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It's Just Human Nature (MysteriousD/DaddysLittleSkank)

"Well, I hope your pursuit of your parental relationship with him does improve," Princess Bubblegum told Morgan kindly.

Diego smiled while blushing and nodding. He headed out to get some red foods, like some pizza with extra marinara sauce, some mozzerla sticks with marinara dipping sauce, toast with raspberry james and even a cherry pie. He managed to get alot of this thanks to the growing grocery stores.

"Hey, Marceline," he said knocking on her door.

"Well, where do you wanna go first?" Finn asked Morgan as he got on Jake and helped Morgan on so Jake could lower them onto the ground ofthe Candy Kingdom.
"Not like I have high expectations for what a Dad should be. Basically just acknowledge I exist and give somewhat of a damn about my safety and he's already exceeded my expectations." Morgan said before she followed Finn and Jake out. "No idea. I'm not that familiar with things."

Marceline opened her door allowing Diego to come in. "Sup?" She said. "I made popcorn. I figured might as well make this authentic of what movie theaters were like."
"We'll start by letting her check at our pad, bro. She can also get something to eat," Jake told Finn with a smile before he began walking alongside Finn and Morgan. "Haha, all right. What do you wanna eat?" Finn asked Morgan.

Diego smiled and brought the food in. Two large boxes of pizza with some smaller boxes containing the mozz sticks, the toast with jam and the cherry pie. He even brought some two 2-liter bottles of cherry-flavored (and colored) soda.

"I brought a bunch of red food," he said to her with a smile before he carefully set it down. He had a slight blush on his face.
"Sounds good. Lead the way." Morgan said. She was relieved that she had brought her backpack with her today. It'd be a good place for the three to put snacks and their picnic lunch.

"Cool, you can just put it anywhere." Marceline went over to the ladder that lead to her bedroom and pulled open a nearly invisible hatch behind the ladder to reveal a set of stairs leading downward. "This is where the basement is."
Finn and Jake walked through the Candy Kingdom, showing off some of the places that Morgan didn't see during the initial tour. Alot of the candy people would wave or say hi to them. "Nice girlfriend, Finn!" a teasing Mr. Cupcake shouted to Finn.

Diego set the food down somewhere so he could get it for them. "Is that where will see it?" Diego asked her though he had a feeling she knew something. She had that teasing smile on her face since he got here.
"I know, right?" Morgan jokingly replied. It was clear that she felt comfortable enough in Ooo to joke around with a stranger.

"No, we're gonna watch it up here but this is where I keep a lot of my stuff from before the Mushroom War." Marceline stated before heading down. "I'm a bit of a pack rat so ignore the clutter." She turned a light on revealing an entire cavern filled to the brim with stuff.
Finn couldn't help but chuckle along with Morgan, but he didnblush all the same. A lot of people want to see Finn happy, especially since he gave so much to them and helped out for so long."so what do you think of PB?" Finn asked Morgan.

"Oh all right," Diego said as he went down and saw the large piles of assorted items though there were still some form of order and organization. "Need any help?@ Diego offered to her with a smile.
"She seems nice enough," Morgan said, "a little too much of a bookworm for me. I'd rather hang out with you guys and go on an adventure."

"You are going to pick out the movie right?" Marceline asked. "If you are, just follow me." She went down the the stairs and weaved her way through the piles and shelves of miscellaneous things until she reached a literal Block Buster store.
"PB has always been good at adventuring. She's just always been busy having to take care of everyone here in the Candy kingdom," Finn explains to Morgan. "Yeah, especially since a while ago, some jerk tricked everyone into kicking her out and he pretty much did a garbage job," Jake explained, referring to the temporary takeover of the so-called King of Ooo.

"Yeah, I'll pick us the movie," Diego said with a smile as he followed Marceline over til he saw the literal store there. "Wow that's surprising," he noted. Wrote he went in to explore. There were all sorts of movies so he hoped he could find one that was good. "This BB is bigger than average," he noted before he saw some doors. He recognized a couple as bein the backroom and restroom doors. He had a mental not o check them out later.

"How about a mystery?" Diego asked her as he looked through.
"He sounds like a real jerk." Morgan stated. "Did she at least punch him in stupid face? Where is he now?" Morgan admittedly didn't know much about what it took to lead anything much less an entire kingdom, the only experience she had was was with SimCity.

