Random Info About You

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Info: Thinks the site I was using to watch my anime crashed my work computer twice so I'm not watching from there anymore. gotta figure out if another site has it. D:
Info: Only fired a real pistol twice in my life and was 5 points away from a perfect score on my last qualification.
Info: Last day of work before my three-day weekend starts.
Info: Putting together my wolf costume for nature theme night at my club
Info: Getting totally sloshed this weekend.
Fact: I think my microwave is dying.
Fact: What would normally take 2 minutes to get this dish blistering hot is now taking 7.
Fact: Fucking hell! I'll kill you microwave! I swear ta God I will! >8U Just cook the food, dammit!
Fact: If I take this out and it's cold as ice again, I'll... I'll need someone to help me hide the body.
Fact: My body it seems destroyed my Hep B immunity.
I now have to get reimmunized.
Yay shots and blood tests till they see it pop up again

Fact: Tested again, HIV negative, woo
Basically the weakened form of it that was supposed to be in my body was wiped out. When you're immunized against it you should test positive for it. I didn't though I've been immunized against it...twice now.
Fact: I wanna make a movie where all the characters are cautious and careful people. At the climax of the film, the two rivals meet face to face on a steep and rocky ravine, intent on killing each other, but before they duke it out, one of them says, "Let's find more level ground to battle on, away from that edge there." And the other guy says "Agreed, that's simply not very safe."
Fact: *stars in eyes* Yeah... just like that...
Fact: My hair is officially red again.
Info: My car has been fixed.
Info: Still have to change into proper clothes
Info: Looking forward to clubbing tonight and shenanigans.
Info: My shoulder freakin' hurts.
Info: Sad my daughter is getting bigger.
Info: My daughter starts ballet class today.
Info: My son starts preschool soon.
Info: My son is skipping the 4yr class to be with the 5yr olds who are still a bit young to be in kindergarten. >.<
Info: The weather is finally freakin' 'normal' and what I consider a decent summer.
Info: I still would rather it be winter time. >.>
Fact: Finally killed my microwave.
Fact: Gonna need someone to help me haul it to the junkyard. Gonna need a non-judgmental volunteer.
Fact: The guys working at the dump will probably think I have some sort of really weird fetish because I wrote words like "whore" "slut" and "Clancy Brown" all over it.
Yoshie said:
Fact: I hate doing projects for school
Fact: I like school
Fact: I fuckin hate Linux

Fact: My boy's job has an opening for someone who knows Linux and Unix kernels..starting pay is 87. K, wish I was more familiar with both.
Info: Watching movies with my roommate since my work schedule is whatever I want for the rest of the week.
Info: Gonna slowly being adjusting my sleep schedule.
Anansi said:
Yoshie said:
Fact: I hate doing projects for school
Fact: I like school
Fact: I fuckin hate Linux

Fact: My boy's job has an opening for someone who knows Linux and Unix kernels..starting pay is 87. K, wish I was more familiar with both.

Well I do not know it that well but gimme more details on the job please... I can operate from the command prompt and set up files and junk
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