Random Info About You

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FACT: I have to get up at 4:30 tomorrow morning to do some full-face makeup and I can't sleep.
FACT: Gonna be regretting not sleeping tomorrow morning.
FACT: Like I always do when I stay up late.
FACT: But that doesn't seem to ever stop me. Hah. Stupid brain.
Fact: I have an I.Q in the 'Genius' range. I'm pretty sure I'm the dumbest Genius ever. Mwaha.

Fact: But also have absolutely awful math because of Dyscalculia. [My luck, huh?] when I say awful, it takes me around five minutes to do simply math sums that would take a normal person around ten seconds.

Fact: My Dad is a total douchebag and is one of 'those' people who generally ends an argument with 'At least I can count to fifty'. -- I can count to fifty, he's just an ass. He's been using that since I was six. Nice huh?

Fact: I constantly listen to music, and I mean constantly. When I'm asleep, bathing, travelling, just lounging around. I'm pretty sure if music suddenly stopped working entirely and everyone forgot how to play, I'd go insane.

Fact: As you can see, I'm weird as hell. Thank you. Thank you. *Bows*
Snowe said:
Fact: I have an I.Q in the 'Genius' range. I'm pretty sure I'm the dumbest Genius ever. Mwaha.

Fact: But also have absolutely awful math because of Dyscalculia. [My luck, huh?] when I say awful, it takes me around five minutes to do simply math sums that would take a normal person around ten seconds.

Fact: My Dad is a total douchebag and is one of 'those' people who generally ends an argument with 'At least I can count to fifty'. -- I can count to fifty, he's just an ass. He's been using that since I was six. Nice huh?

Fact: I constantly listen to music, and I mean constantly. When I'm asleep, bathing, travelling, just lounging around. I'm pretty sure if music suddenly stopped working entirely and everyone forgot how to play, I'd go insane.

Fact: As you can see, I'm weird as hell. Thank you. Thank you. *Bows*

Holy shit! I've never met anyone else who has Dyscalculia!!! I have it as well!!! O.O

Though, when all was lost and I thought I could never ever do math (like ever) I realized that I was kickass as Calculus and Differential Equations. When math suddenly was more letters than numbers and more conceptual than just a string of silly operations, I suddenly was able to do it. And do it well. Math had purpose, a picture and it changed my life. So much so, that........ I became a goddamned Engineer. LOL. It wasn't easy schooling since I had to work my butt off through my disability, but just saying you can do it. :)

*high fives fellow Dyscalculic!!!*
Wow. Brains and beauty then? Lucky you.

And yeah, we figured it out when I was really young. When I was in primary [For american's that's like urm..first graders? Just outta pre-school and such], I was top of like..every class, tootin' my horn included, except for P.E as I had the hand-eye coordination of a knat; Though we figured out last year that it was because I could actually only see three feet infront of my face without extreme blurring and I just thought that was natural--

So, anyway! They wondered why I was great at everything, my mom had like degree's in everything [Gets tons of degree's and then has eight children, maybe she -was- stupid after all xD-- Actually, more stupid to keep them after seeing how they looked. Only a mother could love..] -- Okay, off track no more. And then they realised that while I could give them the answer to everything else they asked, anything with math in it and I'd be there for like ten minutes counting on my fingers or writing it down, re-counting it over and over, losing count every few seconds and having to start again. And then when I was juuust about to get it right, BHAM! Jumbled numbers to the face. Weirdly though, I've never met another person with it myself. Though two of my brothers and my dad have Dyslexia, which I'm told is a good indicator that another person member of the family could have similar disorders.

Totally his fault then! *Fist-shake* Mwahah.

So yeah, go us and our epic inability to do math properly. *Raises a crosses-out number 1* Mwahaha~
LOL! Aww... thanks for the compliment. But yeah. My dad has Dyslexia as well. And a fairly severe case of it too. He's managed quite well though, but he has to work really hard to hide it from people and not come off as 'stupid' when he isn't. But, a lot of people tend to think that when they hear people stammering over things when they have to read out loud.

