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Is He A Lover or A Fighter Part 2 {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

He looked at her and sighed. "Why don't you let me call the doctor. Maybe they can give you something else to help you sleep at least."

"Probably not after the household you had." He smiled at her.

Jake shook his head like he had no idea what Luke was talking about. Luke was hesitant and then held it out for Adri to take. Jake looked at the phone as he sat next to her and shook his head.

"That's ballsy. Right in my house. Are you freaking serious?" He shook his head. "I'll knock him out for you." Jake got up. He was going to pay Andrew a little visit. "Luke you may want to come with me..." Jake grabbed his keys.
She shook her head, "I'm fine. I'll be fine once the pain goes away and I can stop sleeping on my back. That's all it is." She lied. It wasn't just the position she was sleeping in, it was the dreams and the pain as well. She just didn't want everyone worried about her.

"Jake. The last thing I want is you and hail and at this point I believe he will call the police if you go down there and try to do anything to him. Leave him be. He's a dirt bag that won't be around me or my family anymore."

She looked at her parents and shrugged her shoulder. "He crossed a bug line. That's what he deserves. If he can't keep his girlfriend under control or keep anything private then I don't want him around. He's, at least, never coming into my house again."
Jake knew she wasn't fine. He gave her a look but let it go. He'd bring it up again later. It wasn't something to get into in front of their family.

He stopped and sighed. He needed to watch what he said in front of her family. He tossed his keys back down on the counter and sat back down next to Adri, annoyed. "Only for you am I not going and beating the crap out of him." He whispered for only her to hear as he kissed her temple.

His hand rubbed her leg. "I will support whatever you decide. Whatever you want. If you say no, then no it is." He now understood more why she didn't want Owen around the stripper. "If they needed money they could have just asked for it. I would have given them more then what probably got. I just hope he got something out of it and not just his girlfriend." He sighed.

Amy was furious. "Would they arrest a pregnant woman? I'd like to deck that stripper...does anyone even know her name?"
Her father sighed, "What if I spoke to him? Got to the bottom of what is going on?" He asked.

"No! Because this isn't the first time he's done something like this and it won't be the last. I don't want him around my family. If we have to be cordial at Thanksgiving then fine but I will not allow him to visit me or my family." She told him.

Her mother came into the living, "That's your blood Adri. You don't turn your back on it."

She chuckled and shook her head, "He turned his back on me. I don't want to heart it. He ruined my trust. He ruined our relationship. At this point I have three brothers."

Her parents looked at each other and then at Adri. Her mother went back to the kitchen and continued to cook. "Dinner is almost ready."

Adri passed Owen to her dad, "I'm going to go lay down." She said softly and went to her room.
"I don't mean to step in on family affairs, but I've learned with someone people in my family if you keep letting them get close, they will just keep using you. I'm not going to sit by and watch Adri continue to get used and hurt. That's my job as her future husband, to protect her, and I will do that." He said to her parents.

He watched Adri head upstairs and he wanted a few moments before getting up and heading upstairs himself. He walked into their room. "What can I do babe?" He asked her softly and sat next to her and rubbed her back. "I know you're not sleeping, I know you're struggling a bit and now this...I want to help but I don't know how. Tell me how I can." He said softly.

Jake wondered if Drew even knew about the photos if his girlfriend was the one to take them. For that maybe she shouldn't be quick to get angry but he would be mad too, cause he was. But knowing the whole story would be helpful too.
"I don't know." She said softly. "Everything keeps going from bad to worst. I don't know what to do. I feel like I can't trust anyone. My own brother had a hand in stabbing me in the back. I'm over this week." She told him.

She laid on her good side and looked him over. "I'm going to try and take a nap." She took his hand and gave his knuckles a kiss. "I love you and thank you." She told him because she couldn't remember the last time she told him she loved him, or showed him any affection.

"I just need you to be here. I don't need anything special from you. Just be here and that makes me happy. That makes me feel good. And if they leave before I get up, lock the door and set the alarm."
"It will get better babe. Just give it time. Maybe you can do a video and address your fans. Maybe it will help empower other people who've had something similar happen." He kissed her temple.

