Random Info About You

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--+Hahvoc Requiem+-- said:
Feral needs a vibrator.

Info: Been feeling antsy and annoyed all day. MUST BE THAT MOON.
Info: Sunday can't come fast enough. =/
Info: Spending the day with my wonderful mum. <3

I might could help you with feeling antsy, not so much anything else. haha
Fact: Broke a tooth last night, ate 100 mg liquid gels like they were tictacs, surprised I'm alive.
Rave said:
Fact: Women can also get blue balls.
Fact: My life has been a lie.

Duh. You think only men can be sexually frustrated to the point of pain? =P

Info: Watching The Final Destination. Which should have been the last movie in the series. But it's not.

Lyra - Oh la la~

Info: Relaxing at my mum's place.
Fact: I have a major thing for people who wear glasses. Anyone looks cuter with glasses to me.
Fact: I would sooner die than give up my own glasses, contact lenses are satanic and laser surgery is pure insanity.
Info: Been watching House MD for the first time, House is fucking awesome, best attitude ever.

Fact: Got new glasses on Friday.
Info: Currently obsessing over them.
Fact: I've been cleaning all day.
Face: I fail at cleaning because my room is still looking pretty horrible.

Fact: Cleaned room until four in the morning yesterday.
Info: We were going to paint it today.
Fact: My mother decided not to paint today and wait a couple weeks to do it.
Fact: FML.
Info: I'm soooooo fucking tired.
Fact: I need to go bed earlier.
Info: I'm feeling a bit heart broken.
Fact: It's brought on by several events in the span of a few days.
Info: Still excited to get my tattoo finished, though.
Fact: 8 days! Yea boyyyyy.
Fact: Isn't all the excited for this week.
Fact: Tuesday: Customer Service Presentation, Wednesday: Event Planning Presentation, Thursday: Business Communications Presentation.
Fact: Not to mention my lip is super swollen because a drunk bitch hit me in the face the other night.
I am not a happy camper.
Fact: I got oral surgery at a college dental clinic
Fact: My teeth and bones are so hard the doctor got fed up and drilled a little too deep
Fact: Local anaesthesia is finally almosy gone 4 hrs later
Fact: About to use vicodin for the first time but wondering if I should wait for the pain which I was assured will decimate me.
Fact: When Zal is under the influence of alcohol he realizes a few things:
1. I want to bite things like mad. >.>
2. I really wanna snuggle like mad.
3. I also get super duper drowsy.
Fact: Got a job at this fancy golf resort place.
Zalvek said:
Fact: When Zal is under the influence of alcohol he realizes a few things:
1. I want to bite things like mad. >.>
2. I really wanna snuggle like mad.
3. I also get super duper drowsy.

I'm like that too, minus the biting... usually.
Info: Today has been an extremely disturbing day in many ways for me.... and it seems to be continuing in that vein still. I hope it ends soon. I really do.
Fact: I love that people think blackpeoplemeet.com is bigoted but don't want to say it because they think they'll sound racist.

Fact: Finally decided on what kind of outfit I want a character of mine to be dressed in.
Info: Only took me over a year. Epic. Fail.
Fact: Trying to get to writing starters and attempting to work on my stories.
Fact: Videos on youtube are keeping me from doing so.
Info: Is a distracted, lazy ass.
Fact: I have 666 PM's.
Info: I don't know why it amuses me as much as it does.
Fact: I have this weekend off.
Info: Have tons of things to do. Not going to do any of them, except laundry and spending Mother's Day with Mom.
Fact: Weather is retarded.
Fact: It's extremely warm but won't stop raining.
Question: The hell am I supposed to wear?
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