Random Info About You

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Fact: I just played TF2 for three hours straight.
Fact: Yay for 400+ points on a 24/7 server.
Fact: Girl just told me she didn't want to date me because I was too affectionate. Then hit on. and kissed my friend before I even left the bar. After kissing me for half the night.
Fact: It seems guys who will "Keep you a secret" is what some girls want...oh well, time to move on.
Fact: I grew out of wanting a 'bad boy' when I was thirteen.
Fact: Finding a guy that doesn't mind me playing excessive video games (and kicking his ass in them) is hard too. XD
Info: I'm getting my tattoo in 8 days!
Fact: It's going to take more than one session to complete and upwards of 8 hours...
Fact: I'm super fucking excited. <3
Info: Feeling drained. I think I should nap before the study-a-thon starts since I have a lab practical that might just kick my ass later. =/ Wish me luck.
--+Hahvoc Requiem+-- said:
Info: Feeling drained. I think I should nap before the study-a-thon starts since I have a lab practical that might just kick my ass later. =/ Wish me luck.

You go take the bull by the horn!

In other news, I'm feeling like this is gonna be a reeeaaallyyyy long day.
Thanks, Mystiq. That was a fucking rough test. @_@
Info: My arms keep shaking every time I try to get some food into my mouth. Why? Because I carried a 15lb box about a half mile with very little upper body strength.
Info: My work out for the day. Now if only I can eat without biting myself again.
Fact: I do not enjoy pizza rolls without ranch.
Fact: I am currently forcing myself to eat pizza rolls without ranch because I am hungry.
Fact: I surely am annoyed that I forgot to buy ranch.
Fact: I just went to see A Cabin in the Woods.
Fact: It's sadly one of the better movies I've seen this year.
Info: I wonder if Dysy wouldn't mind having HER ass kicked at video games once in a while by a guy ;P
Fact: I too play tons of the vidya, wouldn't mind a girlfriend who does the same.
Fact: At that point where tired doesn't mean anything to me...
Info: Dammit, why must steam have such awesome game sales! >.<
Info: Was woken up at 4am by now ex-boyfriend turning around in bed like crazy.
Info: Had McDonalds today, waking up at 4am was like triggering an explosive reaction in my stomach.
Fact: Starting to feel a little better, life goes on and all that, woo~
Fact: I wish more people were awake at stupid hours like this.

Info: Rook/Dysy, you guys need to stop talking about videogames before I go and kick both of your asses. >:D
Fact: Some major beef went down last night. The line has been drawn in the sand.
Fact: I had some fun ripping a guy a new asshole verbally.
Fact: He deserves to have every bad thing happen to him, he is the scum of the earth.
Fact: So glad I only have to endure crazy school and work schedules for a few more weeks.
Fact: Anxious to see what the summer work schedule will be.
Fact: I want to work full-time already, because at least then I'll have vacation hours!!
Fact: I will gladly take up Sinfulrook on that challenge. >:3
Info: Actually went out for the first day in several weeks today.
Fact: I'm a fucking hermit.
Info: I want to be mad at you and scream and everything but I can't stop crying.
Info: Eventually I'll pull myself together and get through the rest of today.
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