DamningTheHeavens said:
Daretodream, after going back of the last 10 pages, i found what you were talking about. I COMPLETELY missed that first post. To respond to the first post, I see what you mean, and you're right. I don't think I represent myself in a negative manner to my friends, but perhaps I just don't know when I'm doing it. As for your second post, thank you for the delightfully condescending implications that I don't try to work hard.
ZG is right, DTH. My second post wasn't condescension, it was frustration combined with a little witty sarcasm. Trust me, when I do condescending, you know. It virtually drips with it.
Personally, I
don't think you work very hard...at least not in the area of purging negativity from your life. You've fallen into that dreadful trap that goes like this: 1) you discover that being negative gets you attention early on by many people (all of whom want to help you, cheer you up, etc); 2) you make friends with many of these people and have great conversations early on; 3) you continue to appear negative in a lot of interactions and 4) the people that befriended you early on begin to pull away because they get tired of the negativity and the perception that you don't try to help yourself improve your life. Of course, I don't
know you, so I'm just making an assumption based on my limited personal interactions with you and what I see on the boards so I could be wrong. Either way, my original comment back in that first post still holds true. There's obviously a reason you're losing friends so take a step back and try to figure out what it is. Talk to those people that are pulling away and ask for true HONEST feedback (and hope you get it). Take a HARD look at yourself, listing out the pros and cons as you see them, and then examine that cons list to see what you can improve in. I can't promise it will help but it certainly can't hurt. It's an exercise we all should do from time to time.