Random Info About You

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Fact: Will not be sleeping tonight in order to finish up my Graphics final project.
Fact: My best friend is moving in a few weeks and it's now just clicking with me that she's going away. :<
-gives Zal hugs-

Info: My roommate is crying because she doesn't know how to feel about the hockey game. XD it's really funny! And she just asked for sedatives. XD I love her.
Fact: I'm going to see "The Raven" on Saturday -hopefully- but I need to take my nine-year-old sister with me. It's cool to hang out with her and shit, and I'm taking my Mommy too, but I'm afraid my mother will say "no pick a different movie" because she's only nine.


Please oh please don't make me pick a different one.

I'm twenty years old and I live on my own and I still have to do what she tells me.


Info: It's 90% likely I'll end up picking a different movie.
I can't decide if I want a tattoo or not (I don't have any).

On one hand, it is something that has personal meaning to me.
On the other hand, I think I might be too old and tired for such nonsense.
Info: Tired. The rain is bugging me.
Info: Roommate made BOMB steak last night.
Info: Been playing this weird game called Indigo Prophecies.
Info: Work is so hectic. Omg, so many books. @_@
Fact: Thought I left Hamlet back in high school, nope. Apparently, my english proff quotes Hamlet just because he loves it so much.
Fact: If I have to hear him say 'WOE IS ME" one more time, I'm going to stab him.

Fact: Rave, I'll stab him for you. Evil Hamlet. Evil.
Fact: I'm super tired right now.
Fact: I wish I had a new bed to sleep in.
Fact: I want some candy.
Info: Sidetracked mind, FTW.
Info: Tired and annoyed by stupidity.
Info: Just because a cat appears to be sleeping doesn't mean it won't strike when you come near.
Info: My roommate's cat is fascinated with my things.
Info: I'm lovingly called his Daddy.
Haven't posted in a while, but feel a bit compelled.

Fact: Loving the new group RP I'm running/doing... much fun abounds!
Info: Didn't think I'd be saying that, but heh..... I am.
Info: Hooray for Harry Potter!
Fact: Off to see the Avengers premiere at midnight tonight.
Fact: Cannot be more excited.
Fact: I will make Scarlet Johanson my wife.
Fact: I love reading dirty stories
Fact: but I can't stand how in every story about a girl losing her virginity they always talk as though its this barrier of skin that is super painful to the girl.
Fact: the hymen is a small layer of skin along the side wall of the uterus, and most woman who use tampons break there hymen without realising it...
Fact: if that's what it takes to loose your virginity then I lost mine eight years before the first time I had intercourse.
Fact: Every movie I've ever seen up till the Avengers is now garbage.
Fact: IT WAS SO GOOD -jizz-
Feral needs a vibrator.

Info: Been feeling antsy and annoyed all day. MUST BE THAT MOON.
Info: Sunday can't come fast enough. =/
Info: Spending the day with my wonderful mum. <3
Dude. I don't even think that'd do it. This is fucking wicked. D: But I hear ya, been antsy, feels like someone rubbed Icy Hot all over me (warm up, cool tingle, rinse, repeat) and... Rawr..
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