Is He A Lover or A Fighter Part 2 {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

Jake thanked her for the keys and his glasses. He put them on as he got in the driver's side and pulled out. They hit Cabela's first. "I could buy a lot here."

He got a baby safe bug repellent that covers mosquitos and ticks. He also grabbed a spray for them if they didn't want to use the baby safe one. They grabbed a table cover for a picnic table and fire starters just to he safe.

"We will need to make a grocery list to get too before we leave for food to make you. And you are eating my camping food." He gave her a look. "Got it woman?" He pat her butt. They also grabbed sheets for their bed in the camper and Owen's. He felt better using their own. "What else beautiful?"
"If you say so. Just know you won't be walking around with me if you ever try to wear camo out of the house." She told him with a smile.

"I'll eat your camping food if it is composed of fruits, vegetables and salad dressing."

She thought of what else they needed, "If we go to a lake maybe some floaties. He is going to be in a life vest at all times when we are near the water so he needs that. We all need sunscreen. And a hat and sunglasses for the little dude with the big head." She kissed Owens head and he smiled at her.

"Then we need to go somewhere to find some bathing suits. And that's it. We can get the food after that."
"Hey...there's some nice camo stuff. Like Underarmour shirts and stuff. You should be happy to know if we got lost in the wilderness we could survive because of me. So don't diss the camo. I will wear a camo ball her. Probably Underarmour or Real Tree." He smiled.

They grabbed floaties, hats, sunglasses, and sunscreen. "Babe...his bug repellent also has sunscreen in it."

"You want to get a suit for O and I here? Probably a good idea to buy one for the lake vs pool suits. They may have l little wet shirts for him too." Jake pretended the cart was a race car and Owen cracked up. "What kind of suit you want buddy?"
"No camo." She declared.

"He needs real sunscreen too. 100+ for sensitive skin." She rubbed Owen's cheek. "I don't need him getting sunburnt. I also don't need you getting sunburnt. Just in case, get some aloe Vera." She didn't care if the bug repellent had sun screen her boys would be protected.

"Yeah. We can find something here." She didn't think there would be much of a selection. She knew it was just them at the lake but she wanted her kid to look stylish. She did find a couple of wet shirts and they were cute because they were so small.

"He needs the special diaper for the water." She remembered and set the shirts in the cart. "Do you need one? How easily do you burn?" She asked him curiously.
Jake grinned, "It's gonna happen."

He tossed the sunscreen in the cart she wanted. He also put the aloe in the cart. "We can put that in the fridge. It's better in the fridge. "

Jake laughed. "I thought you were asking if I needed a water diaper too. I was gonna get annoyed and say no. I do burn sometimes. I'll just make sure my girl applies more sunscreen through out the day. We can get the diapers with the groceries."

He found a baby fisherman's hat that's khaki colored. He put it on Owen. Owen looked up at them and smiled. "I think he likes it. Plus it will keep the sun off him."
"I mean do you need a water diaper?" She asked and tried to keep a straight face. She laughed, "Who knows. You might eat some bad camp food and need a diaper." She giggled.

Adri kissed his cheek and took a picture of him in his new hat and sent it to her mother. "Yeah but we aren't going to get it off of him without a fight." She pinched Owen's cheek and gave him another kiss.

"I think we are done here then." She said and pushed the cart towards the check. She was happy. They got through the entire trip with no camo. She got the cart to the front andlet the cashier ring everything up.
"Not from my cooking. I'm good thanks." He shook his head and rolled his eyes with a smile.

Jake shrugged, "Whatever keeps him happy right?" He made a face at Owen and Owen laughed and swung his legs. He followed Adri up to the check outs and grabbed some flashlights and a few lanterns to have for around the camp site.

As they waited in line, he found the camo. Her bubble will be popped. "Babe..." He grabbed a hat and then showed her the black hoodie too. "This isn't too bad right? We can get you one that has pink on it." He looked around and found a camo fisherman's hat for Owen. Jake pointed to it. "Babe look!"
"Yeah. We have to keep him happy." She laughed. She tickled Owen and got him to giggle for her. She tried to take the hat off to let the girl ring it up but Owen pouted when she finally got it off. He was on the verge of tears but she got it back on his head in time.

