Fact: Mmmm, homemade pineapple smoothies. Those organic mixes from the store really add something to them. Will definitely try those again.
Fact: I hate when I can't write. D=
Fact: I'm rereading an old book series that I haven't read in years and I'm excited about it because I never finished the series.
Fact: I have a lesbian half sister who likes to be referred to as a man.
Fact: her name's Jennifer, but calls herself Ashton, and is a truck driver in Indiana.
Info: This weekend was good. Patched things up with Chris L who has my interest. Doing the friends' thing and seeing how it goes from there. No expectations is a good thing.
Info: Europe in a few weeks!
Fact: I've known about him for a while now. But I think I only found out about him through Larc-en-ciel. Well, by the lead singer Hyde anyhow....I think they are best friends...But yeah the songs on Dirge of Cerberus were pretty awesome.
that's pretty cool. i knew about Apocalyptica before they were really big. i really like classical as well as well as metal, so when i saw the album Apocalyptica Does Metallica on Four Cellos, i was like o.o must haaaaaave