He gave her a nod. "Okay babe. Make sure you eat when you get up. You've hardly eaten and with those meds you need something in your system or you'll have other issues." He smiled and kissed her forehead. "I love you too."

Jake smiled as he got up. "No place I would rather be than here with you. If I can do anything don't hesitate. I'll pick up. I promise. But Adge you're home. Safe. I'm not letting anyone in here and near you or our son. You're safe with me." He smile. "Get some rest." He shut the door behind him and then went downstairs.
She didn't know if a video would help. She didn't want anyone to see her face but it was too late for that.

She nodded her head, "I know. I'll eat when I get up. Mom made something, I don't know what it is but it smells good." She said softly.

She took a nap and while she was down the flowers started to come in. Flowers from designers she worked with, other models, her agent and his company, Nick Jonas, Pharrell and a few other people. The dining table was covered in a sea of different colors and flowers. A lot of roses though. Even her brothers sent her some with balloons attached but Owen took the balloons.

Adri woke up and went to the kitchen and got some fruit to eat then went to the living room to sit down.
Jake ate and visited with her parents, Luke and Amy. Luke and Amy left after eating so she could rest herself. "Tell my nephew I love him." Jake told her with a smile.

"Your future wife thinks she's getting a niece." She corrected him.

"She's wrong." He told her with a smile before giving her a hug. Before they left.

Her mom cleaned up the kitchen before they left. Jake gave her mother a hug and her father a handshake. Owen hugged and kissed them all. He put him down for a nap after locking up like he told Adri he would. He then answered some emails and returned phone calls. The video game taping got pushed back a few weeks. Everyone was understanding and told Jake to take care of Adri.

He then went in the living room with the dogs and watched tv. Max was guarding Owen's room. He looked at Adri. "Hey beautiful. You got a lot of flowers. The house smells good huh?"
"Yeah, it smells nice." She said softly and out her head on his shoulder as she sat down.

"I passed Max in the hallway, I'm guessing Owens taking a nap." She picked at her bowel of grapes and strawberries. Eating a few here and there.

"He picked Paw Patrol." She told him. "That is the theme for his first birthday. I found a photographer for the pictures and we can use those for the invitations. We need two guests lists though. One for his birthday and one for our wedding. I'm guessing everyone at the birthday will be at the wedding. So that's easy but the wedding is a little harder." She said.
Jake kissed her head when she laid it on his shoulder. His fingers ran over her leg.

"Yeah. I think everyone was asleep except me. I may crash early tonight." He smiled at her. "It's kind of nice though having the house quiet while everyone is asleep. It's a nice feeling that everyone is tucked safe in bed." He rubbed the girls ears. Rocky got up and moved over to cuddle against Adri. "Even this two were cuddling and snoring."

Jake smiled. "That is a good fitting theme with having people donate to the shelter. We should take him to the shelter and have the photographer take a picture of him loving on a bunch of dogs to promote them donating." Jake had to think about the guest list for the wedding. "Well unfortunately I have a feeling people will be there that I don't want there but not much I can do about that. I do want to hire our own security though. Maybe Liam knows who we can call." Jake really didn't want her agent there but knew that wouldn't happen. "I feel we should only invite people who support us together. Not just individually. We are getting married and going to be married forever and if people can't respect that and be happy for us as a couple we don't need to invite them. It's going to be a happy drama free day." Jake didn't mean anyone specifically with that statement, just in general.

"Nick Jonas called, wondering how you're doing. He was talking about the role they want to give me on the show. It's a champion fighter that they bring in to either train Nick's character or one of the other ones. Maybe all of them, but Nick's pushing for me to train him." He chuckled a bit. "Plus if I take the role he told me I had to bring my old lady." He smiled at Adri. "He likes you."
Adri rubbed Rocky's head and smiled at Bam. She knew who Jake was talking about but she wasn't going to snub her agent and tell him he couldn't attend her wedding.

"I think you two can get along for one day. It's just one day." She told him and rubbed his thigh. "I understand your concern about drama but we will have security that will take care of it before it even reaches us. He won't be an issue. I know for a fact I won't be inviting Drew. So I can write down our families names. Should I write down your mothers name?" She asked.

