Is He A Lover or A Fighter Part 2 {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

She made a sad face, teasing him. "Just go look." She pointed and followed him out.

"I know I'm the best." She smiled. "I'm just glad you didn't want to come straight home." She laughed and kissed him back before letting him go off and say hello to everyone.

Adri went to the planner who got everything set up in the back yard in a matter of hours. She thanked her big time and then she picked up a drink. She didn't have Owen, they were at home. She could drink as much as she wanted.

He did have some congratulatory gifts on a table and then inside in the front room, she put all of his TapOut gear and a few other people sent him stuff.

Marshal walked over to Jake, "Hey I was thinking of doing a remix to Kings Never Die and if I do, I'd make a music video. Obviously you'd have to star in it. How does that sound?"
Jake rolled his eyes and gave her butt a little pat before he went on his way. He also picked up a drink, he too was home and could definitely do some celebrating. He went to his bags and got the watches for his corner guys and Luke. "Thanks guys. There's no way I could get here if it wasn't for all your help and hard work." Luke looked his watch over before putting it on, "Thanks Jake. Does this mean we get watches for every time you win and get to hold onto that belt." Jake laughed, "We will see brother. We will see."

He looked over all his TapOut gear and some other things then Marshal came up. "Wow that would be awesome. I'd love to be in it. Thanks man. I appreciate you being here. Your music really gets me ready for the fights. I can relate a bit. But if I'm your music video, I can rub it in to my girl that the music video I'm in is much more kick ass than Jonas Brother music video." They laughed. "Yeah but your girl's video was pretty hot." Jake couldn't argue that. "True..."

"She seems like a pretty cool chick."

"She's the best. She put all this together."

Jake looked at her across the backyard and smiled at her. A few other fighters came over and were talking about the fight. They wanted to go to the movie room and watch the fight. He walked over to Adri and kissed her cheek. "Want to watch the fight with us?"
Adri went to her friends so they could catch up. She was so busy now, she barely got to time to hang out with them but they kept in contact by texting and snap chatting each other. She was oblivious to Jake and Marshal talking.

She smiled when Jake came over, It should be playing on the pool house." She told him and pointed and walked him over. They set up a big screen and had Jake's fight playing on a loop. "There's no sound though. You can go in the house if you want sound. Maybe I can actually watch it knowing you walk out of the ring, not only in one piece but a champion too." She smiled and gave him a kiss.

"I just don't want everyone in the house. If there's going to be a mess let it be back here so the clean up guys can take care of it tomorrow with out having to wake us up." She laughed. "I don't know about you but I might be hung over tomorrow."
Jake should have know she would have thought to have it playing on loop. "We don't need sound." He kissed her head. "You think of everything don't you?" He smiled at her. "You should be able to watch it. You should have been able to on Saturday. You should have known I would have walked out and as champion. You did bet on me after all." He smiled and kissed her.

He gave her a nod to not wanting everyone in the house. "Yes ma'am." He kissed her cheek. "I plan on sleeping in too and possibly could be hung over." He whispered into her ear, "And you may be a bit exhausted tomorrow." He winked at her then went to watch the fight with the guys after grabbing another drink.

Amy joked with Adri about being her designated driver. Jake and the guys watched the fight from the beginning. Luke gave pointers of what he should have done, because that's his job. "You gotta watch those elbows man. That's what got you. Otherwise you wouldn't have to worry about being stitched up." Jake shrugged and gave a nod. "Yeah. I know." A big loud, "Ohhhhh." Came from the guys watching the fight when Jake kicked Bisping. They watched it over and over a few times. "It's a good thing you shut his ass up." One of the corner guys said. Luke shook his head, "He hasn't stopped."
"I knew you'd win but I didn't know how you would be coming home." She smiled. "You could have been seriously injured."

She laughed and gave his butt a pat, "You wish." She giggled and sent him off with his friends.

She spoke with Amy for a bit and then she went over to Jake and watched the fight with him. She came in time to see him kick Bisping in the face.

"You would think a concussion would shut him up though. I don't think he will hold through on his bet. There's no way he's apologizing for anything." She told him and wrapped her arm around Jake's waist.