"FYI the toilets do not work, so don't use them." Marceline chuckled. "It was a pain getting in here. Just grab a movie and let's go."
"He got run or if everyone when they realized he was a total dingus," Finn explained. "PB was helping us deal with a large monster at the time while also helping Marceline," he added. Running a kingdom was a lot of work and both the boys knew that. They may not always agree with how she ran things, but they knew she did because she cared.

"Yeah, I reckon. Though I'm more wondering what's behind there," Diego noted before she told him to just pick a movie. He kept looking before he picked The Maltese Falcon. He likes film noir movies. "All right, I got it," he said as he went to her.
"She told me something about that." Morgan said trying to remember exactly what Marceline had told her. "Something about not wanting to be a vampire anymore."

"We could check it out. I mean we do have all night to watch the movie, it wouldn't hurt to look what's back there." Marceline going behind the register and pulling out some keys. She handed them to Diego and gestured to the door, "lead the way."
"Yeah, Marcy tried to get rid of her vampireness, but it created a biz with the Vampire King and some sort of monster," Finn briefly summerized to her. "Though she seems to be okay with being a vampire again," he added. "Yeah though I wonder what'll happen after we die. Then again, she does have Diego," Jake noted while keeping showing them. He also waved to the silent Gumball Guardians as he showed them to Morgan.

Diego got the keys and went over to the back room. It was pretty standard for a back room though it was a mess obviously. "What's this?" Diego said as he saw anoter door, looking different from the others. He opened it with a unique key and saw there were a small room with various covers though all dark colored and with simple basic names on it. "Too basic to make anything about it though these stickers seem to indicate something," he said before he got one. He went over to a smaller register and saw there was coding system.

"I guess I'll take this, though it does look like it's a secret section," he told her as he got it.
"I guess that's a curse of the undead, watching the people you care about die around you while you know full well you'll just keep living regardless; waking up each day knowing that to you it's just another drop in the ocean that is your life but it very well could be the last day you spend with someone." Morgan said staring straight ahead. "Everyday fighting yourself on whether you should spend time with others knowing that their time is limited by their mortality or not even bother making friends knowing that before you know it they'll be dead and you'll still be here, unable to join them in death for you are already dead." There was a brief pause. "Wow, that got really dark, really fast."

"Just grab a movie and let's go," Marceline said, "being down here for extended periods makes me a bit uneasy." She honestly didn't know what all could be down there, especially when things seemed to be in different spots everytime she went down there. The idea that someone or something could be living in your basement, no matter how big, and you not be aware of it was unnerving to say the least.
"Yeah, I know what that's like. Though I tend to keep that dark junk in the vault," Finn says, referring to the mental vault in his head. It was his coping mechanism with the truamatic stuff he dealt with. It was something he ended up picking up or rather refining with help from PB, since she did something similar as well.

"I guess that's why we gotta enjoy what we can, ya know? Death comes for us all. And we should know. We met him," Jake added in a cheerful manner.

Diego grabbed the blank movie, hoping it wasn't anything horrible. "All right then, let's see what's in this then," he said as he followed Marceline back up the stairs. "You wanna have anything to eat before we start the film?" he asked her.
"Let me guess," Morgan said with a chuckle, "you had to battle against him in a musical duel?" She was remembering an old country song her grandfather used to listen to about some guy having a bet with the Devil about who was the better fiddle player.

"Okay, let's go then." Marceline said as she started towards the exist before stopping at the video game section. She grabbed several Nintendo 64 games, saying, "One of the things that was in Morgan's backpack was N64 and like two games. I'm sure she'd like getting a few more."
"Ha ha, yeah that didn't go well. Nah, he backed off as a favor because we knew Peppermint Buter," Finn told her back with a smile. "Yeah, he's a pretty chill guy. Even has a girlfriend with the embodiment of life," Jake added as they exited the Candy Kingdom and was exploring the beautiful fields of green. "There's also all sorts of superpower peeps, like Prismo and the Cosmic Owl," Finn explained to Morgan.

Diego nodded before he saw the video game section. "Cool! I love to play video games," Diego told Marceline with a smile before he helped her with the tuff before going back up. "Would you want to eat a bit first?" he asked her with a smile. He was very happy just to be able to hang out with Marceline.
"That's insane." Morgan said. "What did he look like?" She wondered if he looked like the depictions of the Devil from before she was frozen or looked completely different.

