Random Info About You

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FACT: The SuperJail commercials make Aku miss her Goatsy.
FACT: When being suspended in the air by rope on your feet, flailing and squirming will cause rope burns...
Fact: Over two thirds of the world is water.
Fact: Large amounts of earth have been recorded and noted underneath the antarctic ice.
Query: When the planet shifts itself again, I wonder which government will scramble to try and get the new open land?
Fact: Almost 70% of the average human is water.
Fact: Our species is known to adapt to environments and change in order to survive. Either by fashioning new tools to do so or by the slow process of physically adapting.
Query: Where the people that wrote 'Water-world' from the future, or just looking at the worst case scenario ?

Fact: I played way to much 'Brink' today.
Fact: I've broken my tail bone nine times, sprained both of my ankles, cut my knee with the blade of a figure skate, broke my right wrist twice, had a stress fracture in my back, and also dropped that figure skate on my foot so now there's the scar of the toe pick on my foot.
Fact: I freaking love Jamba Juice smoothies.
Info: I lost 75 lbs (yay!)
Info: I gained 60 lbs (boo)
Info: I lost 35 lbs (yay)

Fact: I eat too much
Fact: I drink too much
Fact: Too much.

Fact: I'm lonely in my skin.
laplace+maxwell said:
Christian_Day said:
Info: I lost 75 lbs (yay!) [...] Fact: I'm lonely in my skin.

sincere congratulations! it's invigorating, isn't it?

fact: i am waiting impatiently for L.A. Noire to arrive on my doorstep.
Fact: I hae LA noire...its awesome

Fact: Its hard as shit to read folk
Info: Getting paid for 25 hours next week. Sweet fucking deal.
Info: Got bills to pay this week and shit. =X
Info: Might be going to a Goth/Industrial Night in Salem on the 28th. Anyone wanna go with me?
Fact: I think my metabolism's finally speeding up. I'm always hungry it seems.
Fact: Running more and more. It's a good thing.
Fact: Made a purchase today on amazon.
Fact: It should arrive at the end of the month.
Fact: I'm sooooo excited to receive said purchase! XD
Info: Yes, the purchase is an extremely geeky one.
random facts
Fact: I love over 50 pounds since 09 and still going slowly
Fact: I try learn one thing every day just to expand my mind
Fact: I am shy as hell
Fact: I Am as much as a Hippy as some goth. My average cloths are jeans and tshirts, or flat black.
Fact: Working on my 2nd tattoo got 5 more planned
Fact: I am a FreaqueGeek
In a weeks time I will have finished my final project at university having performed a piece of theatre about a Zombie Apocalypse. I will likely have a breakdown and disappear for a few weeks to a field in the Midlands where I consider what I'm going to do for the rest of my life before either starving or having a brain wave.
Good luck with the project. I'll miss you while you reflect after all is said and done. But.... we'll all be here to support you and the like when you come back. <333
Anansi said:
Fact: I hae LA noire...its awesome

Fact: Its hard as shit to read folk

LA Noire is the total bee's knees, i am loving every minute of it. in fact, apologies to my partners for longer than usual absences! cole phelps has a lot of work to do, is all.

fact: it makes me want to start a plot in a similar setting.
info: i am stuffed full of food.
info: i have twenty dollars in Amazon credit and don't know what to spend it on!
Fact: I went to a wedding today. I was dancing with the flower girl at the reception up until she abandoned me mid-song to chase the lights from the disco ball around the room with grabby hands, excitedly screaming, "BUBBLES! BUBBLES!"
Fact: Then I shrugged and did it too.
Fact: In her defense, she is three. I have no such defense.
Fact: I have never been abandoned/stood up in so adorable a way.
laplace+maxwell said:
Anansi said:
Fact: I hae LA noire...its awesome

Fact: Its hard as shit to read folk

LA Noire is the total bee's knees, i am loving every minute of it. in fact, apologies to my partners for longer than usual absences! cole phelps has a lot of work to do, is all.

fact: it makes me want to start a plot in a similar setting.
info: i am stuffed full of food.
info: i have twenty dollars in Amazon credit and don't know what to spend it on!

I started playing LA Noire at 9:30. Then I thought there was something wrong with my PS3 because I kept hearing some sort of high-pitched beep. It was a bird. Chirping.


Yeah, LA Noire is awesome.
Fact: Took her last stressy final today
Fact: Hopes the weird insomnia spells will stop now
Fact: Misses talking to you
Fact: Needs to get back to personal art now =w=
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