Random Info About You

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Info: I wish I had money for tattoos and piercings right now. I really want to get them.
Info: Alas! I have to be responsible.
Info: Working early today. Getting out in four hours, woo!
Info: Might be coming down with a cold.
Fact: I'm trying to start doing that Raw Foods Diet but I'm discovering that I am scared of cold vegetables. This is gonna be tough. =/
Fact: My friend spent all day in the hospital.. and they told her to "wait it out and see what happens".

Happened to me once. I had gall bladder disease. Had to wait 4 months for surgery because they fucked it up that badly...

Sometimes I hate Canadian health care. Sure, it's free. But the doctors don't actually check for anything. YOU have to tell them what you think it is. Hell, it was the receptionist who finally diagnosed me properly.
Info: Definitely think my roommate gave me her cold and I can't afford to be sick. Medicine, medicine, medicine.
Info: getting a headache is not an option right now! GO AWAY HEADACHE. >_<
Info: Also, blowing your nose with a nose ring is the weirdest sensation.
info: Been soooo busy with my kids these days, but in good ways.
info: Can't believe my son starts preschool on Monday and that he'll be doing 5 days a week! @_@
info: My kids are growing up way too quickly......
wait until they hit double digits before you start saying that. xD

Info: still sick but hopefully on the mend.
Info: My girlfriend is finally home on leave! I'm so happy.
Info: Working for a few hours and then heading out to see my mum~
Info: Celebrated my birthday a bit with my friends yesterday.
Info: Friend paid for my dinner (although he had a coupon and basically I ate for free)
Info: He forced me to take a shot with him.
Fact: The Kraken... Damn strong rum...
Wandering thought: When they open a bottle of The Kraken, do they say "Release the Kraken!" every time?
sinfulrook said:
Info: Celebrated my birthday a bit with my friends yesterday.
Info: Friend paid for my dinner (although he had a coupon and basically I ate for free)
Info: He forced me to take a shot with him.
Fact: The Kraken... Damn strong rum...
Wandering thought: When they open a bottle of The Kraken, do they say "Release the Kraken!" every time?

I sure as hell would! But I don't drink rum anymore.. too many nights of me taking off my clothes and then being unable to find my pants.

Info: I'm wearing a dress tonight. It's kind of strange..
Fact: Cannot WAIT to get my ears pierced. Ahhhh one more week.
Fact: Gonna find the most guido square earrings out there.
Fact: Waiting suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks.
Info: I want to get my nipples pierced and get a piercing gun to pierce my ears a few times. But it's probably cheaper to go to the Piercing Pagoda and get that done since they only charge you for the earrings.

Info: Last night was epic. I had so much fun.
Info: Had been really really drunk.
Info: I had one Red Death drink and then I don't remember how many shots. I think like 7. I dunno. Lol.
Info: Got the sense I should update some stuff... so, I did.
Info: I wonder what that'll bring if anything.
Info: *just waits... and waits and waits and waits* I do a lot of that.
Info: Didn't realize I fell asleep for about twenty minutes until I saw a new show was on TV.
Info: Crawling into bed and going to sleep early for once.
Fact: I didn't know that the voice of Count von Count's voice actor (Jerry Nelson) died recently....he was one of my favorite characters in all of television.
Anansi said:
Fact: I didn't know that the voice of Count von Count's voice actor (Jerry Nelson) died recently....he was one of my favorite characters in all of television.

I saw that the other day, made me really sad... I'll never be able to count the same way. :(
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