"But you proved him wrong and that's all that matters."
He looked in her eyes a moment just smiling at her. He kissed her head. "Well I'm okay."

Jake shook his head, "Yeah doubtful. I really doubt he will apologize. It just shows his class." He shrugged. "At least I held my promise. I promised I'd knock his ass out and clearly I did. It's really hard to stay classy. Especially when I have my boy to think about."

Marshal looked at Jake, "Want me to slam him in a song?" He laughed and Jake joined in.

Luke looked at Jake, "We should start taking bets on if you can win by certain moves. All of us can guess how you will win and we will see who actually wins. This one would go to Adri only cause you cheated though."

Jake laughed, "See Luke even says you cheat." He wrapped his arm around her.
"Oh whatever. It was not a cheat. You could have told him to throw a punch if you wanted too. I told him round house kick and he did it. If we all told him to do something it would over load him though." She thought about it.

"Fine, we will all say his finishing move and we can't tell him. Luke you can't make him focus on your move during training. It's his choice in the end. If none of us guess it then Jake gets the winning item. That way it's fair. Jake will want to win." She smiled.

"And Luke i almost pushed you in the pool." She warned. "Don't make me do it."
"Technically, I want to teach Jake more capoeira. It's a technique in martial arts. One that's good in balance and it could be very beneficial." Luke told both of them. "I've slowly dipped him into it." Jake nodded, "I really like it. It's pretty sweet. I'll have to show you some more moves babe."

Luke gave her a nod. "Deal. He won't know."

Jake shook his head. "Why are you making bets about me? Do I get part of the winnings? Shit." He chuckled and took a long drink.

"Why did you almost push me in the pool? What did I do?" Luke asked. Jake rubbed Adri's back.

Amy looked at Jake, "Can I steal you for just a second?" Jake looked at her confused and gave her a nod. "Sure, but your husband may end up in the pool while we are gone." He smiled and chuckled before kissing Adri's cheek. "Be nice."

Jake went inside with Amy and shut the door behind them. "What's up?"

"How does it feel? Proving Eddie wrong." She spoke softly and leaned against the counter.

Jake looked at her before looking down. "So damn good." He grinned a bit. "I'm world champion. The best in the entire world. I want to hear him tell me I'm nothing now. I just won millions." He looked at her. Jake still carried a lot of guilt about their childhood. "I just wish you could feel this. Being able to prove him wrong."

Amy smiled, "I did the day I married Luke and found out I was pregnant. Those were the happiest days of my life. And they didn't involve him and I didn't even think about him." She watched Jake a minute. "You know that anytime you need or want to quit, you can. You have nothing left to prove. I'm not saying by any means you should right now. You are definitely at the top of your game. But, when that time comes. We all will support you. Or if ever lose. We are here."

Jake smiled and gave her a nod. "Thanks Aim. I appreciate that." He gave her a hug before they both walked back outside.
"I'm always nice." She laughed and gave Jake a kiss.

Adri and Luke went over to her brothers and spoke for a bit. Jane was walking around the party mailing. She tried talking to Marshal but he shut her down in no time. So went back to looking around the party and eventually made her way back to Drew.

When Adri walked over she took her arm from around Drew and put it around Adri's waist. Adri didn't want to come off rude so while she ignored the girl she didn't knock her arm off of her waist entirely.

Adri went to mingle with the rest of the crowd and thank them for coming to support Jake.
Jake kept an eye on Jane. He knew she was shady. Jake figured she was just using Drew to get close to Jake and Adri as well as other fighters and famous people. He just wanted to keep an eye on her.

He then moved to check on their other guests. It was awesome to have so many people who support him. After he did his rounds he grabbed more to drink. He thensaid hello to Adri's friends.

After awhile, Jake grabbed Adri and pulled her by the side of the pool house and wrapped his arms around her. He kissed her slow and deeply. "Wanna kick these people out?" He asked with a smile. "I love you."
Adri laughed when Jake caught her and pulled her to the side of the building. She kissed him back and rubbed his chest. "I'm starting to think having the party here was a bad idea." She giggled and kissed him again.

"Should of had it at a club. That way we could leave when we wanted and we didn't have to worry about clean up." She said softly and shrugged her shoulder.

