Random Info About You

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Info: I made my Zydrate necklace today. My new love is Graverobber from Repo! The Genetic Opera. My new goal in life is to go see the stage play with a great shadow cast. Also to meet his actor in person. Not that those are big goals or anything.
Fact: I have delicious organic yogurt
Info: Said organic yogurt gives horrible eye melting, vomit inducing gas
Fact: My boyfriend totally deserves nothing short tonight for being a complete tool
Fact: My muse has been lavishing me with love and affection as of late.
Info: I'm sooo loving it too!
Info: I also hope it lasts for a good long while.
Fact: I was woken up not too long ago.
Fact: It was my asthma that woke me up.
Fact: Now I'm all shaky and ehhhh as a result.
Fact: At least my inhaler worked.
-pokes MM in the face- Creeper!

Info: I must of had a fucked up dream cause I pulled a muscle in my leg from moving in my sleep.
Info: Hopefully it will be fine at the end of the day or tomorrow morning.
Fact:I'm off to NY comicon tmr
Fact: I'm gonna have a blast
Fact: I have no clue how I'ma get to work after wasting all my money
How many times I send someone a PM about RPs, they say "Sure I'm interested!", and then don't reply again. >.>;

Fact: Om nom nom salsa for breakfast.
Fact: Too many times have I hammered out the details with a person in PMS, asked them to start, and never heard from them again.
Fact: I've been playing my Troll on WoW and now I wants me some gud troll RP.
Fact: I'm also very hungry right now.
*pets Zally*
I hear you. It definitely sucks when that happens. It also sucks when people don't read your req thread or f-list and ask you to do something that is NOT on it.
Yeah, I had it happen in a similar fashion. Started the RP, did my first reply to him. Never heard a word from him again and he never logged back on. I was like "WAS IT THAT BAD? D:"

Info: Has an exam today and work to do for class that's due tomorrow. UGH.
I've had the sudden disappearance happen.

I've also had someone go for a while, be very excited about it, and then stop responding. They still say "hi, hey, how are you?" but it's their turn, and I'm like... wtf?

And YES I KNOW I'M GUILTY OF THIS, but I've been blocked in a major way. Hell, I'm not even doing too many OOC posts, here, these days.

GOOD NEWS! My work stress is winding down slowly, so I might have time and energy to actually write.
Fact: I've recently dyed my hair red and purple simply because I was bored.

Fact: Shagrath from Dimmu Borgir kissed my nipple piercing when I met them after a concert. <3

Fact: It's 4:32am and I'm in work at 6am. I should be asleep.
Fact: NY comicon wentwell...tmr the real madness begins, got to meet the artist and writer of leasticoulddo both very cool guys, learned that frank miller is creepy as hell, and robert kirkman is pretty awesome in person.

Fact: Just got Yahoo messenger; Now I have all three messengers. Is that good or bad..?
Fact II: I'm super tired. I have work later. Oh, joy.
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