Random Info About You

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I'd take both of those as a compliment. Means you're hot stuff. ;D

Info: Addicted to the song that Rudolph Quin linked me to. I HATE YOU BUT I LOVE YOU FOR IT.
Info: Plan on getting some of the lyrics as part of my Raichu tattoo.
PredatoryFantasia said:
Fact: This daylight savings time thing has me all fucked up. Happens every time.

Same here. Woke up with my alarm and didn't realize until I was practically ready to walk out the door that it was 8 and not 9, like I thought.

Hahvoc The Opast said:
Info: Addicted to the song that Rudolph Quin linked me to. I HATE YOU BUT I LOVE YOU FOR IT.
Info: Plan on getting some of the lyrics as part of my Raichu tattoo.

You're so very welcome! >8U
Fact: Have been thoroughly enjoying myself since returning to the site.
Additional Bonus Fact: Between my personal RPs and the group RPs that I am currently planning to be involved in, I think that I may be capped out.
Info: Loves his RP partners
Info: The month of November is going to suck for me
Fact: Two Steps From Hell is a f**king awesome band
Info: Went to my grandfather's wake and got to see pictures of him that I had never seen before.
Info: Some of those pictures were in black and white and were absolutely beautiful.
Info: Got to see some childhood friends I haven't seen in years and was happy to see them again.
Info: 800 people came to my grandfather's wake. <3 Despite my dread of crowded places, I'm glad so many people came.
Fact: I really want to get to know all of you cool people.
Fact: James Roday is the hottest of the hot and Psych is my favorite TV show.
Fact: Rudolph Quin has my respect for his avatar and signature.
Info: Went to my Papa's funeral.
Info: Had fun at the reception thing afterwards.
Info: Voted.
Info: Napped.
Info: Still exhausted.
Info: Hasn't worked out since Saturday. Kind of uneasy about this because I don't wanna lose my work out rhythm but with how hectic this week is going to be, I might just do a full restart on Monday.
Info: Beyond freakin' tired for some reason.
Info: Literally cannot keep my eyes open or anything.
Info: Calling it a night and going to bed.
Info: Replies are just going to have to wait otherwise they'd be gibberish nonsense because I'd be falling asleep as I'd be typing...... having a hard enough time typing this, lolol..... >.<
Info: Got a lot of sleep the past couple nights too even with the waking up early (because of going to sleep earlier). So weird. I blame the time change.
Fact: I have the urge to draw a bunch of realistic penises and I don't know why. Someone help. Does cold medicine have an expiration date?
Info: Considering all the shit I went through in the past week and a half, I thought I was gonna do wicked shitty.
Info: I feel so amazing right now, you have no idea.
Fact: Hahvy is a buttsecksing menacing evil witch with black cats, hobo skull pants and crucified midget twins on her bathroom wall.
Fact: Too afraid to check whats in the tub.
Fact: halp.
Fact: You've started a war you can't finish.
Fact: She smells because she cant shower, water will kill her.
Fact: she didn't deny the midget twins. OHSHITWHAT.
Fact: She smells.
Info: He has glasses and has no idea what he's typing because he's too blind from touching himself at night!
Info: He says he's going to kill me.
Info: Still trying to figure out how he's going to accomplish this.
Fact: Miracles and orphan babies get adopted when I touch myself btw. And my glasses is to try and see Hahvy's micropenis.
Fact: i dont have to kill her, she just has to go out outside in the rain.
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