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I'd done a long post, but it boils down to a) I didn't mean to denigrate anyone's taste, b) I am evaluating by standards that are apparently different from y'alls, since the kind of thing I look for in vampire fiction (hero/monster duality, moral wrestling) were pretty much removed from the vampires in BDB, at least by the lights that I see with, and c) I'm not trying to say I have more experience or taste or anything like that, just that the things that work for me over my career as a vampire/romance/whatever story reader, the first BDB book didn't give me. If y'all find it great, that's wonderful. :)

I suppose it comes down to the fact that I love lots of things that I acknowledge are pretty crap, or I see they're crap now even though I thought they were great back in the day. In those things, I can acknowledge the flaws while still loving the hell out of 'em. I suppose I was predicting you'd see what I was talking about, even though your love for the work still abides. I didn't mean to harsh anyone's mellow.

Oh, and there wasn't supposed to be an insult when it came to "younger readers." It's just I was young when that kind of thing would have appealed to me (as so much like it did, back in the day). With age comes the ability to look frankly at the stuff you love and see where it creaks and doesn't work, even if you still dig it. In a ham-handed way, I wasn't trying to say you would come around to my opinion, just that I figured you'd see what I was criticizing as you broadened out, even if you still loved it. I don't take you as the type to assume a criticism on something you like is tantamount to a personal attack on you. :) It wasn't an insult to you as a youthful adult (or to any adult who likes the series), just more of a "I figure you're a smart enough cookie, you'll see my points eventually, even if you don't get cockblocked by them like I did."
Info: Illinois is way too fucking hot.
Info: I want my cool Salem weather already.
Info: I also want my own bed and to see my baby boy Ziggy.
Info: I hate when my mind churns out such unpleasant thoughts that they upset my stomach.
Info: I'm with my dad and stepmom. No way in hell I can go visit anyone. No car. =/
Info: Near the border of Missouri/Illinois. Like 20 minutes away from St. Louis
Info: Tummy aaaaches. D;
Info: My dad also needs to stop thinking I have health issues just because I'm bigger than he wants me to be. He looked at a bruise on my arm and told me I should get my blood sugar checked.

Fact: It is Hot as fuck up here, and for once its not just because I'm in the room.
Fact: Buyin a Jeep Wrangler in three weeks.
Mr Master said:
I'd done a long post, but it boils down to a) I didn't mean to denigrate anyone's taste, b) I am evaluating by standards that are apparently different from y'alls, since the kind of thing I look for in vampire fiction (hero/monster duality, moral wrestling) were pretty much removed from the vampires in BDB, at least by the lights that I see with, and c) I'm not trying to say I have more experience or taste or anything like that, just that the things that work for me over my career as a vampire/romance/whatever story reader, the first BDB book didn't give me. If y'all find it great, that's wonderful. :)

I suppose it comes down to the fact that I love lots of things that I acknowledge are pretty crap, or I see they're crap now even though I thought they were great back in the day. In those things, I can acknowledge the flaws while still loving the hell out of 'em. I suppose I was predicting you'd see what I was talking about, even though your love for the work still abides. I didn't mean to harsh anyone's mellow.

Oh, and there wasn't supposed to be an insult when it came to "younger readers." It's just I was young when that kind of thing would have appealed to me (as so much like it did, back in the day). With age comes the ability to look frankly at the stuff you love and see where it creaks and doesn't work, even if you still dig it. In a ham-handed way, I wasn't trying to say you would come around to my opinion, just that I figured you'd see what I was criticizing as you broadened out, even if you still loved it. I don't take you as the type to assume a criticism on something you like is tantamount to a personal attack on you. :) It wasn't an insult to you as a youthful adult (or to any adult who likes the series), just more of a "I figure you're a smart enough cookie, you'll see my points eventually, even if you don't get cockblocked by them like I did."

I am sorry MM, I love you, but this even sounds like you are chastising people for thinking that series is good.... Weather intended or not, you put on an air of superiority that seems like you look down on people for liking something you don't. You aren't that old either so yeah. I love the first three Twilight books, no matter what people say, and even after all the fan girls and HORRID movies i still thought they were good. I have read over a hundred vampire and werewolf books and do not dislike them i have not "grown" out of them. Sure some of the books I read were aimed at young girls and teens, and reading them now wouldn't appeal to me but that doesn't make them any less good of a book.

