Random Info About You

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Fact: Is amused
Fact: Three exams down, two exams to go...running out of steam
Fact: Is excited for double time w/ the boy tonight
Info: Some times, you really just can't let yourself give a shit.
Info: RIP, Ash. <3 You are missed.
Info: Talking can sometimes make you realize things you missed. And things you also don't care about but thought you did.
Fact: I keep asking myself if it's better to stay by myself or go looking for love. I feel hollow and i'm not sure if it's good or bad. Just...nothing.
Fact: I did something i never thought i'd do today, i'm still not sure about it~but i guess trying new things happens~ :]
Fact: I'm trying not to feel hopeless here x__x
Fact: *Plays more Pokemon* DISTRACTION!
Fact: On a scale from 1-10 on where my patience is for ignorant bullshit, I'm at a solid 11.
Fact: Major headache and so much studying left to do...
Info: I hate shopping.
Info: I hate clothes shopping even more (especially when it's for myself).
Info: Despite frustrations and other such things, I did manage to find some things for myself.
Fact: Exam 4 of 5...let's do this.
Fact: I got very little sleep last night. Life and taking care of something else was far more important to me.
Fact: I want this to be better so much it hurts.
Info: Ziggy burned some of the hair on his tail last night cause he's a dumbass and moved his tail over the candle that was burning on my table.
Info: It was good talking to one of my guys friends when he was over last night and just hanging out. I need to hang out with my friends more.
Info: Talked some stuff out last night with other people which is probably for the better.
Info: Nap.
Info: Had some seriously bad nightmares last night.
Info: They caused me to wake up out of sleep and then not be able to fall asleep for another couple hours.
Info: Even now, the nightmares are haunting me.........
Info: They are causing me to remember some nasty things that happened to me in the past.
Fact: Nothing like watching your favorite actor get tied up and whipped whilst asking for more....Yep...Not gonna lie. I'm a little turned on by this.
Fact: Mr. Tummy is feeling poorly.
Fact: Can already tell that I will be spitting up stomach acid shortly.
Fact: Will be forced to drink nasty baking soda water in order to make the pain go away enough for me to go to bed so I can sleep it off.
Fact: Rarely being sick is not a decent trade off for all the chronic problems I got stuck with.
Yep. Night Terrors. It's got Robert Englund in it. I don't care how old that man is he do anything he wanted to me. Anything.
Info: I have penis envy! Seriously, being able to pee standing up would be amazing. And having sex? Hell, yeah. There's just too much that can be done with a penis.

Info: Being silly is fun when you don't care. XD
lol Sean Connery. Nice. He has a nice voice. Anthony Hopkins is another one of my old man crushes. Though I don't wanna fuck him. Just have an intelligent conversation with him.
Yes Hopkins is an excellent actor

@Hahvy I can't say one way our the other with sex since I'm a virgin, but yes standing up while pissing is nice. Also helps people know there isn't going to be a wall to walk into :p
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