Random Info About You

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Random Info: It's been far to long since I bared myself so chaotically.
Fact: I'm in mild physical pain and constant inner anguish.
Info of sorts: Humans have nerves and pressure points around their ankles and feet which if rubbed correctly can cause arousal and possibly early ovulation.

Opinion: I hope the world doesn't end on Dec,12/ 2012... I still have much yogurt to eat and worldly possessions to gain.
Opinion: If an event of extinction level does occur, I believe it will be human caused rather then some natural event.

Info: There are still roughly ten-thousand unaccounted for Nuclear warheads after the former soviet union fell. Thanks SMART pact... another UN-failure.

Fact: The largest bone in your body is your femur, you largest muscle is your tongue ( on average.) Other miss thought muscles are groups of muscles.

Random thing about me: I hold useless information and find myself speaking but never really getting to say anything...
Because no one listens...
Info: I'm glad summer is on its way out. Can't stand the season, honestly.
Info: Probably getting my hair cut/styled this weekend. That's the plan anyway. *shrugs*
Info: Tired of a lot shit these days. People saying one thing and then never actually backing it up. Just whatever.
Info: So proud of my son. He's been doing great at school. I expected some regression since he missed a week.... nope.
Info: Proud of my daughter too. I thought she'd have issues missing ballet last week. Nope. Luckily, she gets to make her class up. So, she gets 2 classes this week. When she found out, she was ecstatic. She did awesome this week at her regular class too.
Info: I don't know darkangel's kids, but that is fantastic! You sound like a pretty awesome mum.

Info: One of the professors I work with used me as an example in her 'uncomfortable closeness' in Patient Care..
Info: We had to type everything she said which was: "Oh my, look at how red she is getting. I think she thinks I'm going to kiss her."
Info: she was literally 2 inches away from my face. And yes. I did think she was going to kiss me.
Info: Freaked me right out. I really don't want to lose my job.
Info: Had Garlic Lemon Pepper chicken. <3 Om nom.
Info: I usually turn my phone off when I get tired of looking at it because I expect a text message and then don't get one. Had to do that a few minutes ago.
Info: Got a little over an hour left of work. Yay~

Fact; If you ever want to make me teary eyed, have me listen to Streamside by The Album Leaf.
Fact; I'm so tired.
Info; Drama is a bitch.
Fact; I wish my muse wasn't hidden from me. Show yourself! D:
Fact: I've been losing about a pound every two days just from adding fruits and vegetables to my diet.
Fact: By Christmas, I'll be a sexy Santa!
I kinda want to make this my avatar
Info: Went to give blood this morning.
Info: Got deferred due to having a fever (even though I felt fine and all my other vitals were perfect).
Info: Felt fine all day, but now......... my throat is bothering me again.... looks like I'm relapsing on my cold. Thought it might be a psychosomatic thing, but I took my temp again.... nope. =/
Info: I hate being sick-ish. Hopefully this doesn't become anything major.
I am glad both your son and daughter are doing so well, and I am sorry that I didn't mention it earlier. I also am sorry that you were deferred from giving blood and I really hope you are not really sick, and it is at most a cold. Just please take good care of yourself and know that you are thought of and loved, because you are.
Fact: I just found out that the actual lyrics for the chorus of this song is "Shiny happy people holding hands":


Fact: Until now, I always thought they were singing "Shiny happy people hunted down."
Fact: And I said, "Who wrote me a theme song?"
Fact: Videogames are an excellent waste of time... if you're into that!

Info: I've been making myself work out more and more. Minimum of two mile jogs every day now.
Info: Why? My goal is to be sexy when all the extra layers leave my being next spring.

Personal info: I like various forms of music. Electronic, techno, Wud-wud are more recently like.

If you like similar... click here. Nero - Doomsday. DO IT !

Fact: I'm thankful for those that expanded their horizons or simply already know this. =)
Info: My daughter has a make up ballet class tomorrow.
Info: She is soooo looking forward to it since the idea of 2 ballet classes in a single week thrills her. lol.
I'm an expert in Final Fantasy (1-9 & Tactics), Lost, movies, and ancient history.

ON paper I only have a grade 9 education, I learned most of what I know on my own.

I'm an Ares and my birthday has landed on Easter Sunday more than once.

When I was a boy, around 8 or 9, I lived in an old house out on what they call the halfway road which leads out of town onto the highway past a small sub-division. That house had belonged to an old Sea Captain who died there. Now when we moved in, some of his stuff was still in the house, like his rocking chair. My mother kept the rocking chair at the head of our kitchen table because it was old, but in nice shape and she liked it.

Now this is a true story, I swear to god on my grandfather's graves, not only has my mother acknowledged that it happened, but I have very vague memories of it.

On several occasions, my mother would wake up during the night and hear my voice. So she would get up to investigate. I wasn't in my bed, so she'd follow my voice to the kitchen, where she found me sitting at the table and the rocking chair at the other end would be gently swaying back and forth for a few seconds before stopping after she arrived.

Now I have VERY faint memories of talking to this man. Don't remember what we talked about, how many times we talked, but I remember what he looked like, and I remember it was more than once.

It wasn't long before that rocking chair was stuffed away in the attic and not long after that when we moved out.

True story, I kid you not. I have had a first hand ghost experience.
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