"We can leave though. We have never had a house party before and we are going to enjoy. I kind of want a birthday party. This is fun. Not here though. That's a pain in the butt. Maybe we can get a big tent for Owen's party and have it at a park."
He smiled and shrugged. "Nah it's nice it's here. I just miss you babe." He kissed her again. "As soon as everyone leaves are mine." His hand rubbed her back slowly.

"You can have a birthday party. Anywhere you want babe. We can go out. It would be fun. Get a bus. Go around Vegas." He smiled.

Jake shrugged. "I kinda want O's party here. We can hire people to do all the set up and clean up though. No worries there. We can discuss that though. Let's head back." He let go after giving her a kiss. "We could sneak upstairs for a quick moment." He grinned and gave her butt a smack before walking back to their friends.
She laughed and kissed him back. "Are we in high school? This feels like some high school party." She laughed and kissed him again.

She nodded her head, "Yeah. I want to party for my birthday." She did a little dance and wrapped her arms around him. "Party of the year." She raised her eyebrows and laughed. "But no surprises. I don't like surprises."

She looked at the backyard and then at Jake,"That would be nice. Kids aren't that messy right? And it's just our friends and family. It should be easy enough. And it's private." She nodded her head. "I think you're right." She said softly.

She giggled at him, "Now we really are in high school. Don't be naughty." She jumped in his back so he could give her a piggy back ride to their friends. She hopped down and put her arm around his waist.
He kissed her back and narrowed his eyes at her. "Why do you feel like it's a high school party? You're the one who won't allow anyone inside." He teased. "High school parties were fun..."

"Wait...I'm planning your party? If you want party of the year you need Amy to plan. Not me. Otherwise it will have bouncy houses and a ball pit. That crap is fun. Ooo babe...we have to for Owen's party." He smiled a goofy smile at her.

He looked at her like he didn't hear her. "Wait... say again. I'm what? I'm right?" He teased.

Jake laughed when she jumped on him. "Yep, total high school party. Jake got more to drink and was starting to feel pretty good. Their friends asked Adri was next for her and how it tied in with Jake's plans.
"Waking up to a messy house would not be fun." She told him. "It wasn't fun in high school. It won't be fun now."

She shook her head, "No No No. you are not touching my birthday party. You plan dates and that's good and nice. I'm planning my party and it's going to be the party of the year. I'm telling you no surprises during my party."

Adri looked at Jake and shrugged her shoulder. "I don't know. We have a wedding to plan. I'll be gone probably a big chunk of the New Year for fashion week. I have a secret project and then I have VS shoots and then I'll be home." It was a lot. "I work crazy the beginning of the year so I can relax the rest of the year. It will be the first time that Jake is crazy busy with his stuff too. He's a very hot commodity right now.." she smiled and gave him a kiss and squeezed his butt.
"Baby...we hire people. It's not like you clean now..." He gave her a look like she was crazy.

He shook his head. "I'm not promising. It would be a good surprise. I promise. "

Jake smiled at her. Even though people were there for him there were more people interested in Adri. Or them as a couple. One asked about wedding plans and that was fine but then they kept asking Adri about Fashion weeek and who would want her and VS. One commented o how they were a power couple. It was mostly the women they knew and a few guys fascinated with VS and the other angels. After awhile Jake kissed her cheek then went over to some of the fighters and Marshall who was there to celebrate him. It bothered him a bit but didn't let it show. Instead he did shots with the guys.
She made a face, "I clean! Sometimes. Sometimes I clean." She bumped his hip. "Shut up." She laughed.

Adri was happy to talk about her jobs and Jake's job and their future with anyone who asked. It was mainly her friends who were really questioning how she would handle it all. It would be difficult and she already knew Jake had a low tolerance for Adri being away and not being home. She didn't want to be away from Owen too long. She'd figure out the perfect balance though.

They were in a good place and she didn't want to mess it up by working again.

She let Jake go talk with his friends and she stayed with hers. They spoke about some of the fighters in attendance and Adri warned that dating and living with a fighter was a different experience and pretty stressful sometimes.
"You help Owen clean up his toys and maybe pick up clothes and toss them in the hamper. Oh and you do load the dishwasher." He gave her credit for those things but mostly they had a maid come in and do most of the cleaning.