"You can get the hat." She told him and took the hat and had it rung up. She paid with their joint account and took the cart to the car. She put the stuff in the back of the car. She even picked upnowen and got him in the car and buckled up but she felt her ribs protest the action when she sat down in the front seat. She hid it from Jake as best she could. She didn't need to hear his mouth.

"Groceries right? You want to head to Target and get them?" She asked. She had a pension for going in for one thing and getting everything that caught her eye. "We can try the mall after that. Find bikinis. We can drop the rugrat off at mom and dads." She told him. She was out of the house so she wanted to embrace it and get stuff done.
Jake chuckled at the look on Owen's face. "Nice move. You were fast. Good job."

"Babe...I don't have to ask permission to get something." He told her with a smile and put both the hat and hoodie on the belt. Once everything was paid, they headed out to the car and he put the bags in the back. He gave Adri a look when she took Owen but he knew she missed doing it and holding him so he wasn't going to say it, despite how many times she got after him for doing things he shouldn't have when he was injured. He grabbed his hat and put it on, just to see what Adri would say.

Jake got in and started the car, heading for the store. "Are we going to stop at home to drop off the stuff that needs to be cold? Or do you think your parents will have room in their fridge?" His hand grabbed hers, bringing it to his lips before letting them rest on his thigh. "For the record, I'm not wearing a speedo in the lake. It's not happening."
She frowned at his sweatshirt and rolled her eyes. "you're not wearing it when you are with me. Are you even allowed to wear Under Armor? You are kin of branded to Reebok Mr UFC Champion." She told him and shrugged her shoulder. She was joking but she was curious to know if he could wear other fitness brands publicly.

"We can always go shopping and then go grocery shopping. Pick him up afterwards. I don't think he will enjoy being cooped up for much longer. And I don't want him walking around the mall or the grocery store." She sent her mom a text to see if she could watch Owen for a little bit.

She looked at Jake while she waited for the reply and saw the hat on his head. She shook her head, "Mom said we can drop him off when ever. I do want to look for another outfit before his photoshoot tomorrow so let's drop him off and get to the mall. Okay?"
"I can wear what I want as long as it's not a UFC sponsored event. Like weigh-ins, open work outs, or any press conferences. When it's just me in the gym and Luke I can wear whatever I want. Or out in public with my future wife. Anything I want." Jake grinned at her. "It's for the camping trip if it's cool outside...I don't want to wear my good TapOut gear camping. Once we're in the cabin I can wear whatever."

Jake gave her a nod. "Okay. As long as they are up to watching him. They may have to let him wear his hat though..." He looked back at Owen who was just chilling in his seat looking around, enjoying his new hat. His feet kicking. Jake smiled. "He's seems pretty happy right now, but we know it won't last."

"Okay. We will hit the mall first then get to the grocery. Do you want to stop for lunch now? Not sure if he's getting hungry. Would your parents have something to feed him if we wait or we can bring food back when we're done." His thumb caressed her hand. Owen started blabbing about whatever babies blab about but a few words came out. Jake could recognize 'hat' and 'car,' but they came out without the ending consonant. Owen kept saying them and pointed to the cars going by when he said car. "Babe, he's saying car and hat!"
"Once you are in the cabin, you can wear nothing at all. Or just your boxers. Maybe we will all go natural. He can be in his diaper, we can be in our underwear. It will be fun." She smiled.

"Good job with the hat. We are never going to get it off. They may have to wait until nap time to take it." She said softly.

"Are you really hungry? I'm not hungry Boo. We can stop and eat if you want. But yes, they can feed him if we drop him off." She could hear 'car' while Owen spoke. She smiled at Jake and then Owen, "Good job buddy. Our smart boy." She smiled at Jake again.
Jake smiled. "I actually really like that idea. No underwear rule. I love it. Let's do it. But it would be a lot more fun if it was just us and we could go seriously all natural. Maybe in bed we can have a no underwear rule."

"I couldn't help it babe. It looked cute and we would need something for him in Denver anyway. We can use it here too when we go on walks." He smiled back at Owen. "You're just jealous, I found it and not you." He grinned at her.

