Random Info About You

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Fact; I went over twelve hours of not sleeping today. 8D
Fact; Drama involving an ex girlfriend totally kept me awake for another two hours. >_>;
Fact; I HATE that ex girlfriend with a burning passion.
Info; I want ice cream.
Info: Was late to work. Dislikes being late to work.
Info: Is reading through Angel Sanctuary. I WILL COMPLETE THIS SERIES.
Info: Even though people say "don't read the last few pages, it will ruin the end of the book," I do it anyways and it still doesn't ruin it. It just makes me wonder how that ending came about so I'll keep reading.
Info: I've been crying for a long time.
Info: My best friend boarded her train at just after midnight last night.
Info: She's moving across the country.
Info: I used to see her everyday, and now I'm not going to see her for months.

Info: I am very, very sad.
Keyria Lovi said:
Fact: I have a morbidly twisted sense of humor.
Info: Ask my sister, she's terrified of spider, so I put a wolf spider in her undie drawer...he he he

How old are you?

Fact: Watching the Walking Dead and omg, I want to shoot everybody in the knees. No more knees for these people! They don't deserve to walk! >8U
Fact: I collect books that suck, though not intentionally.
Rudolph Quin said:
Keyria Lovi said:
Fact: I have a morbidly twisted sense of humor.
Info: Ask my sister, she's terrified of spider, so I put a wolf spider in her undie drawer...he he he

How old are you?

Fact: Watching the Walking Dead and omg, I want to shoot everybody in the knees. No more knees for these people! They don't deserve to walk! >8U
Fact: I collect books that suck, though not intentionally.

I am currently 24 years of age. The incident in question happened many years ago. My mind has moved on to better things in life, like chains.
Keyria Lovi said:
I am currently 24 years of age. The incident in question happened many years ago. My mind has moved on to better things in life, like chains.

You couldn't find a more recent reference to your morbid sense of humor? Or did you mean that your sense of humor is "dead"? If so, then I think I got the joke.

Fact: Made veggie pasta salad last night. Turned out great!
Fact: Don't feel like drawing. Just wanna watch TV.
Info: Made my first New York Cheesecake last night and it looks amazing! No cracks, no sinking in the center, no brown edging. ^_^
Info: I'm currently juggling fourteen roleplays, rather successfully... for now.
Info: I just bought 4 wigs (Blonde, black, red, and silver) and a 6 pack of styrofoam heads to put them on. Going to look so fabulous! <3
Info: That blue wig looked soooo cool! But I couldn't afford to get THAT one too. Maybe next pay check.
Info: Bought an iPad for my kids today.
Info: They freakin' love the damned thing.
Info: Amazingly, they are actually sharing it fairly well. HOORAY!
Info: I'm tackling the task of making a pumpkin cheesecake tomorrow

Info: My entire new york cheesecake didn't last half an hour when I took it to work.

Info: I didn't get to try the cheesecake I made.
Fact: Made myself some homemade ambrosia. Probably not the best thing to have while fighting a cold, but it's got fruits in it so, why complain?
Info: My wigs from Japan are shipped! Can't wait to get them.
Info: Here they are. I want to get a blue, pink, and possibly orange and green ones just like these two I am getting. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00768LFYY/ref=pe_175190_21431760_M3C_SC_3p_dp_1 http://www.amazon.com/dp/B007JEHD5A/ref=pe_175190_21431760_M3C_SC_3p_dp_2
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