Random Info About You

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Info: I hate it when Im in the middle of a piece at work and my hand goes numb.
Info: I also hate it when Im having really great sleep and my hand goes numb, then when I move it wakes up and starts to hurt really bad.
Info: I now have a social life
Fact: At the cost of a working life
Info: However I still get to spend time with the Bestie... that is all I wanted
Info: Going drinking with my roomie and a friend tonight.
Info: My second floor neighbor is a hairstylist and said she will do my hair and my roommate's hair for us.
Info: Getting back into classes isn't as hard as I thought, plus rearranging my schedule made it so I only have to get up before 9am/10am on fridays.
Info: I work an 8 hour shift on sundays. Fuck.
Info: At least you have a job
Info: At least you get to to have fun drinking
Fact: I made a bad decision to go to school at ITT instead of somewhere where it's actually a school like environment.
Fact: I've been trying out that raw foods diet for the past 4 weeks.
Fact: for those who don't know: it entails eating a diet consisting mostly of raw fruits and vegetables, so like, a lot of salads and cold soups.
Fact: I break one night and eat a slice of pizza and all hell breaks loose.
Fact: This pizza is the Devil and he's trying to kill me from the inside out.
Fact: Quick! Someone call an exorcist! Save my soul! D:
Info: Feeling kind of... ehhh...
Info: I wish we lived in a world that was less judgmental. Would make it easier to accept certain things about ourselves we cannot change. Might also make people in general a bit more understanding and sensitive to how people feel in certain situations.
Info: I hate looking in the mirror most of the time.
Info: I hate my wrists.
Info: I love writing; roleplays, fanfiction, poems, and original fiction.
Info: Sometimes I hate that I love writing. Too many ideas in my head to write, not enough time to do said writing. Not to mention it's hard to write when kidlets are hanging all over me.
Info: I have been writing a lot lately. Pleased my muse seems happy to cooperate for once.

Info: I love dubstep, even if a lot of people don't. Oh well. <3
-hugs for DA-

Info: I always try to wear a sweatshirt because it makes me comfortable about my body in that it hides what I don't like.

Info: Gonna start working out soon since the only way I can fix how I feel is if I do something about it.
Info: Got work tonight and really not looking forward to it.
Info: Thinking about taking a nap. I've been taking naps almost every day.
Info: I met an awesome young lady a while back, we talked properly for the first time last night. She confessed she really liked me, but was looking for a jewish guy and due to her current transitions she wasn't sure if she'd be the right girl for me.

Info: I finally moved around some furniture and grouted my bathroom.

Info: I've been lazy since then.
Fact: I've been stuck in school for five years, I'd much rather have a job at this point.

Fact: I try to appear like a hardass but I really like sappy love stories among the gloom and gore.
Fact: I Need to remember that artists are their own worst critics
Fact: My body is so weird...I think some wiring is loose.
Fact: First day sober in a week and a half.
Fact: I fucking love university.
Fact: YOFO (You only Frosh Once)
Info: I have more resistance to sexual advances in relationships than I do outside of them. Why? Because I like having fun and I like having sex, but find that a relationship needs more build up than sex does.

Info: Being on top isn't as awful as I thought - especially when I don't think about how I look when on top and just go with it.

Info: Yup, last night was great.
I was sub for eighteen months back in college, and never will again. The Dom side is too strong.

I went to school to become a minister originally.

I remember watching every series in the NBC's "Must See TV" line-up the eight years it really was must see from series pilot to series finale.
I recently found out one of my relatives was a important lawyer for the Kennedy family... no wonder my bullshit tolerance is so low. LOL
Info: Might get laid tomorrow. Feeling pretty pumped about it.
Info: Gonna need to stock up on condoms at this rate. I only have like...one left. D;
Info: I like reading through my RPs if I haven't responded in a good while to refresh my memory.
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