Random Info About You

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Fact: That was boss.

Fact 2: I'm becoming increasingly more jealous with the attention the girls of my friend group give the guy I'm crushing on-- whom they all know about too.
Fact 3: All the women (except two) that are in my circle are bitches.
Fact: Feeling a bit mopey despite a fantastic day.
Fact: Gonna to to bed early, methinks. Gonna be a long three days 'till Wednesday.
Info: Been having a mild headache the past two days. It's like when something is bugging you that you can't quite remember.
Info: Bombed one of my exams. Got a 56. Now I have to wait to see how I did on the other two. x_x I know one of them I aced, the other one I'm not so sure of.
Info: I get paid minimum wage for a job that offers no career progression and is generally dodgy
Info: I'm trapped in a town full of cliques where you can only meet other people if you have lived here for years.
Info: I look in the mirror and I think I look stupid. It may not be like that, but it feels that way
Info: I have trouble fighting the urges to say needless and stupid things and I end up being a hypocrite in the best of cases
Info: I have no faith un humanity or society. I respect and love animals more than I will do for any human and I guess that makes me uneven with my existance
Info: All the friends I had are nowhere near me and the only people I can count on are family who are too busy with their children. No matter how sick I feel, I can't bring myself to bother them
Info: I recently pushed away the one person that understood and loved me because I kept on asking for more like a spoilt child.

Fact: I'm all alone now.... And the weight inside my chest that a few days ago was just an annoying flare has become a weight that I just can't carry.... It's so unbareable I can't believe it's real.
Opinion/Quote: It's always darkest before the dawn.

Info: I can take 50 photo's of myself and keep, maybe, 1-3.
Fact: Camera's hate me.

Info: I'm currently uncertain with how I feel about a variety of issues, but there's someone to make me smile.
Fact: I was never very good at these things.

Info: I drew up a vague idea for my arm tattoo.
Fact: My consultation is set for Wednesday.

Fact: The new episode of Adventure Time was adorable. <3
Fact: I took a shower last night, and went to bed with my hair still wet. When I woke up I magically gained an afro.
Fact: I get to do my Boss's job while she is away to Japan for a month.
Fact: Oh did I mention that I work at a Sushi Bar now?
Fact: If I learn to mix drinks, I might be able to work her bar too.
Fact: I'm kickin' ass
Fact: Unexpected 2 am wake ups are ugh.
Fact: iPhone conquers boredom once again.
CyanideDisaster said:
Fact: Got Friend-zoned.

Tis better than "We can sleep together but only if I can sleep with anyone and you sleep with only me"-zoned
Info: Gonna have to get a new debit card because someone tried to steal about 125 dollars from me. Thanks, asshole. You're making my life a lot more stressful.
Fact: Random bursts of sun = Amazing day.
Fact: Ridiculously warm winter for Canada, has only snowed for like 1 week and feels like summer.
Fact: If you're sexy and you know it put yo' hands up in the air!
Fact: *Does a dance*
Info: Progress has been made with the kitties. I'm so proud of Ziggy. <3
Info: Been sick all week. Fucking sucks.
Info: Hopefully going to Anime Boston tomorrow.
Fact: I just jabbed a needle through my finger today.
Fact: It's a pain to type with.
Fact: The above fact is just a 'no shit, Sherlock' sort of fact.
Fact: The Red Wings, throttle floor-boarded in reverse gear, have still found it impossible to miss the Stanley Cup Play-offs. This from a team who had the best record in the National Hockey League as recently as a month ago.

Opinion: I hope they're all country-music fans, because they give no evidence of going to Nashville to play hockey.
Fact: Stealing the 601'st Page post.
Fact: Wow I'm either really good at this, or I have no life.
Fact: Only my family would crash a resturant, 36 people strong and take up 75% of the tables in the place. I'd have hated to be working today.
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