Random Info About You

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Info: Watched "Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey." It still gets me like the first time I watched it. I love this movie. <3 <3

Info: I like spending movie time with my roommate. =]
Info: My roommate can be annoying because she'll take forever in the bathroom and then look at me like I should have been ready already. It irritates the piss out of me. So I take twice as long as usual just to piss her off. =]

Info: Hungrryyyyyyyyyyyy~
Fact: I work at a college now. The same one I went to school at. I type what is being said in class for a student who is hard of hearing. It's surprisingly stressful. As I'm in all medical classes and I failed anatomy in high school... Needless to say, I feel a bit like the dumbest person in the room.
Fact: My apartment has 2 full bathrooms, my roommates and I never have to see each other except in the kitchen.

Fact: I should be caulking/grouting said bathroom because our cheap Chinese contractors fucked mine up.

Fact: I can't get over how much I like this floor lamp I got for $20
Fact: As you can notice in the background I'm still pretty much unpacked.
That's ok. Unpacking is a process. I know it well. And the lamp is really nice. I love the spaces on it for the decor. :)

Fact: Notices the lego set in the background. ;)
Fact: There are Oh so many more, mostly unbuilt. The other day I took my little sister to Toys R US and went "I have the police station..I should get the fire house, just in case a fire breaks out in my Lego Town
Fact: That is awesome!
Fact: I've already started scoping the lego sets for when my son is a bit older.
Fact: Can't wait to do them with him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Info: If you couldn't tell, I'm getting impatient waiting, but he's still a tad bit young for them... nearly there though.
I'd say get em now

Fact: I found out one of the sets I own, if it were still in Box would be worth almost $400, and I bought it for $50 back in 2004 I think.
DAMN! Hrmmm..... maybe I can have him pick out what ones he likes. Then we can work on them when he's older. Good idea. lol. XD I saw some interesting looking sets the other day.... *nod nod*

Fact: My son likes legos (just haven't done sets yet)
Fact: He likes to build random towers and stuff with them.
Info: I've been buying my brother lego sets since I was about 12 and he was 15. He's now 25 and I still buy him legos.
Info: Thinking I might let my natural hair color come back in and see how it looks. Not sure yet.
Info: I can't wait for this weekend.
Fact: I miss Legos. I used to have a medieval castle that I must have given serious remodels to a good dozen times, eventually incorporating any other sets I could get my hands on. It was eventually a knightninjapirate hybrid castle, among others.
Fact: There's a store in New York devoted entirely to Legos(and a second I know of that has its own enormous section). It's pretty boss.
Fact: I now have four Yo-Yo Ma CDs. I'm not entirely sure when this happened. Well, technically it happened Saturday.
Fact: I just found out I have jury duty the day Borderlands 2 comes out. God? You're kind of a prick, bro.
Fact: Omw to NYC for a concert in an hour or so. Can't friggin' wait.
Fact: My real first name is Sky..~
Fact: One of my childhood dreams was to fly like a bird.. Or be a bird, for that matter.. Shame that's pretty much impossible~
Fact: I'd rather write a story about flying, rather than actually flying.
Fact: I love apples, and pretty much anything to do with apples~
Fact: Sky's name makes me think about the most recent Legend of Zelda game, Skyward Sword. Specifically about flying around the skies upon your bird.
Fact: I splurged way too much money recently on some rare CDs. The music is all gorgeous though, so I can forgive myself. >.>
Fact: A week later and I've yet to dig into even half the stuff I received on my birthday. That's a cool feeling, to have plenty of awesome shit just waiting for me to get around to. Like aces up my sleeve or something.
Fact: Two days oooffffff~ this is the time of week where my sanity finds restoration.
Mists of Panderia Comes out on the 25th of this month... YAY

...I am a hardcore Warcraft fanatic... I just hope that this expansion does not disappoint me.
Info: I have had the worst headache I've had in a long while today.
Info: My special meds I'm now on prevents these headaches a fair amount of the time now.... thank god.
Info: This one had me bed ridden for a few hours.
Info: Still have the head pain, but it's subsided to functional after my daily med, a couple doses of OTC meds, Imitrex and several hours of bed rest.
Info: At least it's on its way out.......
-hugs for DA-

Info: First day of the new work schedule and got to meet some of the new people who are working. One is really tall and cute. He's not particularly handsome or anything but he's cute.
Info: So loving my Riddick RP. Like seriously loving it.
Info: I love how easily I'm able to write for it and how I look forward to writing for it each time it's my turn to post.
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