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Is He A Lover or A Fighter Part 2 {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

She didn't like the sigh he gave her but she ignored it to just get it over with without a fight. "Dad is an only child but mom has two brothers and two sisters." She added them all to the list and the other people that he mentioned.

"I have a couple friends from high school, one of the girls I work with at VS and then Amy for bridesmaids. I'm still working on asking them but I'm sure most will say yes." While she thought about she added the Angels to the guest list. "Tom Brady might be coming our wedding." She shook her head at the idea. "That would be cool."

"Andre, Alex and Aiden can be ushers. If they want." She added. She made a separate list for who would have jobs at their wedding, meaning his groomsmen and man of honor, her bridesmaids and maid of honor and ushers.
Jake thought about it. "So I need two more guys? I could have my cousin who lives back in Denver. And Matt from my corner crew. He has been on my crew from the beginning. Oh and the rest of my corner crew and guys from the gym." He told her the names.

He gave her a look. "You mean the cheater of the NFL?" Jake shrugged. "Now if Peyton Manning came to our wedding that would be cool. Actually some Denver Broncos could totally come to our wedding and that would be awesome. I have a feeling there will be a big variety of people at our wedding. Actors, musicians, athletes, models, and average family." He smiled and kissed her shoulder.

"Babe...we have like a year right? What if....Owen pulls our niece or nephew down the aisle." He shrugged. "Our two ring bears." He tried to think about who else to invite. "Oh John Legend, Chrissy Teigan, and LL. Gavin Degraw." He was inviting anyone who they had met along the way and become friends with. "Jimmy and Ellen of course. You probably should invite your companies you walked for."
She rolled her eyes, "Just be nice if he comes to the wedding. We don't know any Broncos to invite so you have to settle with a Patriot. I'm sure you'll survive." She laughed and then grabbed her side in pain.

She nodded her head to having a year. "Well Owen has agreed to be our ring bearer and our niece has no choice but to be a flower girl. She won't be walking but we will figure that part out. Someone can carry her. Maybe your dad can carry her and sprinkle flowers down." She smiled really big and looked at Jake, "I think that's perfect actually."

She added the names and she added the designers of people she walked for and other people she worked with closely that worked for the company. She knew she wanted a big wedding but she also had to keep it tight. She didn't want people bugging celebrities for autographs and pictures. She wanted everyone to sit back and enjoy her wedding day.

Owen woke up and didn't cry but he did start to whine and call for Adri. Adri looked at Jake, "Go save our boy." She told him and sat up slowly and leaned on some pillows.
Jake groaned to having a Patriot. "That's like a sin babe..." He gave her a look when she laughed and grabbed her side. "I won't say it, because I don't want hit. Maybe I'll meet some. I do want to go to a game this fall. We may have to invite the whole team." He teased.

"What's a perfect idea? Your idea or mine?" He looked at her, not sure who she was talking about.

He gave her an nod and patted her leg as he got up. Jake went up to Owen's room. "Hey big boy." He smiled and changed his diaper. "You want to go see mommy? She's downstairs waiting for you stinky butt. We need you potty trained." He attacked him with kisses as he went downstairs with him in his arms. Max followed close behind. Once downstairs he put him down and shut the gate to the stairs. "Go get mommy..." Owen took off after Adri. He put his head against her leg and smiled at her. Jake helped him up on the couch.
She rolled her eyes at inviting the team and didn't comment. "Tyra, how could I forget Ms Banks?" She smiled and wrote her idol's name down. "What if she outshines me though? Should we have a dress code? Obviously they can't wear white but maybe no ivory or cream either. Or maybe we can have everyone dress in black?"

"My idea. Your dad holding our niece sprinkling flowers down as he walks down the aisle." She smiled.

Adri smiled when she heard Owen's little feet running to the living room. She hid under a blanket but he still ran over and grabbed her legs. She peek a booed from under the blanket and bent forward to kiss his head. She thanked Jake when his pushed Owen up on the couch and kissed him some more.

"Who should we invite to the wedding, O?" She asked him and babbled the answer.
He shrugged. "I don't know the dress code rules on that. What's proper etiquette on wedding rules for us? Do what you want I guess. It's your wedding."

He sighed. "Of course you pick your idea." Jake teased.

Owen snuggled up to Adri, still a little sleep from just waking up from his nap. Jake smiled at Adri and Owen. He sat back down next to Adri.

"Grandma and grandpa are already invited buddy. And we can't invite Paw Patrol. And yes Max will be there." Jake winked at Adri with a smile. "That's who he wants there." He smiled and kissed Owen's cheek a bunch.
"I thought it was our wedding but okay." She under her breath and looked at their list.

She closed the notebook and set it on the couch. She held Owen to her side and rubbed his arm, "I missed you too Buddy." She said softly.

