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Is He A Lover or A Fighter Part 2 {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

"They already spoil our son. It's only fair to spoil theirs back." He rolled his eyes. "Yeah you would just want the dog."

Jake grinned, "But you always love me. You don't have to like me but you do have to love me."

He shook his head. "No I'm not making a! I'm going to take it off. This is embarrassing. Do I get to make you dress up in something and make you do stuff for my personal pleasure?" He looked at it and moved his hips a bit. "I can't believe you actually like this...the pics don't get posted Adriana!"

"Now you blow him."
She rolled her eyes, "whatever."

She pouted, "Please?" She begged and giggled happily. "No but I'm sure you will now. Get a sexy costume and I'll dress up for you. And you know I will!" She took a photo as he swung his hips back and forth and then she had him turn around and took a picture of his ass.

"Like I would actually post those anywhere." She told him. "Have more faith in me." She was happy as a clam. She set her phone on the night stand again. "That's going to be your caller ID. Your dick in an elephant." She laughed.

"You really want me to blow him?" She asked and gave Jake a kiss. She kissed down his body and tugged the side down and slowly peeled the elephant off of his body. She smiled up at Jake and blew gently and sat back up. "Done!" She laughed and rolled on her side.
"Oh trust me Adri, there will be a costume. Just give me time to figure out which one I want. And it's happening." He gave her a look.

He shook his head. "You can't put that on your phone as your caller id. What if your mother sees that! No! Absolutely not." He sighed and shook his head.

"Hell yeah." He watched her and smiled and then it quickly faded when she teased him the way she did and rolled onto her side. "I officially don't like you. The elephant is going to burn in a fire." He took it off and tossed it on the floor. "You are so evil." He rolled over and gave her the butt. "I was nice and you did that..."
She smiled, "I love costumes." She winked at him.

"I will put that as your caller ID. No one will know what it is execpt you and I. Mom doesn't answer my phone. She barely looks at my phone. She will never know. And when I'm upset at you, it will be a picture of your ass." She laughed. "It's perfect."

She moved closer to him so she was the big spoon. She kissed of his neck. "Upset?" She asked and rubbed his side. "What would make you feel better?" She whispered and kept kissing his neck and shoulder. Her hand moved forward and wrapped around his shaft, she gave it a few teasing tugs and kissed his shoulder again.

"Happier?" She asked and moved her hand to jack him off slowly but firmly.
"Of course you'd actually enjoy it."

Jake shook his head. "No. Or I will put a pic of you as your caller id from the book you made me." He gave her a look.

"Maybe...cause you're rude." He closed his eyes to her question. What would make him feel better? "I already told you..." He said softly but soon he forgot with her hands around him. Jake let out a small moan.

He gave a small nod. "Little bit..." He hoped she didn't stop.
"That was a damn sexy book, Boo. Go ahead. You can stage a photo shoot and get a new picture of you own." She smiled.

"Good." She whispered and kept moving her hand until she felt his hips moving to meet it. She stopped and got shuffled around so she was between his legs. She winked up at him and gave the head of his cock a lick before engulfing it in her mouth.

She smiled around his penis as she sucked. She wouldn't leave him like that. She loved him and he made her happy and she would do what it took to make him happy.
Jake smiled. "I can put any of those pics on my phone huh? Sweet."

He let out a few more moans as she moved her hand up and down him. He then watched her moved between his legs. Their eyes met as she took him in her mouth with a moan.

Adri didn't really have to do that specific act. Jake would never make her do something she didn't want to do, but he appreciated that she was following through with what she promised to do. It felt amazing and truth was with all the time that had passed, he was really turned on and in the mood. It had been since before the fight. His fingers ran through her hair as he watched her work along his length.
"It's your phone." She laughed.

She kept sucking and massaging until he was close to orgasm. When she felt him heave she stopped and kissed up his body. She sat on his lap, teasing his cock with her warm wet slit. She rubbed herself against him for a minute before moving aorund and adjusting him so they could have a fun intimate night celebrating his success.

Since she got him in the elephant and got pictures, she didn't care who fell asleep first. She wrapped her arms around him when they were finished and fell asleep on his chest.
Jake felt like literally the luckiest man on the planet. He was champion, had an amazing family, was engaged to the most beautiful model in the world, and now they spent a night celebrating in many different ways. With the alcohol and extra fun he was out in no time when she snuggled up to him when they were finished. He was able to mumble out an, "I love you," before falling asleep.

In the morning, Jake slept in. It was nice to finally be in his own bed and then after the drinking and sex he was exhausted. Life seemed to be perfect. That was until his body had a second idea.

