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Yes. As long as we're talking about positions, rather than gender specific work out.

Girl push ups, you have your knees bent and on the floor for more support. Guy push ups, you're all out lifting your own weight, no help.
H a r r i e t said:
Yes. As long as we're talking about positions, rather than gender specific work out.

Girl push ups, you have your knees bent and on the floor for more support. Guy push ups, you're all out lifting your own weight, no help.

Heh both of them sound too tiring to do :p

Bending at the knees means having your lower legs act as a balance and require you to lift less of your own weight through upper body strength.
2AM_Club said:
TakodaVega said:
Fact: Found out Clubby lives like 20 minutes from her~
cookies and drinks and brownies and drinks!

-dances about-

Yes you shall be my Guinea pig, and Try will be my Guinea Dragon.

... Which for some reason looks fluffy and cute in my head xDDDD and Try + AWWW cute don't compute xDDDDD
Lawl. Since my friend was generous enough to let me crash with her I was going to get her a gift card, but I don't want to drive all the way out to the mall. It costs $10 to ship (unless I take that off the total of her card..). Guess I'll have to drag my ass to the mall at some point. Fruck.

iTunes should stop pretending it doesn't want my business. I'm trying to buy something. Come on, bro.
2AM_Club said:
Lawl. Since my friend was generous enough to let me crash with her I was going to get her a gift card, but I don't want to drive all the way out to the mall. It costs $10 to ship (unless I take that off the total of her card..). Guess I'll have to drag my ass to the mall at some point. Fruck.

iTunes should stop pretending it doesn't want my business. I'm trying to buy something. Come on, bro.

Why do you have to go to the mall? D: Kroger has 'em! :D
Oh. DUH. Because I was being very store specific with what I was going to get her. But I could just put the money on a card and let her do whatever the hell she wants. GP!!!
700 CLUB.

Meaning my 700th post. We better leave for the movie before I fucking fall asleep and wake up tomorrow.
I am almost up to 800 although I stopped counting ages ago, and takodavega, my weekend starts tomorrow heh ^_^
Dameon said:
So..why don't you just give your friend a card with some cash? I dunno why people give gift cards. It's basically cash, but less useful.

Fact:Gift Cards are a personal touch. Instead of feeling like your Paying them off for something you are 'gifting' them something.
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