And I am sorry but the FIRST vampires were monsters with no morals Nosferatu and Dracula...Dracula was intelligent enough to know he couldn't just kill because it would cause suspicion. I am just going to stop because this is not what this thread is for.
Fact:It is freaking hot outside
Fact:My apartment feels like a sauna because I live on the fourth floor with no AC :(
Fact:I've taken like 5 cold baths today (With bubbles :D )
Fact:Ice pops are my new favorite food :p
Info: I shame anyone who tries shoving their lifestyle in my face.
Info: I don't care about who anyone sleeps with as long as they don't flaunt it at me or are at least smart and safe about it.
Info: Dumbasses get no sympathy from me.
Info: I really shouldn't be awake right now.
Info: This forum (and the chat) has made me facepalm so many times this morning.
Info: Fucking starving.
Info: Might go grab something to eat and then nap.
My_Apocalypse_Pony said:
I am sorry MM, I love you, but this even sounds like you are chastising people for thinking that series is good.... Weather intended or not, you put on an air of superiority that seems like you look down on people for liking something you don't. You aren't that old either so yeah. I love the first three Twilight books, no matter what people say, and even after all the fan girls and HORRID movies i still thought they were good. I have read over a hundred vampire and werewolf books and do not dislike them i have not "grown" out of them. Sure some of the books I read were aimed at young girls and teens, and reading them now wouldn't appeal to me but that doesn't make them any less good of a book.

And I am sorry but the FIRST vampires were monsters with no morals Nosferatu and Dracula...Dracula was intelligent enough to know he couldn't just kill because it would cause suspicion. I am just going to stop because this is not what this thread is for.

I see your point, and I see where I did that, and I'm sorry for it. You know it wasn't my intent, but it did end up being what I did. I apologize for that.

I just... gyah! That book annoyed the fuck out of me! I'm like "people still think this kind of crap is interesting? It's been done sixty billion times by the '80s, even, when I was exposed to it, and it's still going?" It rankled me, and I could go into detail, but nobody wants to hear it. I need to categorize that in personal reactions, and not any sort of superiority, yes, this is a fact. But I felt offended by the book. I'd wager I'd feel similarly about Twilight, were I to promise someone to read it, which I had done with BDB, but I knew more about Twilight from the start, so I'd never have promised that.

<sigh> But then, the Romance novel industry is still going strong, and those publishing companies even have (or had) a literal fill-in-the-blank plot summary worksheet to help their writers. It doesn't get more cookie-cutter than that, and they still sell like ice cream in the Sahara. Perhaps I should get over it and just not read stuff that raises my blood pressure.
Mr Master said:
<sigh> But then, the Romance novel industry is still going strong, and those publishing companies even have (or had) a literal fill-in-the-blank plot summary worksheet to help their writers. It doesn't get more cookie-cutter than that, and they still sell like ice cream in the Sahara. Perhaps I should get over it and just not read stuff that raises my blood pressure.

It's why I don't read books with lots of religious references or where the book is written like the character (narrator) would speak.
--+Hahvoc Requiem+-- said:
Mr Master said:
<sigh> But then, the Romance novel industry is still going strong, and those publishing companies even have (or had) a literal fill-in-the-blank plot summary worksheet to help their writers. It doesn't get more cookie-cutter than that, and they still sell like ice cream in the Sahara. Perhaps I should get over it and just not read stuff that raises my blood pressure.

It's why I don't read books with lots of religious references or where the book is written like the character (narrator) would speak.

See? You're wiser than I am, oftentimes.
Mr Master said:
--+Hahvoc Requiem+-- said:
Mr Master said:
<sigh> But then, the Romance novel industry is still going strong, and those publishing companies even have (or had) a literal fill-in-the-blank plot summary worksheet to help their writers. It doesn't get more cookie-cutter than that, and they still sell like ice cream in the Sahara. Perhaps I should get over it and just not read stuff that raises my blood pressure.

It's why I don't read books with lots of religious references or where the book is written like the character (narrator) would speak.

See? You're wiser than I am, oftentimes.

Trust me...being forced to read "Their Eyes Were Watching God" made me want to murder my English teacher. We had read all these existentialist authors and then THAT. I almost threw the book across the room. Twice.
My_Apocalypse_Pony said:
@havy she is a sex expert and so awesome, she has been working in the sex revalution since the 70s. this is her and her friends youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/carlincherrybomb?feature=g-u-u

What was the question you asked her? I wanna see the video with it
--+Hahvoc Requiem+-- said:
My_Apocalypse_Pony said:
@havy she is a sex expert and so awesome, she has been working in the sex revalution since the 70s. this is her and her friends youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/carlincherrybomb?feature=g-u-u

What was the question you asked her? I wanna see the video with it

She didn't answer in a vid, she answered it in an email. I asked for some advice on being able to orgasm during sex. I can only orgasm from my hands, because i started masturbating the wrong way and i wanted to know if there was a way to retrain my clit.
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