Random Info About You

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Something is wrong with me.
I'm so very hungry right now.
But whenever I go into the kitchen, I feel like vomiting.
When I think of food, I get nauseas.
I have no idea what I'm supposed to do right now.
Fact: My fridge is making a very odd "spin" noise. O-o I should go hit it <<
Fact: Shu is probably my bestbestbestbest friend. >.>; She and I know more details about each other than we really thought xD;
Fact: Note- Shu has also known me since Freshman year of high school. ._________.
Fact: Apparently I'm a good cook xD; So much so that she wants my recipes.
Fact: this is the...fuck 3rd or 4th time she hasn't left my apartment before 5 AM xD;
Fact: ~ I get internet today :3
Fact: I may or may not have a new companion by the end of the day thanks to Shu. We shall seeee <3
Freaking Chinese food.
I'm blaming that for my tummy.
Because it started when I ate it.
Damn delicious, too.
I wish I was the Hulk, so I could yell and smash things and nobody would be surprised.
Because I'm pissed off as hell right now, and I want to smash something.
Or things.
Because my stupid boyfriend doesn't know how to say "Let's plan out sex" in a less confusing way, causing debate and anger and impatience.
I think I'm going to go shoot things in various FPS games now.
Info: Lost respect for a few people. But it's whatever.
Info: Tired. Lab was fookin' ridiculous. Pretty much doing the whole thing for homework anyways because of an error in the book.
Info: Reading and napping and not leaving the house is a good thing.
Fact; Cigarette headache. Not fun times.
Fact; So frustrated I either want to cry or hit something/one
Fact; I find it a little funny that in a mess like this, I've actually grown closer to two friends in real life.
Fact; Woohoo.
Just found a bunch of movies to watch.
Guess what I'm doing when I get my soundcard. :'D
Watching 12[+] movies!

Honestly, I'm actually pretty excited for that.[/shot]
Fact: I'm coming down with a cold (caught it from my daughter).
Fact: Today I mainly recovered from my in-laws having left our house (since they were here for nearly 5 days @_@).
Fact: Tomorrow..... I shall start writing again.
Fact: Over about the past six months, none of my RP characters have managed to get to the sexual stage of penetration.
Fact: I can't even do this right on the internet apparently. : /
Woo hoo! First rain of the season! I'm officially declaring summer dead. (Of course that means I just jinxed it and it'll be over 100 degrees next week.)
I really dislike the fact that although I was once rolling in my replies to one RP (practically everyday), I'm almost to the point of taking a week to get back. Sure there are background issues, but still. Fuckall.

I'm getting to the point where I send/receive an obnoxious amount of emails a day. THIS IS ONLY WEEK TWO.
I have inspiration.
My own inspiration.
I'm never inspired!
This is a miracle!
; O ; Thank you, midnight shower, for somehow inspiring me.
Zalvek said:
Fact: Over about the past six months, none of my RP characters have managed to get to the sexual stage of penetration.
Fact: I can't even do this right on the internet apparently. : /

LIES. We're getting there~ Promise. <3

Fact: I have finally had sex on the forum.
Fact: I have been here almost a year for this to occur.
Fact: My new Betta Fishy seems to like watching me >_> Everytime I woke up in the middle of the night he was staring at me.
Fact: My mom thinks my Freezer Compressor died O-o;
Fact: I need to check my clutch fluid and get some gas xD;
DareToDream said:
darkangel76 said:
Fact: I'm coming down with a cold (caught it from my daughter).

So you're the reason I'm fighting a cold now! Dammit, I knew that kiss wasn't a smart move!! XD

I tried to warn you. Not my fault you didn't listen! =P

Fact: I feel like total crap. Achy, stuffy, coughing, sneezing... just BLEH!
Fact: It's going to be a rough day as a result.....
Fact: I feel like freakin' shit.
Fact: I can't stop sneezing or coughing.
Fact: My nose is a freakin' faucet.
Fact: My body and head hurt.
Fact: I'm going to take a nap. NOW.

*sneezes, coughs*
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