Random Info About You

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Fact: One of my dearest friends is moving to Boston come Wednesday...it makes me sad.
Fact: I have yet another reason to visit and simultaneously loathe Boston.
Fact: Tattoo consults are most fun!
Info: My newest coloring addition has finally begun to ITCH. ARGH!!!!!!
Info: I can't wait to get more done on my birthday! <3

Fact: Loves hugs from DA!~ :3 -Hugs back;
Fact: Got my copy of Dragon's Dogma yesterday.
:D I also have OBLD Obsessive Bellatrix Lestrange disorder that's probably the most noticeable of all of them.

Fact: When Molly Weasley killed Bellatrix in DH2 I was the only one in the room screaming NO!
Anansi said:
Fact: I need to learn to have sex faster..takes way too long.

I thought I was the only guy who got told to hurry up because I last long enough that they're in pain before I finish.

Kind of an ego boost but still

Fact: I was at work just 5 minutes before a kid spit in my face.
Fact: I've got to go back in 4 hrs..it takes me[/quote] 1.5 to get home
Fact: read the first Black Dagger Brotherhood novel not too long ago.

Fact: can see why the romance novel crowd would be impressed.

Fact: I've read too much vampire fiction and played too much Vampire RPG to like it. Hell, I PLAYED some of these characters. But darker and more morally complicated. And twenty years ago.

Fact: was also annoyed that the author couldn't seem to type the word "boot." It's not hard, lady! Four fucking letters! Two of them the same! Calling them "shitkickers" isn't actually edgy or exciting, particularly if you don't call them anything but that.


Fact: may have a couple of pet peeves about that book.
--+Hahvoc Requiem+-- said:
Info: LOVES THE BDB Series. Piss off, MM. =P

Info: Will be gone for about five days.

Info: Will probably only be reached via text message.

Observation: You'll note my Fact #2 admitted that I can see why others would enjoy it. It's just that I don't, in large part because of my own life experiences with vampire fiction.

Enjoy it while you can, love; as you read more and more, you'll outgrow it soon enough. For my generation, it was Sweet Valley High books and Flowers in the Attic and its sequels.

I still find the "shitkickers" thing amateurish and dumb.
I've read plenty of vampire fiction, thank you. You act like it's a "phase" series. It's not Twilight. I like the term shitkickers because it's different than "boots." That's a term I see all over the place. That was a new one for me when I started reading her stuff. I love the fact that her books aren't sappy romance. It has violence, death, and all that good stuff I like. You have your opinion and I have mine.

Info: Hot showers are awesome. <3
As someone from a previous generation.... yep, dating myself.... I have to back Hahvy here. Love the series and I hardly find it 'phase' or 'amateur'. I've also read a fair bit of vampire books and I also read a bit as well. So....... yep.
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