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Is He A Lover or A Fighter Part 2 {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

"They're fine for now." She said softly and scratched Rocky's back.

"That's nice. It's nice that he's willing to go through all of this for me." Rocky was bullied away by BamBam and then they wrestled on the floor.

"I don't want it too but it's hard. I am trying to be normal. I would love for things to be normal but they aren't. And they won't be for a while." She told him.

Owen came back and threw a little plush basketball to Adri. She caught it without thinking and flinched back in pain. She dropped the ball and rested her head back against the couch.

The doorbell rang and the girls barked and Owen ran to look at the door but didn't go near it. "You can't have the door open for more than a minute or the company will send someone out." She reminded him.
Jake looked at her. "Baby I'm not saying get over it. I get it will take time. I get it's hard. Just kinda giving a pep talk and reminder is all. I know you'll be fine. My girl's strong."

He made a face when she winced. Out of reaction he wanted to ask if she was okay, but she clearly was in pain. "Try to breathe. It will pass. I'll get some ibuprofen." He went to get it when the dogs and Owen ran for the door.

Jake got up to get the door. "Baby, I didn't have the door opn." He looked at her before answering the door.
"Whenou open the door, you can only have it open for a minute before the company calls the police. I'm just letting you know." She said softly.

When he opened the door her parents came rushing in. Her mother was already in tears, her father looked like he wanted to punch something. If Jake closed the door another knock would come not too long after and her brothers all came rushing in. With Drew bringing the stripper, again.

Maria gave Adri a hug and held her hand. Robert, her father, picked up Owen and sat on the couch on the other side of Adri and her brothers all walked in and took a seat. Drew chose a chair and the stripper sat across his lap.

"When's the trial?" Andre asked. "I'll go with you. Let me get put in jail and I'll teach him a lesson."

Adri rolled her eyes, "That's just not logical. Trial is on two weeks. I'll go back with Liam or Jake or both, most likely both. I will have a lawyer will take care of things and make sure they get the maximum sentence." She told them all.

Then her father wanted to her the full story and she had to go through it all over again. She did pause in the middle for a pain pill and because Owen wanted to be in her lap.
Jake moved out of the way to let her parents in. He understood their worry as well as her father wanting to punch someone or something. He did too. Once everyone was he shut the door and went in behind them. "Can I get any of you anything?"

He stood to the side as Andre said he would teach them a lesson. "Andre I get the first minute with them...that's all I'd need. Sixty seconds..." He looked at Adri. "I'm not missing it. I'll be right next to you."

He put his hands in his pockets as he listened to the story yet again before giving her the pain pill before giving her head a kiss. It was hard hearing it over and over but he understood they wanted to know. He wanted to know. While her parents talked to her, he talked to her brothers. Explaining her agent didn't tell him anything until he got to his place. He was sick and tired of her agent treating him like crap but yet he had to be nice and respectful. For her, he would do it.

"We haven't eaten anything yet today, how about I order some pizzas. You all hungry?"
"No one is hitting anyone." She told them both. "They'll get their punishment."

Her mom kept lightly touching her cheek and awing, which was getting annoying but Adri let her do it. She got up and made an ice pack and put it against Adri's cheek for her.

"My face doesn't hurt. If it does then my ribs are masking the pain." She told her mom. "I'm fine. I just have to move a little slower than normal. I can't workout. I can't lift anything heavy." She held her moms hand and gave her a squeeze.

"I'll come over tomorrow and help with Owen then, okay?"

Adri nodded her head. "Okay."

Everyone agreed to pizza but since Adri couldn't work, she would stick to a healthy diet. If they still had fruit she'd eat some of that.
Jake leaned closer to Andre, "She didn't mention choking...or kicking." He grinned a bit, making a joke.

"I told her I'd draw her an epson salt bath. It will help with her ribs." He kissed her head. "You didn't have to out do my injuries babe. But we can take pics and add it to the binder if you want." He smiled, trying to joke, hoping she took it as a joke.

Jake leaned over the couch gave Adri's shoulder a kiss. "Hey want a salad? They have salads." He knew if she couldn't work out she wouldn't pig out. Everyone else was deciding what they wanted on the pizzas. He whispered in her ear, "After we eat we can kick the out so you can relax and rest." He kissed her temple then ordered the food.
"I'd really rather not have any pictures of me at all. The cops had to take them I think that's more than enough pictures." She told him.