"That's very sweet of Nick." She said and put her hand on his knee. "He only likes me because of you though." She smiled at him and shrugged her shoulder. "It would be cool to be on a set and see all the behind the scenes action. When are you going out there?" She asked him.

"I got this offer while I was out there. It was still in the beginning stages but it's a show on TLC. They want to follow rich brides as they get the wedding dresses. They want to follow me around as I find my special gown. I think it would be fun. They can go with me while I try ok dresses to see what I like so when I have mom's dress designed I have an idea of what I like and don't like. Maybe find a reception dress or two." She smiled. "But this is months away."
Jake figured she'd know who he was thinking of. But it wasn't just her agent. "I've gotten along with him. He's lucky he didn't get punched this last time. It's bullshit. But I kept my cool and let it go. I just don't understand why he doesn't like me. I haven't done anything to you."

He signed when he mentioned his mother. "Yea invite her. She was okay when she was here when I became champ. She was trying." He moved and wrapped his arms around her gently. " Did I ever tell you how much I love you for all you did to get her here. I know it wasn't easy." He kissed her head." He watched the puppies cuddle with them.

Jake smiled. "That means a lot that you think he is interested in me. But I don't believe that. He brought you up a lot."

"Not for a few months. They have to write the script." He smiled at the idea for the TLC show. "You should do it. People would love it baby. You'll get a separate dress for the reception?"
She shook her head, "Like a lot of people he is usi me to get to you. All he could talk about was getting you to come to LA and film in the show he's a big fan of yours. He even threw a huge party to watch the fight."

She nodded her head to them writing the script. "That's really cool Boo." She told him and squeezed his knee. "I think I will. I don't know. It would air way after the wedding but it would be cool."

She nodded her head, "I was thinking about it. I have the classic elegant dress for the ceremony and then a more laid back party dress for the reception. You can do the same thing. A tux for the ceremony and suit for the reception."
"I think with Nick he's genuine. He I think he likes both of us. I also think that he wants to stay on my good side since he was awful close to my fiance in his music video." Jake chuckled. "Not everyone uses you to get to me babe."

He shrugged to the show airing after their wedding. "I don't believe that would really matter would it? I think a lot of girls would watch it regardless of when it was on." He kissed her head.

"I never thought of us changing. Maybe I'll just wear a suit for both. I do want to know if you are wearing two dresses before I decide what I'm gonna wear." He sat quietly for a moment before looking at Adri. "Do you still want to go see Biltmore?"
"I know. I would want it to air after the wedding. I want my dress to be my dress. People can copy the style after I wear it. If it airs too soon then everyone will be designing dresses like mine. And that's not cool." She told him.

"I am wearing two dresses. I'll try to keep the jewelry the same but I am weari two dresses for sure." She told him. "I just have to find it. Maybe you can change jackets. One white, one black?" She offered and shrugged her shoulder. It was up to him.

"I do. We should go see it on our own and then take the planner to go see it as well." She answered. "Why?"
"That's a good point. We don't want someone taking your ideas before you get to wear the dress." He looked at Adri. "Did you ever think you'd get to have to wedding dresses for your wedding day?"

He gave her a nod. "And I'll just have to figure out what I want to do. Maybe a tux and suit is the way to go or maybe just a vest for the reception." He smiled at her. "I know how much you love my vests." He chuckled. "Or hell maybe I'll go shirtless."

His fingertips ran up and down her arm, he was still careful not to hurt her. "I have it booked. We were supposed to go and I still want to take you away for a weekend when you feel better. I just didn't know if you'd have time or still want to since we already have it booked for our date."
"You have to go big or go home Boo." She smiled. "When given the chance of a costume change I will take it. I want two dresses for my wedding. So guess what I'm getting." She smiled.

She rolled her eyes, "If you want to throw on a vest then fine. But shirtless does sound nice." She laughed. "I wouldn't mind shirtless." She smiled. "I really wouldn't Boo."

She nodded in understanding, "Thank you for booking it. I do want to go and see it but from the pictures I know it's were we are getting married. We also have to find a cabin for Christmas. Maybe when my ribs aren't throbbing we can go to Denver for a week just the six of us? Look at cabins, go hiking and who knows what else. Just get away from everything."
Jake smiled. "What my girl wants, she gets." He smile chuckled a little.

