Random Info About You

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Is sniffly and studying for a stupid Cultural Anthropology test...> , <
Make it go awaaaaay~

P.S. you with the horn ...GET BETTER DX

*shakes fist* <3
*hugs Katch*
Feel better, sweetie. <3
You too, MM! *gives the horn a stroke*

Fact: Going to the zoo today.
Info: Hopes we go to Cheesecake Factory for dinner.... >.>

No. I have no ulterior motives there. Ummm.... *ahem* lol.
Info: Exhausted. Can't wait for my nap after class..as much as I am tempted to just stay home.
Info: Going out with friends for a little bit afterwords. Yay!
FACT: You know today is going to suck when you spend part of it crying at your desk because the past has finally caught up and hit you.

FACT: Akuma really needs to find someone willing to just curl up with her and cuddle.
Fact: Would be willing to cuddle with Akuma even though she doesn't know her that well.

Fact: Is currently dying for A Nightmare on Elm Street roleplay. She promises she has enough plot to keep it going for weeks.
AkumaTsuki said:
FACT: You know today is going to suck when you spend part of it crying at your desk because the past has finally caught up and hit you.

FACT: Akuma really needs to find someone willing to just curl up with her and cuddle.

Fact: I can book a trip if its that bad dear, get paid sat
Fact: Two math tests tomorrow. I am so sick of numbers.
Fact: I don't I've seen my room mate study... Like... Ever.
Fact: I got to tell the hilarious story about how I broke a co-workers arm and got fired on the radio today.

Fact: I love being a radio host.
My hands are sore from snapping branches, attempting to use the wood chipper and being cut by many sneaky thorns on stalks. Still it has been a good afternoon. I'm going to have to once again get used to spending less time alone once next week starts and university commences again. Going to be a busy month o.o
Fact: My stomach hurts. I know what that means. x___X

Fact: It's my daddy's b-day. :3 <3
Fact: You are the best thing that's never been mine. ;P

Info: I think I'm getting over it. Don't wanna jinx it... but I think it's happening. o:
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