"No. I don't want a salad from a pizza place. That doesn't even sound right." She said softly and set Owen on the floor. She got up and walked to the kitchen. She pulled the door open and looked from something to eat. She pulled out the strawberries, bananas and apple juice. She asked for the blender and she made herself a smoothie. She knew Jake could do it and would have done it for her if she asked but she wanted to do it herself.

She sat down with her smoothie and Owen crawled over and wanted up again. She couldn't pick him up so her father scooped him up and set him beside her and he laid his head in her lap.
"I understand. I was just joking babe." He gave her temple a kiss.

He felt bad she didn't want a salad and let out a small sigh. Owen followed Adri around the kitchen. He wished she would eat more than her smoothie.

Jake waited until she was set on the sofa with Owen before heading outside with her brothers. He didn't entirely know how to help Adri but all of them offered to help in anyway.

Alex stepped forward. "Jake...people are saying you did this to Adri or you didn't do anything to protect her..."

Jake stopped him. "The only thing that's my fault is I wasn't there..."
Drew rolled his eyes, "She's a grown ass woman. She can protect herself."

Andre' hit Drew's arm. "A little insensitive seeing as she got beat to hell."

Drew scoffed, "Dude she's alive. Be happy about that. Not the fact that she's in there with bruised ribs. She's a drama queen. She always has been. She always throws things out of proportion. She will be fine."

Andre' and the rest of her brother shook their heads and told him to shut up.

Inside of the house, Maria, Richard and Drew's girlfriend for the moment, all sat on the couch and watched TV. Unknown to them Drew's girlfriend was taking pictures of Adri to sell to TMZ. The police weren't releasing anything at the request of Adri so it was big money for anyone who get the first picture out there.

The pizzas arrived about forty minutes later and every dug in to eat. Owen wanted a few bites and her mother obliged to his every want, against Adri's wishes. When it was bed time she got up to make him a bottle and held him while he ate his bottle. He was fidgety but Adri had his head near her injured ribs and his feet on his good side so if he did kick, he wasn't going to hurt her. She would have to pass him off to be put to bed though.
Jake wanted to punch Drew. "Really man? This isn't something she's just milking. They tied her up and beat the shit out of her. The only reason she's probably not still sitting there is because I thought to call her stupid ass agent to go check on her. How would you feel if it was your new pretty little girlfriend?" He shook his head.

The guys went in to eat and Jake grabbed a couple pieces of pizza and ate them. He'd work them off the following day at the gym.

When Owen fell asleep he let Adri hold him a little since he knew she missed him. Then he got up to pick him up. Jake kissed Adri. "Love you." He whispered with a smile before taking Owen up to bed and turning the monitor on and taking it down with him. Jake sat with Adri, wrapping his arm around her. "Need anything?"
"Oh shut up. Before you she was nobody. If you weren't dating her she'd still be a nobody and this wouldn't have happened. Will you blame yourself for that too?" He asked and shrugged her Jake off.

Adri handed Owen over and he woke up a little bit only to snuggle into Jake. "I love you too." She smiled and watched them walk away.

"No I don't need anything." She told him.

Her mother decided it was time for Adri to get some rest so she ushered the boys out. After saying good by to three of her brothers and watching Drew and his girlfriend walk out of the house, she kissed her mom and dad. Her mom hugged her a little too hard but it was out of love.

They left and Adri locked the door and set the alarm. She yawned and looked at Jake. "I think I'm just going to shower and go to bed. I'm tired Boo. I'll take a bath tomorrow." She said softly and gave him a smile.

"Will you shower with me to get my bottom half? I still can't bend over." She said softly.
Jake shook his head. "That's not true. She's very talented. She'd still have her career." He could make a comment about his girlfriend being a nobody pole dancer but he wouldn't go there. He needed to be nice because Drew was Adri's brother and she didn't need them fighting.

He smiled at Adri when everyone was finally out the door. "I bet you are exhausted. You've had a big day."

Jake gave her a grin. "I definitely won't pass up getting to shower with you. It would be my pleasure to help." He looked at the dogs. "Go on up. I'm going to let them out quick and then head up okay?" He went to the backdoor and opened it calling for the dogs to come. Jake stood outside with them while they did their business then went back inside with them.

