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Is He A Lover or A Fighter Part 2 {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

She nodded her head, "Studying." She smiled. "There's nothing wrong with BestBuy when you're the manager. He, however, is not the manager. I'd love you but I'd push for you to strive for better. Like I pushed you to strive for champion and I'll push you to open your gym." She told him.

"I didn't talk to bad boys. I don't think you would have spoken to me if I even tried to speak to you." She said honestly.

She shrugged her shoulder, "You could have learned the word from me." She laughed. She grabbed her phone and retweeted it with the caption, 'Agreed!'

She took a drink and got on the bed. "You missed your chance of a nice sexy warm bubble bath." She told him.

"Uhm...what is one thing you wish you could change about me?"
"The fact you know he isn't the manager and where he works alarms me a bit. How and why do you know this? Why are you looking him up?" He raised an eyebrow at Adri. "What was this guy like? Nerd? Athlete?"

Jake gave her a look. "What? A girl as sexy as you? Why would I not have talked to you. I would have been worried you wouldn't have talked to me because you would have thought I was a jerk."

He rolled his eyes, "No. I still wouldn't have used that word. You have a nice ass yourself you know." He gave her butt a smack before taking another drink.

Jake jumped up and picked Adri up over his shoulder. He gave her butt another another smack as he took her into their bathroom and started the water. "You are light as a feather my goodness." Jake thought about her question and went back to the bedroom. "Can you grab my Crown, we need our alcohol in the tub." Once she had it then he took her back to the bathroom and set her down. His eyes looked her over. "I don't know babe...hmmm. I mean I do sometimes wish you gave birth to Owen. Just because things would be easier. But you personally, the only thing I can really think of is sometimes I wish we both could say fuck it to our diets and eat whatever we want. I'm afraid you'll always want to diet. And I like to eat." He shrugged before getting in the tub.

"What would you change about me?"
"We were friends on Facebook. Before I had to change my profile to public figure." She explained. "He was just a guy." She shrugged her shoulder. "We were in the same class and we were going to study and then things got carried away. We started flirting and then kissing."

She shook her head, "I didn't like quiet guys back then I didn't like approaching guys back then. So I doubt we would have spoken to each other."

She giggled when he picked her up, "Okay Tarzan. You're abnormally strong. Of course you can lift me." She made a face, "You picked me up and brought me to the bathroom to make me walk to get your alcohol?" She laughed and got up to grab their bottles.

She listened to his answer and smiled. "Maybe once a month we can say fuck it to our diets and just eat whatever we want. How about that?" She asked. "And we can't complain about how much we hate ourselves until the end of the day." He added.

She looked at him, "I wish you would just wear what I told you and put in the damn elephant." She teased. "I don't like the way you talk down to yourself before a fight. You get in your head and sometimes it's hard to pull you out o what ever dark space you crawl into."
"I would have wanted to study with you if that's what happens at Adri's house when you study. Make out session!" He chuckled. "You didn't like quiet guys? So what was your type?"

Jake shook his head. "I carried you back and forth. Stop complaining woman." He said with a smile. He punched his chest like Tarzan and made his noise. "I just need something to swing on now."

He gave her a nod to ditching their diets. "I'm down babe. Once a month. We can go out. Date night once a month to be free to do whatever we want and eat whatever we want. Kiss on it?" He puckered his lips before helping her in the tub.

She was right about him getting into his own head. "I have to think about what could happen if I lose. I have to mentally prepare myself for failing. And then I wonder, if you'd still look at me the same way. What if this is the best I'll ever be? Would you still want me by your side as you keep climbing up? A has been fighter?" He shrugged and took a long drink. "I think about that."
She shook her head. "Anyone who was brace enough to ask me out knowing I had four brothers at home ready to give him a hard time." She laughed.

She smiled, "Should we get a rope installed in the bedroom for you to really be Tarzan?" She teased.

She kissed him. "But if it's around Fashion Week I can't just ditch my diet. I have to stay looking this good." She told him. "Like I wouldn't say let's ditch our diets the day before a fight. No diet ditching the day before a show."

She rubbed his cheek, "Boo you're the fricken champion. If this is the best you'll ever be I will be happy for eternity. No one can say you aren't good. Your the CHAMPION. What has been out there has ever been called a champion?" She asked. "How about...none!"
Jake smiled, "I so would have asked you out. They wouldn't have scared me. I almost would have asked just prove I wasn't scared." He chuckled a bit.