Marceline closed the door behind them, and placed the video games on the coffee table. "We could eat while watching the movie." She suggested. "And you're welcome to anything in the fridge.
"He had a cow skull for a head and was dressed as a farmer in beige," Finn explained. He wondered how she would take that. "He's pretty cool, but also kind a bit weird," Jake clarified as they walked through. In the distance, a large tree could be seen, where Finn and Jake made their home.

Diego nodded before he put the strange tape in. He served himself a slice of pizza and began digging in. He noticed there was a lackluster intro and such, like it was not made with much money. "I wonder what sort of movie it is," Diego says confusingly while he sat down on the sofa next to Marceline.
"Wow, that's a lot different from what humans depicted him as." Morgan said. "Typically he was shown as either a goat human hybrid with a triton, two horns, and a long tail that ends with a point, or a human skeleton cloaked in with a syth."

Marceline was floating above the couch next to Diego. It didn't take long for her to figure out what out what kind of a movie it was; locked in a secret room, no cover, and horrible acting. There was no doubt, this was a porno, but before she could say anything, they started having sex.
"Well, he is still a skeleon dude, just with a cow skull," Finn explained though he was also confused. "I never heard of the hybrid thingy. Though Death isn't the only powerful guy in Ooo. There's also Prismo and the Cosmic Owl... and Marceline's Dad too," Finn added. "Yeah, but he's busy being all dark and kinda sorta evilish maybe in the Nightosphere," Jake added.

"Wait.. this is... OH GOB," Diego said before his face became an intense shade of red at the fact that strange film he found in the hidden section was a porn film. To say he was embarassed is an understatement, especially since he was with Marceline. He was too stunned and shocked to be able to do anything but do a few double-takes before staring in shock.
"Pretty sure I've met the Cosmic Owl," Morgan stated, "and Marceline's already filled me in on her Dad. Nothing is more terrifying than him showing up for a surprise visit and just assuming that I live there because we're dating."

Marceline panicked and threw the remote at the tv, shattering the screen. The two sat in silence for awhile before Marceline spoke up, asking, "Soo, you wanna make out or something?"
Wait, how did he show up? I thought he could only appear by making a portal in Ooo to the Nightosphere," Finn asked, wondering how Hunson Abadeer managed to arrive here on his own. "Yeah, though there's all sorts of other bad stuff there," Jake explained also confused. The treehouse was getting closer in arrival.

"There's also Life and Glob, though I'm not sure why they're doing," Finn added.

Diego saw Marceline accidentally break the TV, but he was still too stunned by everything to react. His face remained red and was still process everything. Just as he was about to get some semblance of order back, Marceline asked him if he wanted to make out.

Diego's brain short-circuited once more, though he did turn to her, staring at her with a stunned look and very red-faced. However, his subconscious possessed enough control to make his mouth. Wrote he really thought about it.

"Don't know, don't care. All I know is he scared the shit out of me." Morgan said. "Although he did chill after Marceline explained that we're just roommates." When Morgan saw the treehouse and stopped dead in her tracks, asking, "You two live there?"

"Kay." Marceline said as she lowered the level she was floating so she was hovering mere inches above the couch. She pushed Diego onto the couch and got on top of him before she pressed her lips against his.
"Well, he does care, but he's... not very good at showing it," Finn explaiend as best as he could. "It's kinda not his fault. That amulet he has makes him all super evil and stuff. It doesn't matter who. Marceline got it and it affected her," he said before he shivered in remembering. "Yeah, even Finn got messed up when he wore it. He fought it for a bit, but it's really bad news," Jake explained before he nodded. "Yeah, home sweet home. Looks like you like," Jake said with a slightly smug smile.

Diego couldn't believe what he said, his blush remaining on his face while his eyes looked into Marceline's own. His red face contrasting her pale grey face. He was on the couch and he suddenly felt her on top of him. His eyes widened and his mind went completely when he felt her lips on his. Despite the intense sensation, his heart also rushed with a swelling of joy as the woman that he was falling for kissed back. Nervously, he returned the kiss while he wrapped his arms around her as he closed his eyes.
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