Random Info About You

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Mr Master said:
Anansi said:
Fact: NY comicon wentwell...tmr the real madness begins, got to meet the artist and writer of leasticoulddo both very cool guys, learned that frank miller is creepy as hell, and robert kirkman is pretty awesome in person.

Hell, I could have told you that about Frank Miller after just reading All Star Batman and Robin.
Cept he kinda drifts around the con like a ghost...most of em do...got huge spoilers for arkham city today and learned Kevin Conroy(Voice of batman in about 98% of animated features) likes to hang out in panel audiences
Info: I hate college kids who just have to party every weekend.
Info: I've never understood the hype of getting drunk every weekend and never will.
Got to meet Jackson Publick and Doc Hammer(creators of the venture bros) and got a Dvd autographed. Got to shake Kevin Conroy's hand, got sooo much free swag. So worth it.
Fact: I'm really happy that my muse is happy.
Info: Means I'm being both productive and creative.
Fact: Headaches suck. They really do.
Fact: Fall has finally come... I hope.
So, I was told this morning that the law department was reorganizing and eliminating my boss's position, which meant my position was gone, as well. I am unemployed. I am told I'm getting paid until the end of the month, and my formal termination date is November so that I'll be covered under insurance through that month, and assuming their severance agreement doesn't preclude me from claiming unemployment, I'll be getting severance. But it's still a bit of a shock.

I have to remain confident that I'm going to land on my feet, and I even hope I'll be able to upgrade my condition. There's still jobs, just a lot of competition for them. But considering it happened only about 2 -3 hours ago, I'm still in a bit of a free-fall at the moment. I expect there'll be some mild depression, but as always, I try and look on the bright side: I'll be able to clean house, and if I catch up on my rest, I might even feel like writing! However, that can wait for tomorrow; I think I'm going to be kind of playing it low key for the rest of the day.
*hugs MM*
You'll come out on top. Finding a job and a better one at that. And in the mean time, get to do some fun things you wouldn't have otherwise.
*more hugs*
It wasn't until I left work last night that I realised that it was colder inside of the building than outside. I pretty much work in a massive corrugated iron shed.
Fact: Kitchen and living room have been cleaned!
Fact: I swear I'm better at domestic chores than I am at studying. =3=;
Fact: Picked up a new job recently, which is why I haven't been around. It's a sizeable pay drop, it's crap hours, but it's hours nonetheless. The economy is what it is.
Fact: Last night I lost a game of chess to a colorful bartender at an eccentric Ukranian bar here in town. We were both buzzed. It was close, and constantly back and forth. It was my first loss in twelve years - only playing casually, of course.
Fact: I've lost to two other people in my life. Both had doctorates. This man...this was my second time meeting him. The first time he was too far into his cups to pull off a bar trick he was trying to do, and kept accidentally burning his cheek with a lit match instead. I don't even...
Fact: It was bittersweet; overall I'm really happy about the loss. Yay for mental exercises. Oh, and revenge shall be mine, and all that.
Fact: My foot is swollen and my lower back hurts
Fact: I am still walking down to a haunted house tonight
Why? Because of love haunted houses and don't like when my body acts forty years older than what it is!
Fact: I apparently have a baby face. I had three different people over the last three days ask me how old I am; that was each person's articulated response, amidst surprise. One seemed hesitant to believe I was even 18.
Fact: I am 28 and am 6'2" with broad shoulders.
Fact: I feel flattered, I guess? Or maybe just fortunate.
Think of it as a good thing. I know, being 35, having people think I'm in the 28 - 30 range is awesome! Trust me. The older you get, the better this sort of thing is. :)
I totally look at you and think of you as my age range. Except when I'm entertaining cougar/milf fantasies, which is often. Ahem. I think so long as we recognize you're at least one day older than me, we'll both be happy. ;) So, you look 28 1/364!
I think I've told you this like three or four times. And I think you proceeded to tease me about it the majority of those! BUT SO WHAT, CHICKS DIG OLDER GUYS. WE'RE DISTINGUISHED 'N SHIT. *bubblepipes*
As_Day_Fades said:
I totally look at you and think of you as my age range. Except when I'm entertaining cougar/milf fantasies, which is often. Ahem. I think so long as we recognize you're at least one day older than me, we'll both be happy. ;) So, you look 28 1/364!

Heh! And forever the flatterer. Though, thanks. :)

And yep. You've told me many times the thought behind the age range. As I've said and will continue to say. At 35, I'll take it! LOLOL. Sucked in HS looking so young, but now? Hells yeah! It had to have a pay off at some point. *grins*
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