Random Info About You

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Info: Only half way done memorizing this crap.
Info: Exam in 8 hours.
Fact: Dark circles under eyes are not cute. And thank God for dry shampoo.
Info: It smells like winter and I love it.
Info: However, I do not love the wind chill factor.
Info: Last day of thursday work shift and Fish Biology class. <3 SUPER FUCKING PUMPED.
Fact: Yesterday was an awesome day filled with friends, Christmas presents, and cake.
Fact: Gonna do some more Solidworks practice for my final today.
Fact: Wanted to order out but, between the money my boyfriend needs for rent, the money I need for bills, the small amount that I'm saving for Christmas gifts, and the even smaller amount that I kept so I could go out with friends at some point this month, I just can't afford it. Extremely bummed.
Info: Been very cold all day today.
Info: This is very odd for me, especially since it's only been in the lower 40s.
Info: I'm still cold, though not as much as earlier.
Info: I feel a bit off-ish and ick..... hope this isn't the start of something...... *shakes fist at germs, etc*
Info: Must of been a good date then.

Info: Almost done with classes. <3
Info: I love the morning text messages I get every day. =)
Info: Had a wonderful phone call last night with my navy boy. <3 I had been feeling lonely, but he made me feel all better.
Info: Can't wait until he's home. =)
Fact: I just got a sweet RP rejection letter
INFO: maybe I should give up on RPing here?
Fact: Just had my 300 dollar jacket stolen tonight.
Fact: Was a gift from my mother.
Fact: Had my house keys in it.
Fact: Is devastated and extremely depressed, because that jacket meant a lot to me.
Fact: Was having a great night, even sang Bohemian Rhapsody by myself and was complimented by many.
Fact: Will kill someone if I find who took my coat.
That sucks CD. =/ I feel your pain. I didn't pay full price for it, but I have a $450 leather jacket that I'm constantly wary about. I had it taken once but I managed to get it back.

Fact: Shitty day at work. I told myself from day one this place was temporary, not somewhere I was setting anchor - seems my vigilance to keep looking has just been renewed.
Fact: I enjoy baking. The next time my sisters want to make a request, though, I'll let them buy the ingredients. Sheesh, this has gotten costly.
Fact: Mmm hot apple cider.
Info: 1 week until the boy comes home. <3 So pumped!
Info: It's like waiting for two christmases.
Info: Gonna clean a bit and then go to my parents house.
Info: Tired but in a pleasant mood.
Thank you guys. I really hope I do find it. I'll be calling the bar I was at last night soon.

The worst part was I had to call my father (who was across town at his girlfriends) to come open the house door for me. I know he wasn't mad at me, but I know he was disappointed.

Fact: Is thankfully not hungover.
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