He shook his head. "No I can wait. I just didn't know if O would be. We can wait." Jake smiled at Owen. After a little bit, Jake pulled into Adri's parent's house. "O buddy where are we?" Jake asked as he parked and he got out to get Owen out of his seat. Jake picked Owen up and headed inside. Owen smiled and started to saying his version of what he calls Adri's dad.
"He's not wearing it tomorrow and if I don't get good pictures because of that hat, I'm blaming you. Those pictures at the key to the invites and thank you cards. He's not wearing that hat tomorrow. You can calm him down if he freaks out."

Adri got out of the car when they got to her parents house. She smiled at her mom and gave her a hug. Owen leaned for his papa and her father scooped him up and complimented him on his hat. She handed over the diaper bag, "He might be hungry and he hasn't taken a nap yet." She told them. She gave Owen a kiss and went back to the car.

She rubbed her sides before Jake got in and smiled at him, "To the mall." She smiled. When they got to the mall, she held his hand and sent a text someone. She walked with Jake to the entrance and Liam appeared waiting outside of a store for them. He nodded at Jake and Adri and was in step behind them.

"Just in case." She told Jake. It was her first time in this open and crowded a space. She didn't want to get swarmed. "Baby clothes." She said and pointed at a baby clothing store. "Maybe we can find something for your niece too." She teased.
Jake laughed. She'd seriously punch him if he had that stupid hat on for the pictures. "Just have your parents take it off and then hide it and it won't be a problem. He won't even remember it until we go on our trip. Then if he wants to take a bath in it, who cares." He smiled at her.

He gave her parents the plan with the hat and then thanked them for watching Owen for them before he got back in the car. "To the mall."

When they got to the mall and got out Jake wondered who she texted. Then they found Liam. Jake sighed a little but held Adri's hand and gave Liam a nod. His eyes turned Adri and he squeezed her hand. "Yeah..." Jake wanted her to feel safe and get used to being out in public again. He walked with her to the baby clothes. " mean my nephew? Sure. I'm sure we can find a little baby TapOut shirt. Matching ones for our nephew and Owen." He smiled at her and gave her shoulder a kiss.
She shook her head, "You're not getting a nephew." She smiled. "But we can put a girl in a TapOut onsie. We just have to bling it up a little bit." She smiled and looked around. She didn't know what else she wanted for the photoshoot but she had a feeling she would know what she wanted when she saw it.

Nothing was jumping out at her though. Everything was cute but she had a plan and nothing fit with it. She did find a bow tie to put on him for his button up and khaki pants out fit. She thought about adding a hat but she put the hat back.

"We need embarrassing pictures of his little butt right? For future blackmailing use." She smiled. "And I kind of want to have pictures of us in there too. But those will just be ours to look back on. I might make a book for when he's older."
He rolled his eyes. "You don't know that. I very well may be getting a nephew." He would be more than okay with a niece though. "Let's hold off on girlifying anything." He had no idea if that was even a word but he used it.

"Having trouble finding something?" Jake looked around for ideas. "Do you want any pics in Denver?"

He smiled when a thought came to him. "What if he has a tie on. Nothing but a tie? One of my ties. Or...what about khakis, white t-shirt, and suspenders. Let's do one of him from behind with Max sitting next to him." He shrugged, not sure if his ideas were good.

" Babe! We have to get him in the gym in little fight shorts. Please?!" He smiled hopefully.
Adri laughed ad smiled, "I already have a bag of clothes for my niece on hold in LA. I need them to confirm that it is a girl so I can go ahead and buy them. I still may purchase them for our future daughter." She told him and rubbed his back.

She nodded hr head to having trouble finding things, "Not for his birthday shoot but I was going to bring the DSLR so I can take some nice photos of you guys doing guy things." She said and found a shirt that had a big number one on it.

"He has a khaki outfit already, Boo. But if they make tiny fighting shorts that would be adorable. Do they make tiny fighting shorts?" She asked him.
Jake rolled his eyes. "You have a bag in LA? Babe." He shook his head. "It's going to be awhile before we have our daughter isn't it? We don't need that stuff just taking up space."

He liked the idea of her taking pictures of them doing guy things. "Like fishing and hiking. That would be cool. How do you feel about your little guy getting ready to do boy things? Outside in the wilderness." He smiled and kissed her temple.