He went upstairs into their bathroom and took his shirt and pants off. Standing in his underwear he helped her get undressed. Being slow and gentle for her. He got her naked and then took his boxer briefs off and then stepped in with her. "Want me to get you some ice when we get out?" His eyes looked over her bruises. It was easy looking at himself with bruises but it was hard seeing the woman he loved beat up.
She took her time going up the stairs. She barely got up when she heard the back door close. She couldn't resist the strong urge to make sure the door was locked. On her way down, "I just want a cup of water." She told Jake. "Go start the water?" She asked and kept going downstairs. She made sure the door was locked and the alarm was set and she was on her way upstairs again.

She checked on Owen and then went into their bedroom and let Jake undress her. She stepped into the shower and let the warm water run over her body. She didn't know how they were going to this. She didn't want him to touch her ribs. "You can do the lower half and I will do the upper half. Okay?" She grabbed the liquid soap and put it in her hand and slowly rubbed her bad side and from there the rest was pretty easy. She could wash her face outside of the shower.

"No. No ice." She told him. "I think I'll start planning Owen's birthday tomorrow. Let him pick the theme he wants and then go from there. Once that is done, I can focus on the wedding. Find a planner and stuff." She said.
Jake sighed a bit at her not trusting he shut and locked everything up but let her do it. He went up and got the water started. He wondered how long it would be that she would continue to keep double checking the alarm and doors.

He gave her a nod to just doing her lower half. In the shower he watched her carefully to make sure she was okay. "You realize it hasn't been that long since I was standing here with broken ribs...I wouldn't hurt you..." He took the loofa. "You could have used this and it may have been a bit more gentle..." He put soap on it and bent down to start to wash her legs. Starting with her feet and moving up.

"Okay. Let me know what you need help with. I can do whatever you need me to. I was going to wake up and go for a run. Work out. Your mom said she'd come over right to help with Owen? So while she's here I'll get all that in and then I'll be home the rest of the day." Once he was done washing Adri, he washed himself off.
"They are tender. You don't know where the pain starts and stops. It's easier for me to just do that area as gently as I need to and let you handle the rest." She explained.

She felt like a child. She robbed of holding her son. She was robbed of dressing herself and she wa being robbed of washing herself. She wanted her body healed and those people in prison.

"Yeah mom is coming. Amy will probably be here too." She wasn't sure though. "You can work if you have to work. I don't mind." She said softly and rinsed off. She got out of the shower while he was cleaning himself off and grabbed her towel. She dried off as much of her body as she could reach and then she wrapped it around her body and washed her face.
He didn't protest, he just let her wash herself and do what she needs to do. It was a bit frustrating because she seemed to think he didn't know what it felt like or didn't understand. Instead of saying anything, he just let her go.

"She was planning on coming for a bit at least. I won't be late if I do go work out and train. I'll be mindful." Jake knew they would be more than willing to help. He let out a sigh when she got out of the shower. He shaved quick before getting out. He dried off and then went into the bedroom and put on a pair of underwear.

"I was going to put a movie on. If you don't mind I'll do it up here, just in case you need something or will the sound of the tv bother you?" He asked before leaning in the doorway.
She nodded her head, "Her coming over will be nice if mom wants to cook or something. I'm she will want to do something."

She found a t-shirt to put on so she wouldn't have to worry about pants or underwear and got in the bed.

She looked him over, "You can watch the movie in here. I am going to take the hard stuff so hopefully I will get some sleep tonight. Until then I will watch the movie with you." She told him.
"Well cooking is about the only thing left for her to do. And I'll eat her cooking. We may not have what she needs to make whatever she wants to make though." He told her with a shrug. "I can run to the store though."

He helped her put the shirt on. "Put the arm in first on the side that hurts. It's easier that way." He smiled at her and gave her a small kiss when she had the shirt on.

"You know now you're home, you can take the hard stuff to help get the pain down. It's okay. But it's up to you." He kissed her shoulder before sitting on the bed and skimming for a movie to watch on Netflix or HBO. Once he found one he put it on but paused it. "I'm going to go get a drink. Do you want anything?"
"Trust me, if she has plans of cooking then she will bring whatever she needs to make it or make dad get it. It'll be nice to have dad here. He loves his papa." She smiled.

"A glass of water." Was all she asked for when he told he was going down stairs. She had to get out of the bed to get the pills and thens he climbed back into the bed. She cursed herself for choosing the high big bed. The girls were sleeping on the foot of the bed but got up to cuddle Adri when she laid back down. She gave them each a kiss and waited for her water to take the pill and settle into the bed.

