I aced my math survey test. (I suck at anything math related. So as you can see I am elated)
Fact: Has finally found a legitimate excuse for not attending this church shindig my parents are trying to drag (or force me to)
Fact: :Cat keeps trying to get my attention. I love my cat!
Fact: Though I have had this feeling before It feels like something big is going to happen either next week or in a couple of months.
Info: Is actually really a collared submissive IRL
Info: I have two fuzzy things that are called sugar gliders and they're my life
Fact: My grammar sucks
Info: I have a boyfriend that's epic at roleplaying but is too lazy to do so.
Fact: I have the greatest friend anyone could ask for
Fact: I am poor.
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