kikora said:
Fact: I wrote five paragraphs for a post to MM, and hit a wrong button.
Fact: I HATE losing posts.
I really recommend typing anything like that on an outside program that you can't hit a wrong button on, like Word, or even better, I use Gmail. I type up my replies in there as if I were just writing a normal email. Gmail autosaves every minute or two, so if my connection drops, if the power flickers, if I accidentally hit the Back button on the side of my mouse, at most I'll lose all of two sentences, if even that. Gmail's spellcheck is mediocre, but it covers the essentials.
I'm sure there are other programs out there that also autosave for you, that's just what I'm used to and can recommend.
Fact: This is Battleship:
Oh look, Fades!
Fact: Ivy Walker Multipass