She gulped the monster pill down with water and gave Jake a kiss. She was laying on her back so she was in a neutral position and her head was on one pillow because she didn't want a kink in her neck from sleeping in a weird position.
He smiled at her. "She always plans ahead. I guess that's where you get it from." He smiled when she talked about her dad. "Yeah he does. Her dad spoils him babe. But it's good for him."

Jake gave her a nod. "Okay. I can handle that." He smiled at her before going downstairs. He went downstairs and got them both water before going back up. He handed hers to her and let her take her pill before putting it on the stand for her. He kissed her back and got in bed on his side. Once he was comfortable, he turned the movie on.

Bam walked over and snuggled against Jake. "Hi baby girl." He scratched her head by her ear. "I bet you missed cuddling with these two."
"Yeah I did. I'm happy to be home. In my safe place." She said softly.

The drugs kicked in about thirty minutes later and she was out cold. She plagued with bad dream for what seemed like hours until everything was black. She wasn't up until very late the next morning. She didn't feel well rested but she didn't feel tired either.

She was glad to be awake though. Her body was sore so she took her day time pain pills and got out of bed. She slowly managed to put on some baggy VS Pink sweatpants and went downstairs.

She could hear Owen talking and her father and dishes banging together in the kitchen. She greeted her parents and Owen. "Where's Jake?" She asked and walked to the fridge to get some apple juice to help with the dry mouth she was feeling.

"He will be in soon. Do you want some breakfast?" Her mother asked.

Adri shook her head, "No. I'm good. I'm going to sit down." She said softly and went to the living with her party planning note book. She wrote down the possible themes for Owen's birthday and set them on the floor. Which ever one he grabbed was his theme.

"Paw Patrol, Safari, or Circus themed, O? Which one do you want?" Adri asked him.
Jake got up early, checked on Owen and got him when he woke up. He attacked his cute face with kisses as he took him downstairs. He texted Amy and Adri's parents that they were up and Adri was asleep. They showed up a half hour later. He just sat watching cartoons with Owen until they arrived.

When the dogs came down he let them out and then went up to change to go on a run. He took Max with him then dropped him off to go to the gym.

Amy was there too talking to Adri's parents as Luke was at the gym too. Amy felt as if she had a mother figure with Adri's mom. They bonded well. Amy smiled at Adri.

"How you feeling?"
"I've felt better." Adri said softly and sat next to her dad.

Owen came running over and her father picked him up and set him on his lap. "Can I have a kiss buddy?" Adri asked Owen and he moved clumsily on his grandpas lap to give Adri a kiss. "Thank you." She kissed him again and had him sit down

"How is my niece? I have a bunch of stuff on hold for when we find out it really is a girl." She smiled.

"The baby is fine. I am starting to feel it kick but no else can. We find out the gender next week. So don't be too upset if your niece is your nephew." She laughed.

Adri shrugged, "I'll love it either way but it's a girl. I'm sure of it."
Jake got a good work out in but training was awful. Like got on him to focus. It was hard to when he was worried about his fiance. As a result, Luke totally kicked his butt. Jake was worn out. He showered and then they drove back to the house.

The guys walked in and could smell the food. Both were starving. Jake went in feeling exhausted and looked at everyone, saying hello. He got some water before heading to the living room.

He walked over to Adri and gave her a kids. Luke doing the same to Amy. "Hey...sleep good?"

Jake looked at her mother. "Need help and is there enough for me?" He smiled at her mother. His eyes went back to Adri and he watched her.

Luke was looking at his phone when he saw the headline about Adri and clicked on it. The headline mentioned photos. "Uhhh...guys someone leaked photos...." He looked at Adri and Jake.
Adri kissed him back and patttd the seat next to her so he could sit down. "Not really but it's whatever." She said with a shrug of the shoulder.

Maria laughed, "I don't make small batches of anything."

Adri looked at Jake and then Luke, "What photos?" She held her hand out for his phone since her was upstairs and read the article and then saw the pictures of her sitting on the couch with her parents.

"These are from last night." She said softly and showed Jake. "Most of my brothers wouldn't do this." She said and shook her head.

"Adri you don't know it was Andrew. her father said.

"It's amazing you knew who I was thinking about though. If it wasn't him it was his little girlfriend. I don't want him around me anymore. I don't want anything to do with him. He had no reason to even bring her. If I see him I'm knocking him the hell out. And his little stripper." She said getting angry but couldn't do anything because Owen was in her lap.

"I hope he got enough money out of it. God he's a pig." She said fuming.
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