Random Info About You

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Fact: I have a habit of picking songs based on two things:

1. Lyrics
2. Beat/Flow

Fact: Within the last eight months I actually can't find a song in which I like both.
Fact: My absolute favorite song is "Iris" by the Goo Goo Dolls.
Fact: That song fits both of my criteria. : )
Fact: I've been enjoying Parov Stellar all day, particularly "The Paris Swing Box" album
Fact: Got my girlfriend so worked up last night that she didn't realize not only how hard she was digging her nails into my back, but that she left a massive love bite on the side of my neck.
Info: This morning, she says, "I thought I was being gentle! D:"
Fact: I laughed. Hard.
Info: Sometimes you realize you're alone. And that's really all there is.
Info: Making cookies because baking helps me feel better and well, I like cookies.
Info: Sometimes I wish I hadn't had him sleep over a few times, or else I wouldn't miss the "waking up with someone there" feeling. Oh well. Hindsight.
Info: Had one of those "Going to Work" Dreams. I hate those dreams.
Info: is close to getting another job which hopefully doesn't push my patience to its breaking point(And for me That's saying a lot! I happen to be a very patient person but geez my current manager somehow miraculously pushes it.) the way my current job does.
Info: Is working on his taxes. Wonders if I'll get a sizable return this year.
Info: Would love to travel the world some day. Been a life long dream. Would particularly like to go to Britain, Japan and China. Though I Might be due for another trip to the Philippines sometime next year or on 2014. Another grand family reunion. Nice to see the hundreds of cousins I have. Hopefully they won't flood into Barakai with us. Didn't exactly appreciate the accommodations I and my immediate family had to take when we made the trip with them.
Info: Feels as if he's reached a cross roads in his life. Wonders if I should be feeling dread or just sad that it's reached this point.
Fact: I woke up to a drunk call tonight - and now I can't sleep.
Fact: My back is covered in scratches now - thanks to my cat having a nightmare (she sleeps on my back).
Fact: I'm hungry.
Fact: I'm a huge hockey fan.
Fact: My team won tonight - can't wait to see if they make it to the Play-Offs.
Info: My Saturday consisted of the Bruins winning, finishing my boots, seeing my girlfriend, and enjoying a wonderful DKM concert before coming home.
Info: And now it's Sunday and I have to work. And it's beautiful out. D:
Fact: Just got back to my apartment from spring break

Fact: I still have to finish my homework that I set aside to be completed over spring break

Fact: Instead of doing said homework, I am eagerly awaiting my RP partner's replies :p
Info: I'm so glad I don't have a Twitter because it seems to me that some of the most stupid, arrogant, ignorant fuckwads all have one.
Info: I'm melting at work. D:
Info: Having a fun day.
Info: Thinks Hahvoc needs a warm hug. :)
Info: I've had some unfair things happen to me just because of missunderstandings. And that just upsets. >.<
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