"What did mom make? Do you know? Can you eat it?" She asked him. "I told her to be health conscious. I don't know if she listened to me or not."
Jake looked at her. "No babe I meant that it's your wedding so you can do what you want. If you want to say don't wear a certain color do it. If you want to have the guest wear black, then let's tell them to wear black. I'm just saying screw it, we can do what we want. I didn't mean anything by what I said about being yours." He kissed her shoulder.

"Beef, noodles, potatoes and veggies." He gave her a nod. "Yeah you can eat it. One meal isn't going to hurt. When you feel better I'll just make you work out a few crazy work outs. You'll be fine." He smiled a her and rubbed her leg.

Owen looked up at her and the more he woke up, the more he blabbed about nonsense. "Want me to warm up some of the food babe?" Jake asked.
She shook her head, "That all sounds super heavy and I know how mom cooks. I think I'll pass this time." She laughed lord at the clock and then looked at Jake, "You can get dinner ready for this guy though. I'll feed him while you eat."

The next couple weeks were pretty much the same. She was laid up in pain, she ate a little more everyday, she couldn't wait to pick up Owen. She had his birthday mostly planned from the utensils to the food to the decorations. They even picked a couple dog shelters for the gift money to go to.

They had to take his first year pictures and then get those on the invitations and they were set. She had his outfits all laid out for the big day and she got a chalkboard that labeled his height, weight, favorite food, favorite word and favorite person. Even Max would join in on the pictures. She also got a watermelon cake for him to dig into but he was getting picky about being dirty so didn't know if he would actually do it.
Jake was a little worried with Adri not eating much. He knew there was no real way to get her to either. He just tried cooking things she'd eat. Jake worked out most not ing so he was home with Owen and Adri in the afternoons.

It was nice to have the party planned. They just had to get to LA for the trial. Jake worked it out while they were there he could record his bit for the video game. Liam was set to be with them from the minute they got to the airport.

Once they got back from LA they'd take their trip to Denver. One afternoon, Jake came out of the office. "Adge....I found the most perfect RV. It's an RV we pull with the SUV. It has a porch area." He carried his laptop to the couch.
She was getting anxious about the trial but she tried not show didn't know where they were staying because she didn't want to stay in her apartment. She didn't want to take Owen or the dogs. She barely wanted to go herself. She knew Liam and Jake would be there but she'd rather stay home.

Her lawyer said it was an easy win and the woman would be away for a few years. The guy was on his third strike so he was looking at a lifetime.

She looked up when Jake walked into the living room and looked at his laptop. It was nice for an RV, she thought. "I like it Boo. We can rent that one out. I like it." She smiled.
The RV honestly was any camper's dream. He showed her a few pictures. "Yeah?" He smiled at her. "This one has Q's approval?" Jake was excited to take Adri and Owen camping. It will be their first camping trip and as a family. "The dogs will be nice and safe there and we can travel with whatever we need to with the space it has."

He knew she was anxious about the trial so he was trying to keep her mind off of it but they needed to discuss a few things about the trip. "I have our hotel booked for LA. It's under code names. Which I felt was safer and is kind of cool. Why have we not done that before? I feel like I'm under cover." He put his laptop on the coffee table. "I figured when I book a hotel we do super heros and their lovers. So the first one is Steve Rogers and Peggy Carter. Aka Cap America...When you book us a room you can pick your theme. Liam is Bucky Barnes. Tell me that isn't a big genius?" He smiled at how good his cover names were.

"Want me to help you pack?" He looked her over.
"I approve." She smiled and handed his laptop back to him. "We should go get the bug spray and mosquito nets and everything else we need for camping. We are still staying in a house when we get to Denver though, right?" She asked.

She smiled, "That's good. I like it." She chuckled and rubbed his leg. "We've never needed code names before. We barely needed a room. I have to get my stuff out of that apartment before I return the keys. I still have time on the lease though so no rush there." She said softly.

She sighed and looked at Owen. She had been so busy planning the birthday party, she was able to put off packing. "We aren't staying long right? Just the trial days. That's what...three, four days tops? Then I have to pack for the road trip and that's a week away. Will you grab him? He can watch this upstairs so we can pack."

She got up and went upstairs. She felt better. There was still some pain in her ribs but it was no where near as bad. She still wasn't cleared to pick up Owen or work out though. She went into their closet and pulled of the suit she'd wear to the trial. Same jacket, different shirts and pants and simple black heels. She packed a couple extra shirts just in case and she packed some flying home clothes, pajamas, everything she needed hygiene wise and she was don't.

She didn't think Jake would want to go anywhere but at the last minute she put some t shirts and jeans on the bed to be packed away too. She hadn't been out much. She was barely on her social media. She was in touch with a few people and allowed them to say she was okay to the press but she was taking a step back for a bit. She'd have to be out there again when work started up and she knew that and would be ready for that.