"No...we want to eventually sell this place." His hands rubbed her legs and kissed her softly.

"I know babe. No diet cheating during big weeks or months of work. I got it." His hands traveled up her body.

Jake looked in her eyes when she rubbed his cheek. "I know. But I get in my head like you said. I just want to be someone you and our children can be proud of. When you've had someone your whole life tell you that you won't be anything, you wait for that other shoe to fall and fuck it all up. But it means a lot you're right here by my side." He smiled and kissed her.

"How do you feel about me buying another car?" He asked her as he slipped some bubble bath in the water.
""Boo we will be proud of you. No matter what we are proud of you for what you have accomplished. Our kids will get to go to school and be like my dad can beat up your dad. And actually mean it." She smiled. "That's pretty badass."

She raised her eyebrows at him, "I don't know Jake. We have a wedding to pay for and a planner and all of this other stuff we need to worry about. Do you really need another car?" She asked and sighed.

"I'm sure we can find the budget for it somewhere, I guess. If you really want it." She told him.

She smiled and rolled her eyes, "Jake do you really think I care if you buy a car?" She laughed. "Go forth and buy whatever the hell you want. It can be a present to yourself. I have been looking for a Rolls Royce. We might have to hire someone to really do some searching for the one we want though." She said.

"What kind of car are you looking at? I think a Lamborghini would look super sexy in our front porch. A pink shift multi chrome so it's pink and it's purple. That would be sexy."
Jake chuckled. "That's true. I will be able to kick anyone else's dad's ass. Totally."

His fell bit. She was shooting down his car idea. "Says someone who had to buy an expensive LV luggage set. That we really don't need, but she wanted." He let out a sigh. "No we don't NEED a car. But I WANT a car."

"Forget it." He shrugged. "Yeah...a little bit. I feel it's something we talk about together as a couple." They had been talking about a Rolls Royce for a bit. "We can hire someone to find it and make sure we get it."

Jake rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Babe, it's my car not yours." He chuckled. "No pink or purple." He thought about it. "I'm torn, I kind of want something brand new. Either a Dodge Viper or Corvette. I want something American." He teased. "I also want to get a Dune Buggy and a motorcycle."
"Oh my god! You were about to act like a super brat." She told him and splashed him in the face. "Now you really can't have it." She told him and stuck her tongue out at him.

"I will look into finding someone to find the Rolls. They have a year to do it so that's hopefully plenty of time. When do you want to take our trip to the East and Colorado?" She asked. "I need to see the biltmore. I need to know if we have to bribe some couple into giving it up. I can't wait any longer and the longer we wait, the more that couple plans and then we won't be able to bribe them away."

She pouted at him, "Then I will get my own pink and purple car." She frowned, "Can you even drive a motorcycle?" She asked. "I don't know about that. Dune Buggy fine. Car, fine. Motorcycle, I don't know."

"Can I get a plane?" She smiled and raised her eyebrows. "I'm either getting a plane or a car."
"I only act like you..." He said and moved his face away from the water. He splashed back. "I'll buy what I want." He told her with a smile.

Jake thought about it. "Are we taken O? I say let's go this weekend. I'm game. Let's do it before we have like 20 people to bribe." He chuckled. "What color of Rolls are you looking for?"

"Yes I can drive a motorcycle. Why don't you know?" He rubbed her side under the water. "Come here..." He pulled Adri to him and wrapped his arms around her.

"I don't care if you get a plane, it could be OUR plane so no pink. I'm not flying in a pink plane." He kissed her neck and nipped her ear.
She nodded he rhead, "We can take O with us. He's part of the wedding too. A big part I want to do something special for him in my vows but I am going to keep what it is a secret." She smiled. Mainly, because she didn't know what she was going to do yet.

"Motorcycles are small. Other drivers don't see motorcycles. I don't know if want you on a small bike where you can easily get hurt." She explained.

She moved over to him and put her head on his chest.

"Ha, you don't care if I buy a plane?" She asked and put her hand against his forehead, "Are you feeling okay? Is this really Jake?" She joked. "Nice. Can I get both? Lambo and a plane? I mean you're getting a car and buggy. It's only fair I get two new toys."
"Alright. Then let's get it set up to go this weekend. It will be fun. We bringing the nanny? Or doing this just us?" He smiled at her. "Okay. Keep your secret." He kissed her head.

