Random Info About You

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Fact: I'm looking forward to one thing, yet, there is so many obstacles trying to pull me away from it
Info: I hate stupid fucking bitches who happen to go to my school.
Info: reason one: One decided not to stop at the stop sign and I almost hit her when I had right of way.
Info: Reason two: Some other chick decided it was okay to run across the street at the last goddamn minute and I had to slam on my breaks so I wouldn't kill her since I was going the speed limit.
Info: College bitches are stupid.
--+Hahvoc Requiem+-- said:
Info: College bitches are stupid.


Fact: I will be heading to work soon.
Info: Even though I don't want to.
Info: I have to work with a drama queen, who always begs attention from other co-workers including myself, which drives me up the WALL. =_______=
FACT: Akuma found out her stalker ex is using her last name.
FACT: Akuma adores Anansi for brightening her day and making her laugh without knowing she was having a bad day. <3
Fact: I would like to see my friends from back home mature and grow up, most of them are older than me.
I reactivated my Facebook account. I feel like something between a secretary that blows her boss and a beaten housewife. Come the end of May it will be gone for ever.
Fact: In the first time in forevers (real forevers, not internet forevers), I has an awesome roleplay that made it to page two.

Juno said:
Fact: Edge retiring makes my Canadian ass sad. ):
Makes my American ass sad too. =/
D'aaaw. ): I miss Jericho. But I still have Triple H so I won't cry too hard.

Fact: I am constantly cleaning my ears like the obsessive twit that I am. e-e
keepmesafex said:
Fact: I unconsciously shampooed my face in the bath. -_-
Info: The word "shampooed" looks funny.
Info: I space out a lot.

Fact: I approve of the shampoo money shot.
Fact: If I won't finish 5 projects until tomorrow, they will kick me out from uni.
Info: I haven't been taking classes for two months due sickness.
Info: I have no fucking idea how to do those.
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