The camping trip was going to be a harder trip to pack for and she was getting tired so she'd let Jake pack but she would give the final verdict on what he pulled out of the closet.
Jake smiled and nodded. " Yes. I have a place already booked for us. It's a cabin that we can actually buy. We don't need nets babe. Repellent is enough. It won't be too bad. Let me handle that stuff you pick the clothes out for you and O."

"Well we can get it. Do we want to just ship the stuff home? Do you want to look for a new place? We can find a place with security in the building." He kissed her shoulder. "We can wait too."

He shook his head to a long stay. Jake picked Owen up and followed her upstairs with the dogs following behind. "I do have a day for my game but a day, two tops. Plus we will have Liam so it will be okay."

Jake tossed Owen on the bed and he laughed. Jake then picked the girls up and put them on the bed too. When she got the clothes out he put them in her suitcase. He then got out his clothes and hygenie products.

" Want to pick out O's stuff for his stay with Aim or want me to?"
""I'll finish packing in a second. I just wanted to sit down." She told him and pulled Owen, by his foot, towards her and away from the edge of the bed. Which made him scream and giggle.

"You can pack for him if you want. Make sure you have three times the clothes for each day. Just in case someone gets yucky. And he's getting bigger so maybe two sizes of diapers." She told him and laid on her side.

"Nick wants to go to dinner when we get to LA. I told him he could come to dinner instead. He seems to be fine with that. We can order in or you can pick something up. I think he'd like to hear about you and your game." She smiled.
Jake let her take a break as he got his own stuff packed. "Yes ma'am. I'll over pack. I'll make sure he has plenty. Plus they can always get in and get more clothes if they have to or will buy more outfits."

He gave her a nod. "Alright. We can figure it out. I'm sure we can all agree on something. You sure you don't want to go out? We can find some place private." Jake crawled in the bed and attacked Owen with kisses and he laughed.

"Daddy has to get you packed for Aunt Aims and Uncle Luke's." He kissed his head then Adri's before jumping off the bed and onto the floor hiding from Owen and the dogs. When Owen looked for him, Jake jumped up and scared him and Owen laughed and squealed.
"I guess one positive if she has a boy is all of the clothes she likes on Owen she can have when he grows out of them. But she's not having annoy. It's a girl, I can feel it." She smiled

"I don't want to go out. If you two want to go out and have fun go ahead. Liam and I will stay home. But I will happy in the hotel room probably watching a movie." She told him. "Or my agent will come over and we will have a little chat about things."

She kept Owen from following Jake into his room and played peek a boo with him. She held his hand while he jumped on the bed and then plopped on his butt.

"She set him on the floor and closed the baby gate and bathroom door so she could pack her clothes for the camping trip.
She had a good point. "Or maybe she is having a boy so she doesn't have to buy anything." He teased and chuckled, "I think it's a boy."

"It's alright babe. We can have dinner at the hotel. What kind of chat would you have with your agent?" He stopped and looked at Adri. He wasn't sure what she was getting at with it.

Jake got Owen's bag packed for Amy's and camping. Knowing Amy, she'd wash his clothes too or if he had too many accidents. The kid had plenty of clothes though and wouldn't need her to do wash. He also grabbed the traveling gates for the Denver trip. Some of his favorite toys were also put in a tote bag to take a long.

When he was finished, Jake walked back in their room. "Owen is all packed up and ready. Need any more help babe? You packing your flannel for the camping trip?" He teased.
"There are this that he and I need to talk about. Work, travel, how he treated you. But to be fair, he didn't know much himself. I didn't tell him anything. I didn't tell anyone anything until you came." She told Jake and but held her hands up, "But I'll talk to him."

She had a few outfits out for the Denver trip but she as sitting on the bed when he walked in the room. She stood up and went back to packing, "I was thinking about it. We do need to go to the store and get some supplies. I don't want him getting bitten by mosquitos and I'd rather not get big either. But he is the main concern."

She rubbed Max's head and gave him a kiss. Owen walked over and laid across Max. Adri picked Owen up enough to get him off of Max and laid him next to Max instead.

"How hot is it out there right now? Should I pack jeans or shorts? Are we going to a lake? I can pack a bikini or a few. I think he outgrew that top we got him but we can go somewhere and get some new bathing suit pieces for him. Maybe a hat to cover his big head." She teased.
Jake looked at her. "To be fair?" He couldn't believe she was still sticking up for her agent. "I had no idea what was going on. I didn't know if he found you in the hospital, the side of the road, in an accident, at the apartment or anywhere. That's what I was upset about. I had no idea where I was going until after I got off the flight in LA. He told me the bare minimum. I had no idea what had happened. Funny how he knew nothing but the media seemed to surely know." Jake shook his head. "Forget it. If he knew nothing to tell me then he couldn't have told me anything..."

