Random Info About You

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Fact: I wish I hadn't cleaned the entire pharmacy today, because now I'll have nothing to do tomorrow. Except out-dates, but that's terribly boring and tedious.
Fact: Got a ticket after going out to get something to eat.
Fact: Now I have a reason to drink while I eat.
Fact: Some company would be wonderful right now.
Feral.Desires said:
Info: Thinks it's sweet that Rook would offer her comfort.
Info: Apparently we are just the un-sleep.

Fact: I'ma put you to bed, bed, bed.

Fact: Part of my duties is helping patients sleep.
Info: Got really sloshed last night. It was fucking amazing. I need to create shots of the Redheaded slut. So good.
Info: Kissed a bouncer and a hot chick last night. So much win.
Info: Also managed to score a date with said bouncer.
Info: To top it off, my roommate is making bacon.
Info: This morning is epic.

Fact: I posted my picture on the site today. Eeep.
Fact: It's way too early for me to still be awake.
Fact: I hate California heat in the summer time.
Info: I want to steal some of Hahvy's bacon.
Info: No bacon for Michie! It's all gone.
Info: Feeling pretty exhausted. Not happy about it.
Info: The weather still sucks.
Info: Trying to make the most of my day.
Fact: Completely agrees with Hahvy - this weather does suck.
Fact: Tattoo appointment Thursday at 10AM
Info: I shall be posting a picture. However it's only going to be half completed. Only doing like 4 hours, have to make a second appointment for the color.

Fact: Is a sad Michie since Hahvy didn't share bacon with her.
Fact: Went on an editing spree yesterday.
Info: California weather is bipolar.
Fact: I made some awesome pasta for dinner.
Sorry, Michie~

Good luck, Zal. <3

Info: Today is a bit better.
Info: Still wicked tired. I took melatonin and everything and still slept awfully.
Info: I am seriously considering buying some sleeping pills or something.
Info: My back wisdom tooth is fully erupted now...
Fact: I'm in so much fucking pain I could slam my head right through a wall... Fix it... and then do it again.
Fact: Painkillers would be nice.
Fact: as much as I hate walmart, you can't argue with 70 bucks getting you 4 shirts and a pair of leggings.
Fact: I tried on a green dress and i love it. Too bad I would never wear it.
Fact: I took a picture in that dress. I'm damn sexy.

S'okay, Hahvy. Still love you. :3

Fact: Hopes that Feral feels better! Wisdom tooth pain is horrible.
Fact: Woke up around seven this morning to my brother giving me McDonalds for breakfast.
Fact: Total fat ass now.
Info: I'm considering finally getting to work on some writing and drawings.
Fact: I'm a lazy ass.
Info: Notte bought me flowers. I was very happy to set them on my kitchen table and just stare at them. They are now the background on my phone.

Info: Still coping, but things like this take time. But all my friends and the good things that have been coming my way have helped.

Info: One more week of school before finals. Soooo much work to get done. X_x
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