Random Info About You

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darkangel76 said:
Fact: I feel like freakin' shit.
Fact: I can't stop sneezing or coughing.
Fact: My nose is a freakin' faucet.
Fact: My body and head hurt.
Fact: I'm going to take a nap. NOW.

*sneezes, coughs*

I've pretty much got allll of that. And I just woke up from my nap, too. :/
H a r r i e t said:
darkangel76 said:
Fact: I feel like freakin' shit.
Fact: I can't stop sneezing or coughing.
Fact: My nose is a freakin' faucet.
Fact: My body and head hurt.
Fact: I'm going to take a nap. NOW.

*sneezes, coughs*

I've pretty much got allll of that. And I just woke up from my nap, too. :/

*hug Harri*
Feel better, sweetie.

Fact: Took nap.
Fact: Feel worse... *cries*
Fact: My head is throbbing and my nose is so clogged it's ridiculous.
Fact: Throat kinda hurts.

*leaves to go sleep more*
Fact: I'm always disturbed when my mind wanders on the drive home from work and I realize I don't remember paying attention to my driving at all.
Paradox said:
Fact: I'm always disturbed when my mind wanders on the drive home from work and I realize I don't remember paying attention to my driving at all.

Oh, I hate when that happens! But then again, I made it through OK, so clearly there was no problems. I prefer to think of it as proof that my instincts are quite adequate by this time.

It happens to me when biking from time to time.
Fact: Cannibal Holocaust was a pretty good movie. Very violent, and the parts with the animals deaths made me sad. I can see why it was banned in Italy.
But the sound track was awful. I'll be happy if I never hear that again.

Fact: I have suddenly become very interested in "Found Footage" movies. Hmm...
Mr Master said:
Paradox said:
Fact: I'm always disturbed when my mind wanders on the drive home from work and I realize I don't remember paying attention to my driving at all.

Oh, I hate when that happens! But then again, I made it through OK, so clearly there was no problems. I prefer to think of it as proof that my instincts are quite adequate by this time.

It happens to me when biking from time to time.

Exactly... 23 years of driving and very few bonehead moves (considering) must count for something! Still, it does make me worry for a moment. Did I run that red light? What if there were nuns crossing the road?
I hate arguing with Marcel.
I love him.
But he's always making me so angry.
He's always making me cry.
He makes me feel stupid sometimes.
A lot of the times.
Fact: Went to bed early last night all pumped up on meds.
Fact: I still feel pretty shitty today.
Fact: I'm taking it easy b/c of how bad I feel.
Fact: Still taking meds... blah.
Bro is starting to tick me off. Each conversation is just wearing on my nerves more and more. Stfu. I'm getting to the point where I will fuck with him. Just for kicks and giggles.

Staying up mad late on Thursdays and not being able to wake up on Fridays is a fail. Especially since my struggle has nothing to do with going out.
Fact: My brother's birthday party is tonight
Fact: I got him this really cool book as a gift
Fact: I am the "blacksheep" of the family so I am considering not going.
I honestly do not mean to sound like a bitch, but......

Fact: If I get one more fucking text or voicemail from my niece and nephew I'm going to scream.
Fact: I don't have a texting plan. These are fucking costing me!
Fact: They know I'm sick, so why they keep bothering is beyond me.
Fact: Goes back to resting (and ignoring the texts/voicemails), just needed to vent that.

EDIT: *rips her fucking hair out, sobs* MAKE THEM STOP! Seriously, when hubs gets home, I'm telling him to call them up and tell them to knock it the fuck off. I'm sorry, but a zillion texts in one day is soooo not flying. Soooo not. Fuck this shit. And yes, my being sick has definitely placed me in a mood that is not nearly as tolerant as it would be normally. But even well, this is overkill. How many times do you need to tell me you miss me and my kids? It's not even cute anymore. It's just not.
Fact: I need to name the Betta Fish O-o
Fact; He started to make a nest today!
Fact: Dinner with one of my homegirls.
Fact: Kinda worried about Shu now :<
Fact: IT IS FUCKING GOREGOUS OUTSIDE *flials* and I got stuck inside all day.
Fact; My car magically gained brakes over night
Fact: I may be getting a new car next week. xD;
Um... so...
One of my friends introduced me to The Slender Man.
And... uh... well, my house is surrounded by woods.
I'm scared to go outside now.
I know he's completely fake. Hell, I read the thread that spawned him!
Oh god, he's so believable.
bird said:
Um... so...
One of my friends introduced me to The Slender Man.
And... uh... well, my house is surrounded by woods.
I'm scared to go outside now.
I know he's completely fake. Hell, I read the thread that spawned him!
Oh god, he's so believable.

The... slender man?

EDIT; Oh geeze. Tako sent me a link to the Myth explaining it. There were pictures, too. Two of them. Really creepy stuff. ;-;

There was videos, but I'm not sure I'm ready to subject myself to that mind fuckery right now.
I don't know. D:
If you just say what he looks like,
he shouldn't be scary.
Tall, thin, wearing a suit.
But then...
I don't know. D':
Ilovegoatse said:
Fact: Why is the slender man scary? D8 I never understood that.

This is the link Tako sent me. Just reading up on him gave me the creeps. It's obvious in most of the "recordings" of the Slender Man are fake, but with a few they do look a little real, and it makes you go, "... ._."

I showed the company I had over, and I'm pretty sure I just sent Keshia home to have nightmares.
Fact: I'm starting to feel better. Hooray!
Fact: Still pretty stuffy though.
Fact: And I've developed a cough... no surprise there though. BUT... at least I feel functional.

My job requires that I wear a uniform, my schedule is hard to explain but I work 12 to 14 hour shifts, not counting the time it takes to arm up, disarm, and be briefed about the last nights happenings.
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