Random Info About You

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I am currently eating scrambled eggs and bacon, with a glass of milk, for a late lunch. Oh yes. Bacon everywhere. Cheese on everything.

It's a wonder I'm not three hundred pounds.
Info: Has to call the doctor's office, vet, internet companies, school.
Fact: I really need to stop procrastinating.
Has it really been six years? Goddamn, dude.

Info: Mood has barely improved. However, my like of bioshock 2 has improved. This game frustrates me enough that I want to play it more even with the hundreds of deaths I will grant myself.
Fact: Thinks that someone should create a thread in this section and everyone that's ever interacted with Hahvy should put a summary/clip/photo of some memorable moment with her in there. Maybe it would cheer her up. Or mortify her so badly that she couldn't help but laugh.
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