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Is He A Lover or A Fighter Part 2 {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

"I'll just block it. I am trained to block a punch."

Jake shook his head. "I don't think you have. I kind of sobered up after I bet you. I cleaned up my act because of you. That's a good thing." He shook his head more. "No. I've had whiskey tonight. I can't mix whiskey and wine babe. I will hurl. But I'm down with drinking more. How are you when you're drunk? You get giggly don't you." He chuckled a bit.

He chuckled a bit to her question. "Babe...yes. I do. I'm sorry. I've thought about that. I know it's kinda gross but men are pigs. And you're fucking hot. So fucking hot. I hit the jackpot." He kissed her cheek and neck before giving her a nip. "I would look at your pics..." He shrugged with a smile totally teasing her. "I mean if we weren't already engaged and I could look at you naked anytime I want. Just think of this..." He pointed to his abs. "Or this." He pointed to his ass.
She nodded her head with a smile on her face, "I have been told I get giggly which is much better than getting emotional. So enjoy the giggles. I also don't like wearing pants but I'm in a dress and I'm not wearing pants so I beat myself to the punch with that."

She scrunched her face together, "Yuck." She laughed, "Boo that's all I think about." She gave his abs a kiss and his ass a squeeze. She got out of the bed and went down stairs really quick and then came back up.

She got on the bed and showed him the bottle of Crown black. "Are we staying up all night to drink?" She asked. They probably wouldn't make it to sunrise. It was three in the morning now, they could crash at four and still be somewhat functional tomorrow.
Jake looked her over. "I'm okay with giggles and no pants. Hell I may lose mine. Put something more comfortable than a dress on or we can drink naked." Jake got up removing his pants.

"We need to take a picture of my stitches on my eye. We didn't do it Saturday." He looked over his body before laying back down. "So you only are with me for my body? I knew it!"

He wiggled his eyebrows at the bottle. "I get tired when I get drunk so I probably won't last long." He chuckled and then opened it to take a drink after smelling it. "We could do body shots." He grinned at Adri before kissing her.
She laughed, "Unzip me." She told him and r Led on her side so he could pull the zipper that went down her back. She rolled back on her back and pulled the dress off of her body and kicked out of it. She pulled off her strapless bra and she was free.

"You're going to have to settle with undies." She told him and shook her hips.

She got up and grabbed the camera. She took a picture of him with it and kissed his forehead. "You are so lucky." She told him and looked at his forehead. "When do those come out? A few days right?" She asked and laid beside him again.

"Boo, old man." She told him and took the bottle to take her own sip. "I don't like dark liquor." She said softly and looked at Jake. She laughed and gave the bottle back. "I don't want your belly button lint in my liquor so I'll pass on the body shots."
Jake grabbed a hold of her zipper and slowly slid it down. He kissed her back as he let it move along the fabric. His eyes watched her bra off. "Now we're talking. We are gonna drink in our underwear."

He made a face while she took a picture of his eye. "Why am I so lucky?" His eyes shut as she kissed him. "Next week probably. It's starting to heal pretty well." He kissed her shoulder and let his hand trail up her leg.

Jake made a face. "They why was it that, that you grabbed goof? Why didn't you grab yourself something?" He shook his head and took another drink. "I don't have belly button lint. Gosh. I showered." He got up, "I need to get my bags. Want me to grab you clear liquor?"
"It was really deep. The pictures look like your eye was just full of blood." She made a face and shook her head. "My poor baby." She teased and pushed his hair back. "But you still won. And that's what matters."

She shrugged her shoulder, "I don't know." She giggled. "You don't need to get your bags. You can do that later. Ooh, you want to open your presents?" She said asking about all of the stuff sent from various companies from him winning the championship.

"Oh and I went full assistant and printed out all of the job offers you got and they are on your desk...or my desk. I don't remember. They are on a desk though."
"I wear my scars proudly." Jake liked when she was a bit affectionate. Even if they were both drunk. "Of course I won."

Jake stopped and looked at her. "I know I don't need them. But I want them." He stopped. "Oh my gosh. That so was something you would say." He shook his head. "I want to get the tattoo options." He leaned over and kissed her softly before heading out of the room. "Hey...where are our four legged children?" Jake looked at her confused and felt bad he just now realized they weren't around at the party.

After heading downstairs, he grabbed his bags and took them up to their room as well as some of the stuff he got in the mail. "Can I rehire you as my assistant? You really were the best I ever had." He pulled out the two different sketches for the tattoos and handed them to Adri as he crawled on the bed again and then also handed her some liquor she'd like.

"Baby you can't get drunk too. If I'm drunk and hung over in the morning who's going to take care of me?"
"I know you do. That's why you have so many." She teased.

She smiled, "Oh boo." She threw a decorative pillow at him and grabbed her pillow and pulled it under her head. "Luke and Amy are borrowing them." She smiled. "I wonder how that's going." While he got his bag she grabbed two pain killers for the both of them.