Jake could understand the motorcycle part. "Alright. I understand. I'll stay safe."

He ran his hand through her hair and closed his eyes. This was pretty relaxing for him. He chuckled. "I think WE could buy a plane together and use it together. It would be nice and easier to get to LA or NY. But your toys are way more expensive then mine. And my fiance so nicely reminded me that we are planning a wedding. Eventually we also want to buy a house. Right?" He looked at her with a smile.

"Adge...I love you. I'm pretty lucky to have you."
"Just us. It's only a few days. When it comes to the castles we can do half a day each. Do a tour and the. Decide. We hit Biltmore first and if it really is all I dream of it being then we don't have to do Okeha. If it's not what I want then go to the other one. We can spend a couple days in Colorado to look at the properties the realtor found."

She smiled and whispered, "My plane." She laughed, "Don't throw my words back in my face. Our wedding is paid for. I can get whatever I want." She smiled. "And jewelers are reaching out. They want me to wear their diamonds for the wedding as long as they are shown in our wedding pictures and we show those pictures off."

She smiled, "I love you too Boo. I'm glad we found each other."
"Okay. We will just have to have Amy and Luke watch the dogs. It will be nice to get away for a few days just us." He smiled at the idea of a mini family vacation. "It will be nice to get away and not have to worry about work. long is mom staying? She will be pissed if we leave and she's still here...And I don't want her to rush off either."

Jake shook his head. "Our plane Adri. Ours." He chuckled. "I will use your words against you." He gave a nod. "But what if I want to buy you something for our wedding. Something you can keep."

"Me too." He moved her face to kiss her slow and deeply.
"If they want to watch them after tonight." She laughed.

"She's here for as lo as she wants to be. I would offer to take her with but that doesn't seem fair to my mother who wants to be a part of everything." She groaned. "I don't want to leave her with Owen. I mean it's maybe five days until we leave so we have time to spend with her." She told him.

She smiled, "Like what?" She asked curiously. I don't even know what the dress looks like yet. I know I want something sexy. Maybe two dresses. One for the ceremony one for the reception." She smiled. "I'm so excited Boo. Maybe we can get married every year." She laughed.
"They have them tonight? They were here most of the night."

Jake understood not wanting to start issues. "Yeah but my mom hasn't been a part of anything with the wedding. Your mom gave you the dress...she will probably be part of more than my mom if she goes back to Denver." He shrugged though and would leave it up to her.

"I don't know exactly what I want yet, but maybe a nice necklace and matching earrings or something. I don't know. I just thought it would be a nice gift to get you and let you keep and pass on to our baby girl." He rolled his eyes. "No Adriana. We can't get married every year. Maybe we can renew our vows sometime but not every year."
"We leave Max and the girls here all the time. Amy wants a puppy so she wanted to watch the girls and then with the party and dinner they offered to take all three and I let them have them. Mom and dad offered to take O so they watched him. Us being alone just kind of worked out."

She thought about it, "Both moms can go with me to try on dresses. I need to know what kind of silouhette I want and all that so they can go with me for that. Us finding a venue will be just us and Owen. I think that's best. And our mothers need to find gowns to wear so I can take them both to do that too."

She smiled, "What ever it is I am sure I will love it." She told him and kissed his cheek. She shrugged her shoulder, "Renew our vows after the first year and then at five years, ten years, and twenty or something like that. But we will get married again one day." She smiled. "You're not stopping that."
"Why does my sister want a dog? They are gonna have a jid. They don't need a dog." He rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Oh well."

Jake chuckled a bit. "Okay. You have fun babe. You, your mom and mine...yeah no. O and I will stay home and a guys day being lazy. Watching cartoons, drinking milk, going swimming, and whatever other trouble we can get into."

"That's a good idea baby." He kissed her head. "Alright...alright. We can get married again. Just cause I love you. It is kind of odd we went from you being so anti wedding to two weddings." He chuckled. "You ready to get out baby?"
"It's not the worst thing in the world to want a dog and a kid. We have theee dogs and a kid." She reminded. "Plus dogs are different." She shrugged her shoulder.

She rolled her eyes, "What you should be doing is going to get fitted for a suit. You Owen and Luke. I'll bring zany alonh for some back up. I'm worried about her though. We can go dress shopping now but she won't be pregnant when the wedding rolls around. I don't want her to feel like she needs to be in shape for the wedding after her kid is born." She said softly. "I don't her to push herself to lose the baby weight just for us."

