Random Info About You

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Fact: My butt hurts from sitting in this chair too long, but the other chair is too soft.

Info: With you on that, Feral.
Info: Gonna have a drink and enjoy the rest of my night. No more snacking as it is now 10pm.
Info: I'd really love snuggles.
Fact: I wooed a young woman with lyrics she knew were from a song about luring women to a lake and murdering them.

Fact: I'm faaaaatttttttt
Fact: Easter was great, even if it was just me and my parents.
Fact: Lithuanian tradition for Easter is odd, but still fun to me, it's a little competition!
Fact: Drank champagne mixed with X-Rated Fusion (french vodka, passion fruit, red orange, and mango mix in a bottle), it tasted great.
Info: About half an hour later, I felt buzzed, and then it went away another half hour later.
Info: Well I guess that chapter is really closed.
Info: Watching the finale of Being Human!
Info: People still don't surprise me. It kind of makes me l.o.l.
Info: is putting the finishing touches to a post for an rp his partner lost interest in. It may be dead but by god it I'll be the best post I have for that rp!
Info: My cats been antsy ever since I got back from parents house. Gave him a treat.
Info: May take swing dance up again... May not
Info: Hates when guests will be arriving at the house. I get a bit annoyed. Things always get disorderly when I clean. Well Disorderly for me because I tend to miss place my stuff when I clear up my ordered chaos.
Info: For some reason I've been craving elf rps lately. weird.
Info: Is reading Dune and loving it. Been trying to savor every moment of that book. But Alas I'm finishing it to fast.
Fact: I spend way too much time on this site since I've gotten here.
Info: I think this site is twisting my personal preferences for RPs into something... Darker.
Info: I've been spending most of my free time recently playing one of the worst RPGs on the SNES and enjoying the hell out of it.
Fact: I absolutely hate liars and hypocrites. If you're a complete dick, at least be truthful about it, odds are I might like you more that way.
Fact: Flyers are losing 2-0 within the first 9 minutes to the Shitsburgh Penguins.
Info: I turned on Zombieland instead.
Fact: I have no RP posts to reply to.
Info: I would really love some darker-themed, long-term stories. Yep.
Fact: Gonna be up doing lots of homework tonight, methinks.
Fact: Company and snuggles would prolly make it go faster. Or slower. Not too sure on that one.
Fact: I'm pissed.
Fact: I was supposed to get my fucking braces of three years off in one week.
Fact: My Orthodontist found the top of one of my hidden teeth.
Fact: She is no longer taking all my braces off.
Fact: I actually cried.
Fact: The garbage truck that services my complex likes to come around before I wake up...
Fact: The dumpster is 15' from my back window (although I'm second floor).
Info: I'm awake, sneezing and a bit grumpy.
Fact: It disturbed me from a wonderful dream.
Fact: My bed is a queen size and in my dream someone was finally sharing it with me.
Info: Rolling over to discover that side empty actually made me tear up a little.
Info: I'm suddenly all sensitive and feely...
Fact: I'm lazy as hell. To the point where it's a problem.
Other related fact: At least I exercise and I'm not fat or anything.
Other other related fact: I just lack motivation for, well, anything.
Completely random fact: I eat white cheddar cheese with ketchup on it. I also eat my chips in a bowl, with a spoon.
Fact: I have this weekend off.
Desire: To spend every waking minute on this site.
Outcome: Happy Amarena.
Fact: I've been up since four.
Fact: I haven't just been 'up' - I've been at work.
Fact: Fuck these work hours. -.-
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