Random Info About You

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I'm in pjs today. Feeling so lazy today, it isn't even funny. I also should be studying for my math test.
Fact: Is probably going to try to cook a cheesy enchilada
Fact: Is thinking of doing a dream diary. I may mostly get mundane dreams but there are some interesting ones I have.
Fact: Dreamed of the following things: Feeling the earth literally rotate, Running through a field of swords, Jumping from a stair case and floating gently down the ground to meet Mario and Luigi, and walking with my high school crush on a beach, finding an egg on said beach and cooking it on the sand. I can remember the sizzling.
Fact: I'm going to work in a bear hat - uniforms be damned tonight.
Fact: I have a quesadilla in my pocket.
Fact: My computer thinks "quesadilla" is spelled wrong.
Fact: A lot of times, I'm afraid I'll say something stupid.
Fact: It's during these times that what I say to avoid sounding stupid ends up sounding stupid. ^ ^;

Unrelated fact: I'm making epic Chili tonight, with stir-fry beef, ground beef, red peppers, Jalapeno peppers, and... I forgot what the pepper was named, but it's big and is spicy but not as much as a Jalapeno?
Related fact: If it's good, I'll post the recipe.
Fact: I watched Adventure Time with Lauren.
Fact: It is so much win.
Fact: We're thinking of cosplaying some character. She's going to be girl Finn and I was going to be the Vampire who's name has escaped me momentarily.

Fact: Finallu getting a break after a hellish week. I'm gonna to sleep and sing now.
Fact: Yes, in that order.
Info: Part of me wants to add more people on fetlife..another part of me realizes that working as I do it could end poorly.
Fact: I'm feeling a bit down lately. Both physically and emotionally.
Fact: One is 'cause I'm sickly and two is because the loneliness is starting to get to me.
Fact: It's not because I'm alone, no no. I'm around people all day. I just mean... the few people I want to notice me will be completely drawn to my tall, thin, blonde, beautiful friends where as I just kind of stand there and sigh. As I am neither, tall, thin, blonde, nor beautiful. I can pass for 'cute' though, which is akin to an insult if you ask me.
Fact: I have green hair *no for the last time its not a wig* and wear strange make up combinations.
Fact: Im too strange in real life it actually makes people horrified when I come into work wearing my steampunk get up
Fact: I sleep in my underwear and usually walk around (even when my housemates are there) in my underwear. I only get dressed if I have to go outside into the real world for work
Fact: I consider myself the dirt under everyones shoe. And I think that when I say hi to people I imagine myself as this little piece of dirt saying HELLLO UP THERE HOWS THE WEATHER

Fact: I went to the States today and bought an alarm clock
Fact: I just got home and I've been playing with the alarm clock for a while
Fact: Got it working, now lets figure out the iPod thing. x3
Fact: Job Fair tomorrow.
Fact: My resume sucks.
Fact: Super worried I won't get it :/
Fact: back in town and itching for some rp!
Fact: so nostalgic! Feels like nothing's changed and yet so much has.

Info: Ziggy was sorta introduced to the new kitten because the kitten had his paw sticking out from under my roommate's door. Ziggy sniffed it and seemed okay but then the kitten started wiggling his paw so Ziggy hissed and then walked over to me like, "mommy.....I don't like it. D:" It was pretty funny.
Fact: Got a new mouse from my parents for my birthday. It's so fuckin' sexy. <3
Fact: It's also STUPID SENSITIVE. D:
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