He chuckled. "I knew you wouldn't want the vest. Well after the reception, when we get to our room. I can totally go shirtless for you babe." He smiled and grabbed his phone to try to get ideas for what he could do for the wedding and reception.

He looked at her a bit surprised she wanted to travel to Denver with just the six of them. "The six of us huh. You want to travel with a baby and three dogs?" He looked at her like she was crazy. "Oooo we could drive. Take our time. Get out and hike if we want. That could be fun." He smile wiggled his eyebrows at her.
"I'd have to see what it looks like. This is your wedding too and if you want a vest then I will try to get used to you being in a vest, okay? I just want you to look nice. And you do look nice in vests but just no vest and t shirt combos, okay? Ever. Not just for the wedding."

She nodded her head, "Yes. All six of us in a car driving to Denver." She smiled. "A road trip down there and then a road trip back. It could be fun. Especially if we get out and let everybody stretch their legs. Owen needs that more than the dogs though."

She looked at him, "Let's do it. Let's go next week and take a holiday. I know you're training like mad but we can stay in a cabin somewhere nice and you can travel to a gym." She raised her eyebrows, "We don't have to go that soon but it would be nice for us to get away from everyone and everything."
"Well I'd do a vest under the tux jacket so maybe I can just take the jacket off to dance and stuff." He shrugged. " we will figure it out baby. I'll give you options. Deal no t-shirt vest combos."

Jake stopped and thought about it. "I kind of want to rent an RV. It could be fun to drive and camp out a night." He smiled. "The dogs and Owen would love camping. What you say babe?" He was hopeful but thought she'd be against it. "Or if we want a car to drive around we can find a camper to haul."

"You want to get away from everyone and everything, camping would do it. Once we get to Denver though we can stay at a cabin if you want. Do you wanna visit mom while we're there?"
"An RV?" She thought about it and made a face. "It depends on the RV. I guess. I have to see it. I don't know much about RV's but I feel like that's too much space for the six of us. Where would we put O while we were driving?" She asked.

"We will see but I'm not making any promises and we aren't keeping it." She told him. "Either an Arab or a camper that we can pull along but we aren't keeping them." She repeated. They could get one in the future when Owen was older and they had a bigger chance of using it.

"I would rather be in a structural home when we get to Denver but I don't care how we get there. I also think it would be easier if we had the RV and a car but the RV is a serious gas expense." She looked at him. "I'll let you figure it out. You know what I want. Make something out of it." She smiled and kissed his cheek.
He chuckled when she said they weren't keeping a camper. "I didn't say I wanted to keep it. But eventually it would be nice I guess when Owen is bigger." He smiled. "I could take him fishing and hiking."

"We can stay at an actual place in Denver. That's fine. I'm surprised you agreed to a camper though for the trip out." With his phone still out, he searched for campers to rent.

"Ooo babe. I think I know the kind we need. We need one with a little porch with a gate or fence for the dogs and Owen. That way we can be outside and they can be trapped and not run off. We also don't have to worry about Owen going down the steps and hurting himself." He kept looking for the perfect one for them to rent. "They make RV's that you pull babe."
"Babe, I like how excited you are about finding an RV but we need a guest list. Two guests lists. Can we focus on this first please? We need it for the wedding planner." She told him.

She grabbed the notepad and wrote down the names of their families and people she worked with and he worked with closely. Then members of their teams. "Who else, cousins, aunts and uncles?" She asked and then wrote down her grandparents.

She figured it would be a long list. She kind of wanted a long list. They were getting married in a castle she wants everyone who meant something to them to be at their wedding.
Jake sighed and put his phone down. "Alright." He thought about who else he wanted to invite. Then she brought up cousins, aunts, and uncles. "Um...Dad has a him and his wife and kids. Not sure they will come though." His mother though had a brother and two sisters. He gave her their names and the names of their kids.

"Who are we all having in the wedding? I want Luke and Rich. Do you want any of your brothers?" He asked her and looked at her. "That would determine who I want to invite." He kissed her shoulder.

He did tell her some of the fighters he wanted there but not in the wedding. He also brought up Justin Timberlake, Jessica Biel, Eminem, Nick Jonas, Dana and Seth.
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