Random Info About You

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Fact: Heat needs to go away
Ponders: am I so unintersting that no one wants to stay my friend?
More info: Layers of egg, bread, cheese and sausage baked together makes a bomb ass, filling dinner.
Fact: I love being a good cook
Fact: Just found out one of my favorite comics is becoming a tv series, written by the original author.
Fact: Trying to write an article for a magazine. Freewriting keeps leading me further away from the premise.
Fact: Hate deadlines.
Fact: Earlier this evening, I took my son out to get him a hot fudge sundae... oh man, the way his face lit up and everything. Just priceless.

Fact: I got to sing to my daughter for a bit before putting her down to bed. My singing seems to make her smile.
Maybe some day soon I'll post a journal entry of me singing or some such. XD

I have no idea what show is on SyFy right now, but it's some reality gamer show. All the people are geeky gamers. Seriously.... I'm in love! lolol.... UGH... but I hate reality shows. >.<
bird said:
FACT; I got my ID done today. I look completely stoned in my picture.
; n ;

I went to a DUI defense course once. I was told that the best defense is a photo on your Driver's License where you look drunk or high or both. When the Cop pulles you over and looks at your license s/he would think "Wow, this poor schmuck always looks like this," and let you go. Of course it was tongue in cheeck, but your post made me think of it.
DamningTheHeavens said:
Ponders: am I so unintersting that no one wants to stay my friend?

DTH: It's been my experience over the years that when a person has reached a point in their lives when they have to ask something like this, it is time for them to step back and take a HARD look at themselves. Almost always, it has less to do with something like how interesting vs not interesting they are and MORE to do with how they represent themselves to others. For example, repeated negativity in communications, whining, and general "speaking bad about oneself" tends to turn a lot of people off immediately and soon wears even the most patient people out. They might find you interesting but not worth the emotional energy it takes to hear the negativity all the time.

Bottom line: I've read your comments, even talked to you via PM, and there's a definite pattern of behavior that will turn off 99% of the people you interact with - some right away, others over time. In my opinion, it has nothing to do with whether or not you are interesting and everything to do with how you represent yourself. I don't say this to be mean but to give you some insight. Step back, look hard at your life and yourself, and make changes if you want a better life and more friends. And if you don't want to take that step....then accept the reality that you'll continually have people walking away from you, especially online, and stop whining about it. Change starts from within.
Fact: I seriously need to fix my sleep schedule.
Fact: I need to stop passing out in my chair.
Fact; I'm worried Hahvy got eaten by school :<
TakodaVega said:
Fact; I'm worried Hahvy got eaten by school :<

Isn't she visiting her friend?

My car is packed! Ok 85%. Less than 24 hours until I'm back in the DUUURRRTTYY.
H a r r i e t said:
Fact; I forgot how good waffles tasted.

Were they Blue berry? >_>

Fact: I'm totally going to by pass the hydraulic brake distributor on my new truck, because that brake system is retarded and it should work fine the standard way if the brake lines are good.

Fact: I forgot how much fun working on cars is.
Fact: Hahvy is out of town.
Fact: I felt out of the loop about that.
Fact; Old RP stuff reminds my Muse of the old days
Fact: That means my Muse is now in TURBO GEAR xD;
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