He shrugged. "We can go now or today if you want. Or when we get back from LA. It's up to you."

Jake watched Owen and Adri move him off of Max. "Cooler than here. Like 70s to 80s. Shorts would be fine. Maybe a few jeans or pants for nighttime. Definitely wear a bikini. We can get Owen whatever he needs. Let's go shopping." He gave her a look. "Why are you picking on him for his fat head? He can't help it."
She sighed and looked at Owen, "I mean you two just don't like each other. I don't know what to tell either of you to make you feel good other than stay away from each other." She told him. "I tell you I am going to talk to him and you tell me he's the leak. I was surrounded by cops, hospital staff, the managers of my apartment, and various other people who were just standing around gawking. We don't know who the leak is. But demonizing him doesn't help the situation. Okay? You keep me happy emotionally and physically and he keeps me working. Could I find another agent, sure but how do I know they will put in as much work as he does? Just stay away from each other." She told him.

She hadn't really left the house other than to go to the doctor and get her eye checked out. Was she excited to go out, not really but she would just to get a change of scenery. She had to be outside at some point. She got off of the bed to put on some clothes. "We can get it all done now. So we will have if when we get back."

She kissed Owen's big head, "I know he can't help it. It go tit from his father. Hopefully he grows into it soon. Come on, Boo, let's get you dressed." She held Owen's hand and walked him into his bedroom. She'd have to change him on the floor since she couldn't pick him up yet but she was fine with that.
Jake shook his head. "I never once said he was the leak. Not once. What I'm upset about is he couldn't tell me what was going on but some how media could find out enough information but yet he had no idea what happened? I don't buy it. He knew and refused to tell me. That's fucked up. I've gotten along with him. I haven't said a word to him. But I will not put up with his disrespect our entire marriage. Funny I have to be respectful but he can do what he wants." Jake rolled his eyes and shook his head. He felt like at times she still put her career or certain people before him. "Think how you'd feel not hearing from me then someone just telling you to get to where ever I was and that I couldn't talk. That's it. No more information than that. Then waiting for hours to fly there and reading about it online. You'd be pissed too."

He was happy she agreed to go out. "Make get lunch too?"

"Hey! It's just so big because we're so intelligent." He grinned and grabbed his Jordan's. Before putting them on he put on one of his Tapout shirts. He then went down to let the dogs out then went back up to get Owen. "You ready big guy?"
"I'm over the fighting honestly. That's all I'm saying. I don't want to hear it. You make it sound like I'm picking sides when I just told you I would talk to him. What more can I say? You won't be happy until I fire him." She shrugged her shoulders like she made her point. If she had to she would fire him but if they ignored each other then she wouldn't be nagged at by either of them.

She shook her head to getting lunch, "I'm really not hungry."

She got Owen dressed in a white t-shirt and jeans and the same red and black Jordan's Jake was wearing. She was in all black with her black Jordan's. She put her hair up and a little make up on, just in case they got caught by someone or paparazzi. When Jake came back up, Owen ran to him with his arms up. He was smart enough to know Adri couldn't lift him so Jake got both arms raised and Adri usually got one hand or he hugged her legs.

She grabbed her wallet and a little cross body bag so they could go. Before she went all the way downstairs, she grabbed a couple more diapers for the diaper bag and then went down.
"No, that really wouldn't make me happy. Him giving me some damn respect as your future husband would make me happy. But whatever." The difference was that if roles were reversed he already would have fired his agent when he tried to break them up. But he was not his agent and she never was going to see this guy trying to break them up. She cut her brother out for having a girlfriend lean photos but her own agent trying to ruin her relationship was forgivable. He would hope that she wouldn't have to pick sides. He would never make her do that but he hoped the decision would be easy.

Jake gave her a nod. "Maybe after you'll be hungry."

He pulled Owen up after grabbing his arms. He did it in a quick fun motion and gave him a lot of kisses. They went downstairs and put Owen in the car seat. "Baby? Will you grab the keys and my sunglasses?" I call out to you from the garage.

"Ready to go buddy? Let's go shopping."
She grabbed the keys and sunglasses for Jake and handed him the sunglasses. She started the car while he made sure Owen was secure in his seat. She went back to the house and set the alarm before locking the door and closing the garage.

She got in the passenger seat and buckled up. Owen was content in his car seat as long as the car was move or someone was in his face. Other than that he hated the confines. She reach back and grabbed his foot to get him to laugh.

Camping gear was more important than bathing suits so that's where they went first. Adri wiped down a cart that they could put Owen in and went towards the bug repellent section. She didn't want any bugs near them but since this was Jakes domain, she let him get the best stuff. She did t fin little wrist band that claimed to keeps bugs off of you, so she put three of those in the cart too.
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