She rolled her eyes. "I was not anti wedding. I had things to work through. I knew I wanted a wedding and I know it will be glorious." She told him.

She picked up some of the last remaining bubbles and put them on his head. "Yeah we can get out." She said and got out of the tub. She handed him a towel and after she dried off she put in her monogrammed robe and went into the bedroom.

"We didn't even drink in there." She told him and laid across the bed. "Now come lay down so you can go to sleep." She smiled and patted his side of the bed.
"I just don't want her overwhelmed. I'm just looking out for her is all. A puppy and baby are handfuls. Right? That's all I'm saying." He stuck his tongue out at her before smiling.

She had a point but that also gave him some concerns. "That's fine for Luke and I. But that munchkin grows like a weed. So we shouldn't go too early to get him fitted. Taking Amy could be helpful or a disaster. She is pregnant babe. And you put her in a car...with mom...take alcohol." He took a drink of his.

He smacked her butt when she got up. "Do you want my hair white?" He got out and dried off. Jake didn't worry about a robe as he went into their room. "I did. I can't help what you didn't do."

Jake crawled on the bed. "I'm not going to sleep. Don't I look better without anything on?" He pointed to himself and raised an eyebrow. "Why do you want an elephant to cover that up?"
"We got Max and a few months later we brought Owen home. If we can do it they can do it." She smiled "it's cute to see you all concerned for your sister though." She told him and kissed his cheek.

She laughed, "I'm sure I will have some wine to sip on at the bridal salon we go to." She knew she was going to need it. Her mother was a handful adding a pregnant lady and his mother. "Oh god what am I getting myself into?" She thought out loud as she thought about it.

She rolled her eyes, "Go to sleep!" She laughed. She crawled on the bed and gave him a sultry kiss. "What needs to happen to make you nice and sleepy?" She asked and rubbed his chest.
"I know but we could handle it...have you seen Luke with Owen?" He chuckled. "Plus Max was a breeze. He was a good dog. I just don't want her to have her hands full and realize they shouldn't have gotten the dog and then think about giving it up. If that happens, we will just take the baby. She can keep the dog." He told Adri like it was no big deal.

Jake laughed. "I have no idea. I get the easy part. Your dad, my dad, Luke and O. Again...we're watching fights or cartoons, drink some milk, go swimming, pick out tuxes. Fuck take a nap. Cause we all know both our dads like taking naps so O is in. Hell throw in some fruit and veggies and a good lunch. When are you leaving?" He teased and laughed.

He kissed her back softly. "Hmm...oh the possiblities that I could have you do for me." He chuckled. "What do I get if I put it on?"
She laughed, "No Boo. We keep the dog. They can have the baby. Do you remember how deiffcukt sleeping is with a newborn? Or sex? Sex would be nonexistent with two kids under 2."

She shook her head, "Don't be an ass." She told him. "Just because you said that it's going to be the worst experience for you and easy as pie for me." She told him and stuck her tongue out at him. "Ass."

She smiled, "A new car." She giggled. "You get to make your queen happy." She offered and bit her bottom lip. "What do you want, is a better question, I suppose."
She had a point. "Okay fine. We keep the baby during the day. Spoil it, then give it back at night and take the dog."

Jake just laughed. "Nah. It will be easy as pie for me. Maybe we will get pie. I'm sure Owen would like pie." He laughed and felt like it was a lot of fun to pick on her about it.

"You already said I get a new car. Ass." He gave her a look with a smile. "Don't you dare bite your lip at me..." He got up and rolled his eyes. "you know this is embarrassing right?" After a sigh he put on the elephant. "You better blow this elephant." He told her with a raised eyebrow and sighed, shaking his head.
She shook her head, "I only want the dog. We soil their kid then they will spoil ours even worst and then it becomes a never ending loop of spoiled children. I want the dog and only the dog."

She shook her head, "I don't like you sometimes. You know that right?"

She bit her lip just to spite him and sat back on her feet. She clapped when he put on the elephant and laughed. "Yay! Make it dance. Make the noise!" She smiled and laughed harder. "One picture?" She asked. "Two! One of the elephant and one of that ass in a thong!" She giggled.

"Then I'll blow the elephant." She promised.
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