My parents figured out my Dyscalculia when I was young, but they weren't 100% sure of it. In High School, I finally got tested and then they decided to be bold and advance me in math rather than hold me back. They thought JUST MAYBE I might be better at the more abstract stuff. Turned out they were right. Go figure. But yeah, the things you mentioned with counting on fingers, writing things out. I sooo hear you there. Like you wouldn't even begin to know. XD
Oh..yeah no my dad is pretty stupid as a whole really. -- Not sure if it's stupidity or laziness; He's one of -those- people who is happily content to just sit on his obese backside and let my half-blind mother run around after him all day while she's topping up her meds for various illnesses every day, and then has the nerve to bitch to me about diabetes; Which fyi he gave -himself- by being morbidly obese for half his life. -- So anyway, he had dyslexia when he was a child also but then didn't realise it until he was in his thirties and he had a test diagnosed. Up until then they just thought he was slow. But as I said, I'm sure I get my intelligence [And my looks, thank god. But also my size..sadly] from my mother. She's got numerous degree's and when I was growing up she was always in some college here or there or studying some degree, really made me think about what I wanted to do. But I also get my only real talent from her, Music. She is -always- singing. It wouldn't be bad if she sung -good- songs from the stone age, but it's always the awful stuff only she likes. And my bedroom is literally next to the bathroom, shares a wall and everything, so you can't really avoid it at six in the morning. I've always liked singing and dancing and such. Not so much when my sister made me dress up in her porcelain doll clothes [The biiiiig human-sized dolls that always scare the crap out of unsuspecting children] and made me act like a drag artist. I still wonder how it took them this long to realise I was gay when I was so..damn..amazing at it. lawl-- I'm totally doing that thing when I go overboard with explanations and it gets weird aren't I?

*Blinks, walks away whistling* <.<
Info: Tired.
Info: Have to get dressed and do homework and fuck it all.
Info: Class at 1:30pm. DO NOT WANT.
Info: Maybe I'll dress up for work but not class.
So... had a great Halloween. Kids had fun and pulled in a pretty good haul for a 2 hour stint of trick-or-treating. The weather was cool, but not cold. Just perfect. Meaning, cool enough to feel like fall, but warm enough that no one needed jackets. Twas awesomeness! :)
Factoid : ( of sorts ) I will be back on more often. Or will try. Snow shifts will be demanding ( 12 hrs average - min 8 ) But with winter looking as assorted as it is and me not being able to say no to additional work... who knows... I might have a day or two to bother all of you lovely people.

Fact-ish: I have never been tested for aptitude save an 'Asvab' which I don't remember due to 'high' school influenced substance known as cannabis. In hind sight I think I'm of average intelligence. Perhaps less after so much closed head trauma as well as the numerous concussions I've had over the years.

Fact: OH SOMETHING SHINEY !!! I missed this website... so much creative and sexual energy...
Fact: I'm a pervert.
Fact: My insomnia kicked in two days ago, I didn't get any sleep in those two days, and then WHABAM, fell asleep and missed halloween. And I was totally gonna sit by the door, wait for kids to scream trick or treat and then just be a dick and answer "Fine. Show me a trick." and then they'd be all O.O and shiz. Would made me so happy..*Sniffle* So yeah, missed entire halloween from nine a.m to one a.m
wish: can i get some of your snow guys?
info: cause here its only rains... and rains again
I.L.U Hahvoc, I truly do. That was just win.

And yeah, Amaya, extreme amount of dittocakes. U.K sucks for rain..


Oh! Urm.

Fact: Ninja's are better than Pirates. <.<

Fact: I just spent a bunch of money at the Disney Store.
Fact: I'm now fully done buying both holiday (santa and from parents) and birthday gifts for both kids.
Info: I freakin' love Disney. XD

Fact: Went to bed early-ish last night.
Fact: Got woken up early though for some reason at an ungodly hour.
Fact: Went back to sleep for an additional 30 - 40 minutes after not being able to sleep for like 2 hours.
Fact: Am tired-ish as a result.
Fact: Also kind of headachey today. And my neck and shoulders are bothering me. A lot.... =/
Fact: Got a haircut today. Picked up some new casual clothes recently. Picked up a new phone recently. Getting new shoes within the week. Feels good man. Now I just need to start setting aside money for new glasses.
Fact: Guitar Hero: Metallica is about as much fun as I expected. More fun than I expected is playing guitar and singing at the same time.
Fact: A memory prompted a hard emotional moment recently, and out of nowhere, but putting on an Adam Sandler CD pulled me out of it. Goddamn, dude, you are one silly fuck.
Fact: I'm always gonna miss her, but I'll strive to have it be an uplifting, positive sort of missing someone.
Info: Studying is one of the hardest things to make myself do. And I don't mean like: "oh yeah, I don't wanna study." It's extremely difficult for me to study.
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