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Random Info About You

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Fact: I always prefer to get cash, it lets me save up for a big purchase down the road.

Also Fact: TJ will, indeed, make Gorillaz awesome. Especially if he tries to sing and it's anything like when he tried to 'sing' Crash Test Dummies.
Fact: Her boyfriend plans to get her drunk on her vacation
Fact: Originally thought she was going to drink him under the table
Fact: Then found out he drinks mostly Tequila.
Fact: Is fucked.
Fact: ~ Might get a blow job shot just to see what his reaction would be~
Fact: I want to be in a museum, stuffed and in a realistic position like I'm hunting, calling someone or buying something.
Fact: Left work early.
Fact: Missed co-worker's 20th birthday party.
Fact: Came back at 2 AM to pick up my mother to drive her home.
Fact: Co-worker is still here and totally wasted.
Fact: Been kissed like...8 times. Drunken slurred kisses.
Fact: She's also said I've got a sexy stomach and I smell good.


Fact: She also told me she's rented a room at the hotel our Bar is attached to and made special note of her king sized bed and jacuzzi.
Dameon said:
So..why don't you just give your friend a card with some cash? I dunno why people give gift cards. It's basically cash, but less useful.
Other than the fact that I don't want to..?
I know what stores she likes and I want to give her the opportunity to splurge a little bit without feeling like that money "needs" to go someplace else. Oh? I have $50 to spend at my favorite store!??! Awesome. Then I can spend my hard earned money on shit like food and other necessities and use this gift as...a gift.

Fucking annoyed that I deleted my printer program because it says I needed an upgrade to discover that the only programs available are for higher OS than what I have. Srs? Then again, shit wouldn't work so w/e.

I'm grumpy and tired. 32 hours until I'm on the road home. THANK GOD.
Fact: I was eating a hoggie with mayo and I didn't know that some of the mayo was on the side of my mouth that I didn't know about.
Fact: The same uncle that laughed at my about me hitting my head asked me who was I with today.
Fact: He would not let it go for an hour.
Fact: Seriously considering only R/P in Forums and not PM's anymore.
Fact: Is screaming at his computer because there are three PM's waiting that I cannot get to.

Fact: I had absolutely average sex for fifteen minutes last night. I am disappoint.

Fact: I don't RP through PMs because of the fritz it's been on.

Fact: I have three messages I can't get to either.

Fact: I admire my partner last night, because he didn't care about me at all. He just wanted to nut and sleep. Genius bastard, I've been used.
Congrats. You were used by one of the countless assholes out there. I'd like to say it won't happen again, but it might. Or even probably will.
My condolences.
Then we have different minds. People know when they are being used, they just refuse to accept it. I accept it, and wake up sometimes hoping that it happens again. Although the fucker could at least given me the chance to get off too.
Dameon said:
Reika said:
H a r r i e t said:
That's when you smack 'em with your shoe and walk away, me'thinks. ;B

That's too light.

Wrap your fist in chains, then punch'em. That's more gratifying. I've never done it, but, I imagine it would be.

Brass knuckles are better. Chains are just as likely to fracture your hand as his jaw.

Actually, no. You have clearly never wrapped your fist in a chain and hit somebody or seen somebody do it. On a personal level I would suggest wrapping a rope around your hand, start midway up the forearm, and make sure you've got a nice, sturdy knot. All you really need is to tuck the loose end of the rope beneath where it wraps around your palm. It adds weight to your blow, hardens your fists, protects your fist from the impact and causes an increased amount of abraded tissue.
Zombies Galore said:
Actually, no. You have clearly never wrapped your fist in a chain and hit somebody or seen somebody do it. On a personal level I would suggest wrapping a rope around your hand, start midway up the forearm, and make sure you've got a nice, sturdy knot. All you really need is to tuck the loose end of the rope beneath where it wraps around your palm. It adds weight to your blow, hardens your fists, protects your fist from the impact and causes an increased amount of abraded tissue.

Punched a person? No. I did wrap my hand in a chain and punch a car, though. So that's probably the reason why it hurt so much.

Also, how's that a personal level? Is it your preferred method of chain punching? >_>

Fact: Only had sex with two people in my entire life. I have no regrets. Maybe it's because I'm really good at masturbation.
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