Random Info About You

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Fact: It was decided last night that Broomhandle is not only a sidekick for the next two weeks, but that he is my sidekick - the Robin to my Batman. Questionable short shorts 'n all.

Fact: There's a crazy sex party going on in the VIP forum. You would not BELIEVE how far DA can launch an Easter egg!
Fact: Alexandria Everett accepted my friend request and liked my comment. I might scream.

Info: If she doesn't win this cycle of ANTM, I'll cry.
- I wish there was something or someone solid in my life besides my baby blanket and my grandmother. = u = ;
Fact: is back on a reading binge, three, four books at a time maybe...it's good for soul patching <3
Fact: needs to stop getting sick all the goddamned time x__x
Fact: I'm still lonely. Help :<
Info: Last formal day of classes! [still have class on tuesday, but it's pretty much a "fuck it" kind of day]
Info: Finals on the 9th, 10th, and 11th. Not too shabby.
Info: Summer class starts on the 24th. :[
Info: Last day of spring semester work on tuesday. :]
Fact: Cinnamon Danish cookies are easily the best cookies I have ever eaten. @___@
Fact: I'm watching Twilight and holy crap the acting is bad. o____o I don't see anything redeeming about the plot either. Ah well. People like what they like. :p

Fact: I've cut back on my twink porn. D= I love twinks. <3
I tried to watch Rocky Horror Picture Show. It's cute, campy, and kind of funny. But I don't see the huge hype over it. Other than the Doc' and Rocky being goddamn adorable.
Amarena said:
I tried to watch Rocky Horror Picture Show. It's cute, campy, and kind of funny. But I don't see the huge hype over it. Other than the Doc' and Rocky being goddamn adorable.

The hype is not over the film itself, but the live action. Who knows why, really, but it was just the moment in time, when the film suddenly popped and became this audience-participation hit. That's why it's notable; very little to do with the film, specifically, itself.
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