"Or you can start sobering up and you can take care of me." She told him. "You don't always get to be the baby." She told him and looked over the sketches. She straddled him and set the sketches where they would go on his body and made a face.

"I like them both." She said softly and sighed. "I don't know Boo. I think I like the chainmail more than I like the steel look. Maybe. I don't know."
He gave her a shrug about the scars. "I didn't go looking for them all. Some...but not all."

Jake just looked at her. "This is my party and I will be drunk then hung over if I want to." He stuck his tongue out at her. "That was rude. Miss everyone loves me regardless of where I go and what I'm doing. Half our guests wanted more details on your plans than mine. Diva." He teased.

"Adriana. You're not helping." His hands ran my her legs and then on her stomach a bit. "I think I like the chain mail too. They both are so good though."

He leaned up and kissed her slow and softly. "I missed you. Thanks for being so supportive. I have something for you..."
"You sound jealous." She teased back. "You are at the top Boo, there isn't much more you can from there. You are getting all of these amazing offers that come with your title. Now you just have to fight to keep it. I am barely being considered a top model and I will probably never hit a definitive peak like you have."

She looked at the tattoos and then at him, "Do both." One on the front right ride and then the other on the back left side. "And then get one right here." she wiggled her hand underneath him and poked his buttcheek. "I'll sign my name and you can get it tattooed on your ass." she giggled and slide off of him to lay down again.

She kissed him and raised her eyebrows, "Is it the elephant?" She asked with a big laugh. "I need you to keep drinking so you can get in the elephant."
He gave her a look. "So you are saying this is the best for me? There is no where else to go from here except sideways?" He shook his head at her. "You have been on SI and also became a VS Angel. That's pretty big Adge."

He gave her butt a smack before she moved off of him. "You really think both? I never thought of both. Hmmm. I'm not getting your name on my buttcheek. It's not happening."

Jake got up and went into his bag and grabbed a small box. "No elephant. Gosh. I'm going to burn that thing." He teased. In the box was a TapOut huge necklace. When he saw her face he cracked up laughing and couldn't stop. Then he went to his bag and grabbed her real box. In the box was a ruby and black diamond necklace. "I had to get something for you to remember my win. And I had to get something that was me but yet something that would look beautiful on you."
"I'm not saying this is the best Boo. I'm saying everyone knows you are the best right now. No one can say you aren't the best. You have a belt to prove how amazing you are. I don't get a belt. I have to keep doing covers to make people see that I'm good. To make people see that I'm the best." She said softly.

She giggled, "Fine my name on your chest? Or a tiny A right here." She pointed to a rarely see spot on his body right on his pubic area and to the left a little bit. "No one would ever see it! I'll get a J. I'll cover it with make up when I have too, so no one will see it."

She smiled when he handed her the box and she tried to keep her smile up when she saw the necklace. She smiled at him, "It''s really nice Boo." She said picking it up. "It's heavy." She laughed.

She let out a small sigh of relief when he handed her her real gift she smiled when she saw the necklace and gave Jake a hug and kiss, "It's beautiful Boo. Thank you. But I will never forget the day you became champion." She looked at the necklace again, "Thank you. It really means a lot."
Jake attacked her face with a lot of kisses. "I know you are the best." He smiled at her. "The world does too. Maybe they need a few reminders at times." He shrugged. "Pus I love all your covers."

He looked at his chest and thought it over. Then looked where her finger pointed. "Hmmm. I'm not against getting your name on me somewhere. We already have matching tattoos Q." He showed him his finger. "Remember?"

Jake was cracking up. "You should have seen your face. Oh my." He gave her a nod to it being heavy.

He crawled back on the bed and kissed her shoulder as he hugged and kissed her back. "I know's something you can pass on to our daughter when we have one. That you got it when Daddy kicked ass." He chuckled. "It really means a lot you're so supportive. I know it's not easy watching fights, especially this one. But you believed in me from the beginning of our relationship and that means the world to me." He kissed her softly. "I love you."
"I know, I know." She said flashing her tatto. "I want an A on you too though." She smiled. "Right there." She said pointing to the spot again. "And since we already have matching tats. You can just get the A." She gave his cheek a kiss and laid back.

She looked at the necklace, "I love it. And I love that you thought of our future daughter. You're thoughtful and that's why I am marrying you. That's why I love you." She gave him a soft kiss and set the necklace on the nightstand.

"I love you too. More than words can express. Now get drunk so you can put on the elephant!"
"Oh I don't know. There? I'd probably like it more on my chest. Or maybe you can kiss a napkin and I can get your lips tattooed on my ass." He teased and laughed a bit.

Jake smiled. "Of course I thought of our future daughter. Our second diva." He kissed her back. "But if you want more than one daughter, they may have to fight over it." He teased a bit.