He was starting to experience a hang over and with the sun starting to beam through the blinds he got up to shut them and crawled back in. His whole body started to hurt. He was starting to regret drinking so much.
Adri felt on top of the world that night, but come morning she felt the absolute worst. She groaned when Jake got up to close the blinds and groaned again when he got back in bed. Her head hurt, her body hurt. She didn't want to move.

"I think we are dead." She whispered. She moved her head to face his and kept her eyes closed. "We are never doing that again!" She declared keeping her voice low for both of their sakes.

When she finally got the strength to open her eyes, she slowly wiggled her way to the edge of the bed so she could grab a water from the mini fridge. "Open this and we can share. You're stronger than me."
Jake shook his head. "No...we're not dead. We can feel pain. We sure as hell are so alive." He groaned, but spoke softly. "It was your idea to keep drinking. See you do have bad ideas." He teased.

He opened an eyebrow to see what they were sharing. "Babe...Pedialyte. We can share one of those. Go. Go get one." He used his foot on her leg and gave her a small push but grabbed the water, opened it and took a few chugs, being dehydrated. "We should have had water with our alcohol." He gave her the bottle back, which only had about fourth of the bottle.

He snuggled into his pillow. "Please see if your mom can keep the gremlin."
"Maybe we are in hell." Made a face, "It was your party. Your fault."

She pouted, "No pushing." She pushed him back with her foot. She could hear him drinking since she closed her eyes again. She opened them and looked at the bottle and looked at him, "Ass." She took the bottle and finished the water and grabbed another. "Open. Don't drink."

She reached for her phone and groaned at how bright it was. She sent her mother a text instead asking them to keep Owen for a while but Alex replied saying he'd take him to the aquarium.

"I think my brother is using our son as a chick magnet." She said softly and put her phone. "Whatever keeps him out of the house, I guess." She said softly and curled into Jake's side.
"This is hell. Yep." He groaned at her. "Totally not my fault. Don't you dare blame me. You planned the party."

He looked at her. "Then why are you pushing me?" He whined back. Wow they were very mature when they were drunk. "I was thirsty. Don't judge me." He opened it and took a small drink then gave it back. "Baby...we need Pedialyte. I know we have some. Go get it."

"I don't long as he doesn't claim to be his father. The chicks may find out rather quickly that's not true when the kid goes away. He better at least get a date and get some." Jake cuddled up to Adri. "You weren't supposed to be hung over too. You're supposed to help me. Do we have dogs to take care of?" Jake looked around before letting his head rest. That's how out of it he was, he didn't know where his dogs were.
"You pushed me first." She argued but it took too much energy. "I was thirsty too." She frowned at him when he put the second bottle his lips. She would have crushed the bottle to make it squirt everywhere But that would have made a wet mess that would be stuck laying in.

"You go get it. I always get. You get it." She took her bottle and gulped it down. Her throat felt better but she needed more. "You think the maid is here? Maybe she can get it." She said softly.

"For the millionth time. The dogs are with your sister. Just shut up and be cute and cuddle me. No get Pedialyte. Go do that." She said and tried to get out of his grip.
"You are so whinny." He teased. "It was like we both got a full bottle calm down."

Jake looked at her confused. "How do you always go get it? This is the first time we've been drunk." He looked at her. "I have no idea."

"You did not tell me a million times. Ass." He got up. "I just got home give me a break." He went downstairs slowly and grabbed Pedialyte and Powerade before going upstairs and shoving it into the fridge. Then the urge to find the bathroom hit him. He went in and got sick to his stomach. After rinsing his mouth and brushing his teeth he crawled back in bed and snuggled up to her.
"I always take care of you. It's your turn to take care of me now."

She made a face at him. "Grab two since you like to guzzle." She pulled the blankets up over shoulders and groaned when he made so much noise putting the drinks in the fridge. "Shhh."

She laughed and regretted it when he started to throw up. "Weak. You can't hold your liquor." She teased. "You should have grabbed the pain killers." She supposed it was her turn to get up so she stood up and went to the bathroom. She found the pain pills and took the bottle back to bed.
"It was my party! Ass." He pushed her. "I'll go downstairs and take care of myself."

Jake got louder. "I'm sorry. Am I too loud?" Jake chuckled a bit.

Jake gave her a stare down. "I drank more than you did. I did shots. How many did you do? I can drink you under the table any day." He turned a fan on because Jake was hot. He took a drink of his Pedialyte. "When do we have to get the gremlin?"
"Stop pushing me." She said sort of raising her voice and pushed his leg.

