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I think it would be nice if people poked around Q&S and saw threads about PMs being down before starting their own. But I'm asking a lot.
It is much easier to deal with it being broken when I don't have a damn notification for a new message.
It is still annoying since I'd like to access it to remember what info I want for the intro for my new one and the last post in another so I can reply
2AM_Club said:
I think it would be nice if people poked around Q&S and saw threads about PMs being down before starting their own. But I'm asking a lot.

Agreed. It is fun to watch the end of the world, though.
Also, it would be nice if people that do RP in PMs have some kind of contact info in case things go to shit. It isn't that hard to make a new email account or something.
This does not mean you insert irrelevant things in the messengers boxes. It looks like you have something when it is really stuff like:
Ask me.
Maybe I'll tell you.
Your mom.
I would have told you.

Shit, once I start complaining I just can't stop.
Sorry, sorry. XD

I've never had a panic attack. The closest I've had was getting punched in the chest so hard it knocked the wind out of me. Which shouldn't have happened, since punches aren't usually used in Judo. :F Strikes are done, but that's usually reserved for serious combat and we were just sparring.
2AM_Club said:
Dameon said:
Maybe it's because I'm really good at masturbation.
It never occurred to me that you could be bad at it.
Oh yes. You can. There's technique when it comes to having a good masturbation orgasm. Some people don't like masturbating cause it doesn't feel all that good.
I like you too much to be snarky with you, Harriet.

Fact: I need to bathe. I am feeling really gross because I have wonderful scabs on my head from where I broke out in hives again. Woo for random allergies.
Fact: First girlfriend was allergic to mint. Couldn't kiss her heavily after chewing mint gum or brushing my teeth because the flavor made her gag.
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