"We can give ourselves options babe. Umm...fight shorts...TapOut or UFC probably has something. I'll make some calls. It would be cute to see him crawling around my gloves and mats. Maybe even my belt." Jake smiled wide at the thought.
"We have an abundance of space at home. One bag isn't going to be a problem." She smiled. "Nice try though. And they are super cute clothes, Boo. We are waiting for a while but they will still be super cute in the future."

She chuckled, "As long as he doesn't smell and he's safe and he doesn't get bitten by bugs or touch dead things I'm fine with it." She smiled at Jake again and gave him a half hug.

She nodded her head, "Yeah we can do that but we need them before 4 pm so tell who ever that, okay? If that doesn't work out, he can always crawl over your belt naked." She laughed.
"But that one back will multiply and multiply. I know you. I know how you work. You won't stop with one bag." He smiled at her.

Jake laughed. "Babe...that's all stuff boys do. We smell and then take showers. We do daring things because we're men. But I will keep him safe. I can't promise he won't touch anything that's dead but if he does, we will wash his hands. No big deal." He shrugged. "I did all that stuff and look at me. I'm fine."

He got on his phone. "TapOut has shorts. We just need to go to the sports store to buy some. Done..." He looked around. "Are you finding anything?"
"No it won't. I have control when it comes to baby clothes. It's one bag. You'll be fine. Or you can hope that she is having a girl so I can gift wrap it and give it all to her."

She made a face, "Not Owen. Owen is going to be my sweet boy who can kick ass but would rather shop with mommy." She looked at Jake, "You beat people up for a living. My boy will be loving and kind and will stay away from dead things." She smiled.

"We can go to Dick's. They should have them, right?" She asked and took the few items she got up front to pay for them. So far it was an easy trip. They were in and out of that store.

The next stop was bikinis and even though she had endless supply of Victoria's Secret bikinis, she wanted something more high end that everyone wouldn't have. So she dragged him into Agent Provocateur purely for the swimwear.
"You have zero control when it comes to any clothes. Come on..." He teased her with a smile.

Jake shook his head. "Absolutely Owen babe. He's going to be just like me. And you know what I may beat people up for a living but I'm the best at it." He flexed his arm just to prove his point. "He can do whatever he wants. If he wants to build a fort with daddy or go shopping with mommy, he can do either one."

"I can find my suit at Dick's too. If we can't find fight shorts, maybe we can just plain black swim trunks for him to work instead." Jake liked the fact they were doing a quick trip. He held her hand as they went to the next place. "If you need help deciding which bikini to get, I will need to see them." He told her with a smile. "That's the only way I can make an educated decision."
"Not if I can help it." She smiled to Owen being just like Jake. "I'm kidding Boo. You're a great father. I would be happy to have Owen grow into a man like you." She gave Jake a kiss and rubbed his side. "And I want to be a part of the fort building, especially pillow forts."

She nodded her head to finding both of their swimsuits at Dick's. She rolled her eyes at him, "Yeah, I am sure you will need to see me in everything I pick out." She laughed.

She walked into the store and found their bathing suit section. She went a little crazy but she needed to stock up for the season and who knows how many times they would want to go to the lake. She wanted to be ready for everything.

"You think this is too much for the lake?" She asked him and held it up to her body. "Maybe you will have to take me to a private island some where. Ohh we can go to Italy and stay at some resort or on a yacht. Then we can have naked time and semi-naked time. It would be a good way to celebrate our anniversary." She told him.
Jake smiled at her. "Thanks Q." He kissed her back. "That makes me proud. And you can be part of the pillow forts. But we will be building regular forts too. When he gets older of course."

"I will. It's important for decision making babe." He smiled at her and looked her over when she held up the suit. "I'm not sure, I need to see it on babe." He pointed to the dressing room. "That could be a nice anniversary celebration." He glanced at Liam then leaned towards Adri, "We're not taking Liam on our honeymoon are we? Or our anniversary?" He asked in a whisper before kissing her cheek.

He looked around at a few bikini's and the prices. "Damn...what costs so much? There's barely any fabric on this thing." He said with a smile.
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