"Oh I hate you. I hate you so much." She said softly and put a pillow over her face.

"You're weak and trying to justify it." She teased further. "I had like four shots, a few mixed drinks and then I don't know how much from the bottle of vodka. It doesn't matter we are both hung over." She reasoned with him. "You're just the weakling who can't hold it." She giggled.

She pulled the covers over her shoulders tighter and tugged them away from Jake, "Seriously? It's freezing."

"They are going to the aquarium and then the park so we have a few hours. Does he know how to change a diaper?" She asked herself and sent the group chat a text asking him if he knew how to take care of a baby. "The dogs are coming back whenever Luke and Amy get tired of them." She yawned and fluff led her pillow to try and sleep her headache off.
"No you don't..." He chuckled a bit.

Jake gave her a look. "I'm not weak. I had a lot more to drink than you did. I will kick your ass..." He teased. "Oh you so going to get it later."

He sighed, "Seriously...I'm hot." He shut it off though to keep her happy.

Jake shrugged, "He's your brother. I just want to sleep." He rolled away from her and got comfortable, falling back asleep. Jake was dead to the world, sleeping off all the alcohol.
She giggled and rubbed his back. "It's okay. You can't be the strongest at everything Boo." She teased further.

She fell asleep not long after Jake did and stayed asleep for a couple hours. When she woke up her headache was gone and she felt well enough to go and take a shower then she felt really good. She put her robe on and went down stairs to make eggs, bacon and potatoes and some toast.

She brought the food up and set it on the bed. She went back down for their orange juice and sat on the bed. She started to eat and poked Jake. "You hungry?" She asked. "Itmight a weakling like you feel better." She teased.
Jake just gave her the stare down. "Wait until I feel better..." He told her and fell asleep.

He didn't even feel her get up and shower, Jake was out and he needed to just sleep it off. When she started poking him he groaned and swatted at her. "You want me to kick your ass don't you? You forget I'm champion? Remember, I haven't drank like that since you started working for me. I could drink you under the table any day. I drank more than you." He said before sitting up grabbing the pedialyte and drinking some, still a bit dehydrated, but feeling much better.

He leaned back against the headboard. "Have you heard anything updates on our son? Is he full filling his duties to help get girls?" He asked and started to eat, but ate slowly. "How are you feeling?"
"Don't swat at me." She hit his hand and picked up a piece of bacon and took a bite.

"I made breakfast for us." She offered him a piece of bacon. "I haven't had that much to drink in...I don't even know how long and I didn't throw up. You are getting old." She was really asking for it now and she knew it but it was fun to poke the bear sometimes.

She shook her head, "I trust my brother. And Owen is adorable so I know he is pulling in all of the ladies." She smiled.

"I feel fine. Much better than this morning. How are you feeling?" She asked.
He swatted at her again, because she deserved it for being a punk to him.

He snatched the bacon and took a few bites. He gave her a look. "Did you have whiskey and moonshine? Did you have any moonshine? Didn't think so. So shut up." He started to eat. "I only throw up once and I'm golden. Plus my head didn't hurt. Yours did. We both were hung over with different symptoms. You're not better than me so stop pretending you are before I put you in a head lock." He grinned.

"You don't mind your brother may get laid because of our son?" He took a drink of the orange juice.

Jake nodded. "I'm good. What do you want to do with our time alone." He raised an eyebrow. "I do have a lot of merchandise to go through."
She stuck her tongue out at him. "And you have been knocked out for the past four hours. I got up got two painkillers, slept for a couple hours and I'm good. My hangover was better than yours by far." She laughed. She kissed his temple. "I still love you Boo. You can't be great at everything." She whispered.

She thought about it and frowned, "A little bit it's not like Owen is going on a date with him. He's just helping get phone numbers."

She smiled, "You have a lot of merch. Tap out, reebok, Powerade , there's but those are the big ones. A lot of magazines. Let's open those." She smiled. "Or you open and I'll watch and answer some emails of my own."
"I am great at everything...You are pressing your luck..." She'd get hers when she least expected it.

Jake shrugged, "You never know, he could have picked up a girl and they are hanging out. Getting ice cream, looking at the penguins." He kept eating with a smile.

He shook his head and rolled his eyes. "Yeah cause it would kill you to let me be center of attention for a bit." He teased. "I'm not sharing any of my stuff." He told her and finished eating and drank some more orange juice. "Are they all downstairs? I'm content in bed right now. I've worked my ass off, been gone for days, I want to stay in bed as long as possible." He looked at her as he finished nibbling on some bacon, "Um...what did Powerade send me? Free Powerade? If so that's the coolest ever."
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