"That's the only reason you want me to get drunk isn't it? You've had a hidden agenda this whole time!" He nipped at her neck. "You have me in my underwear. Is that not good enough?" He moved to his knees and posed being a goofball but then took another drink from the Crown bottle. "You better drink up too."
She rolled her eyes, "I'm not kissing your ass, ass." She said and pushed him.

She laughed, "My family's track record is one daughter so we might be lucky there." She smiled. "I can't wait to wear it. Maybe I'll wear it tomorrow. Too much, you think?" She asked. "Oh who cares? I'm wearing it tomorrow."

She laughed evilly, "You've caught me." She shook her head, "Not enough." She got off the bed and tried to remmeber where she put it. She found it in a drawer and flicked it at him. "Yes! You are putting it on. Even if I have to wait for you to crash and then slip it on you." She giggled and picked up her bottle and took a drink.

"We should play a game. What game should we play?"
"Oh yeah you will." He laughed at her.

Jake sighed a sigh of relief. "Oh I could definitely dodge a bullet then. I don't know if I can deal with a lot of you." He teased. "Where it whenever you want baby."

"I'm not putting it on. It's not happening. I will fall asleep after you." He laughed evilly to mock hers. "What now? Hmmm?" He flexed to just be a goofball and show off before flicking it back at her.

"I don't know. Truth or dare. If you refuse to do or answer you drink. I'll drink now for not wearing the elephant." He laughed and took a drink.
"Fine then I'll wait til you're sleeping." She laughed. "Oh no you won't. I will so be awake longer than you."

She slipped it on but it was a little too big for her and she had nothing to fill it out. She thrust her hips to get it to move around and laughed. She took it off and set it between them.

"Truth or dare it is. I dare you to we--" she frowned at him when he took the drink and sat on her feet.

"Ass!!" She sighed and looked at him, "Your turn."
Jake gave her a look. "Are we going to make a competition out of who will stay awake the longest? We both are so stubborn we will be here until the middle of the week." He chuckled and kissed her shoulder.

"You are so weird. What is wrong with you?" He gave her a weird look. "You get weirder when you drink."

Jake thought it over a minute. "What do I not know about you?" He stopped. "Wait am I supposed to ask you first if you want truth or dare? It's been forever since I've played." He chuckled.
"You said yourself that you get sleepy when you are drunk so I am going to stay up later than you. And probably watch a movie or put make up on you and the elephant." She teased.

She thought about it and shrugged her shoulder, "I don't know. Let's just skip that part and either as the person a truth or a dare."

She smiled, "I dare you, to let me post something to your twitter account."
"You would touch me inappropriately while I sleep?!" He acted shocked. "I can't believe you."

Jake gave her a look. "Hey...cheater
I asked you a truth. You have to answer or drink. What don't I know about you?"

He narrowed his eyes at her. "You're drunk. Do I trust you when we're both drunk?" He handed his phone to her. "Be smart. Don't say anything to get us in national news."
She rolled her eyes, "I am sure you wouldn't mind." She teased.

"That was your question? I thought you were asking yourself." She laughed. She thought about it, "I don't know. Um....I snuck a boy into my room once and my brothers came home so he hid under my bed for two hours util they all left and then I quickly snuck him out of the house. It was scary. I thought we were going to get caught."

She nodded her head, "You trust me." She took his phone and thought of what to post, "It has to stay up for twenty four hours Boo." She told him. 'I have a phat ass! *peach emoji* and I love @FutureMrsDrifter' She chuckled and posted it and exited out of his twitter so he wouldn't be able to see it.
"You need to wake me up and we can have fun together." He told her with a smile wiggling his eyebrows.

Jake laughed. "Yes that was my question." He chuckled. "Your brothers would have killed him Q. Would you have snuck me in your room? And what were you two doing in your room?"

He watched her on his phone. "Whatever you write everyone will know you hacked me." He looked Adri over with a grin. "I dare you to go skinny dipping with your future husband."
"Nope. I have my plans set when you fall asleep."

She giggled, "We were studying for a little bit and then we were kissing. That's all we did. My brothers came home before we could do anything more." She shrugged her shoulder. "That's probably best too. He got his girlfriend pregnant senior year. Now he works at BestBuy." She shook her head. "I doubt we would have been talked in high school. Didn you say you were a quiet bad boy type?" She asked.

She rolled her eyes, "No they won't. They will know it's the truth straight from your mouth....or hands, technically." She smiled.

She slipped out of her panties, "Why don't we take a bath instead so we can get clean and we are close to bed."
"I'm so not even scared."

He gave her a look like he didn't believe that she snuck him in to study. "Studying huh? What's wrong with BestBuy? Would you jot love me if I worked there?" He smiled. "You didn't talk to bad boys? I was only quiet cause...well...home shit."

"I never say the word phat. That's you Adriana."

He rolled his eyes. "You don't understand the gyst of playing truth or dare. You don't negotiate and compromise. You either do it or drink." He looked her naked body over. "But gotta stay naked."
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