They were in a good place so Jake really wanted to keep things going smoothly. They had some rough times getting to that good place. He was having fun with the guys and some how they all got into the conversation about dating a fighter. Uriah was eyeballing one of Adri's model friends.

"How is it so different?" Jake asked. "You think dating a model is easy?" His words slurred a bit and it was a bit obvious he was a bit drunk.
"Dating a model is easier. At least when we work we come back in one piece. You go to work and can come back needing a surgery with a concussion and a few broken ribs. Your diet is insane and you get moody because you can't eat what you want. Which is probably the same as a models diet. So it works but it's stressful Boo." She told him and gave him a kiss.

"But I wouldn't give it up either. Especially since that and this," she raised his shirt up to show off his abs, "Are a package deal." She smiled and rubbed his abs before letting it fall down.

"What's the hardest part about dating a model?" She asked curiously? "Especially this hot Victoria's Secret model." She said cockily and smiled even bigger.
"It's easier huh? How many models have you dated to be able to say that?" He got the dangerous part of the job but she could be cranky too from traveling and dieting. "You also diet sometimes more than me if I didn't have a fight."

He kissed her back. His eyes rolled a bit before smiling about her loving his abs. "Don't forget my ass."

Jake would have thought more before he just answered this question. "Well where to start..." he teased, "how about the fact that guys drool over my girl. They see you in hardly anything. Hell photographers want you looking sexy and posing seductive. There are probably guys that get off to your Sports Illustrated issue." He gave her a look like that alone is a lot to deal with. "Then you travel. You can be cranky when you aren't home for awhile and you also hungry. And when I can travel with you for Fashion Week, I hardly see you and have to sight see alone. Or if we do go out we can't eat alone in peace." He shrugged. "Oh and God forbid I touch your face..." He pretended to touch her, just joking around. "It's not easy. But...I never did anything easy. I like working for what I have." He looked in her eyes.

"For some crazy reason, she chose me to share it all with though." He smiled and kissed her softly.
She rolled her eyes, "They can drool over pictures as long as you are drooling over the real me." She made a face at men beating off to pictures of her. She knew it happened but she didn't think about it because it was weird. She laughed, "I have sensitive skin. I told you that."

She kissed him back and gave his ass a squeeze. "I love you." She smiled.

The girls that came over with Adri all 'Awwed' and the guys didn't really seem to care but looked happy for Jake.

"By the way if we go out to eat, more people ask you for autographs. Especially around here. Vegas loves you. It doesn't help that your face is on the side of the mgm."
"I know that. But it was a trip getting to a a place where I was okay with it. A lot of guys would have issues." He rolled his eyes and shook his head. "I'm touching your face when we get married. Deal with it."

"I love you." He said back and smiled.

Jake thought about it. "That's true. We need pics babe. We got a ton with us and O for your billboard. We need some of mine. We can re do them with Owen." He smiled. "I do love Vegas." He grinned. "And what's not to love about me?" He chuckled. Jake also wanted to go to Colorado to his old school and maybe do some volunteer work. The kids would love it.

One of the fighters told Jake he wasn't as bad as he thought, totally giving him shit. "I could take you..." the fighter twice his size told him.
"You better not. Don't touch my face." She warned him.

"We can go back tomorrow. I think it says champion now. They took down Bisping and left you up. Aren't you special." She teased.

She shook her head, "No. Let's not do that until he's sober." she couldn't stop them from horse around if they wanted too. She just didn't want either of them to get hurt. Especially Jake since they had a pretty busy week ahead.

The party lasted unti, the very early hours of the morning. When the party guests left they did so in groups. There were designated drivers to take people home. Adri closed and locked the back doors and set the alarm before they trudged upstairs. She flopped on the bed on top of the covers and held her arms open for Jake.

"Come, come. Cuddle me, you drunk fool." She teased.
Jake kept nodding with a smile. "I'm going to grab that beautiful face and kiss it. A lot." He smiled and chuckled.

"Let's do that. After we get O. Of course I'm special. I am fucking champion." He kissed her cheek.

Jake laughed at the other fighter. "Whatever dude. You wish."

"Oh no...I could kick your ass."

Jake looked at Adri because she said no. "Arm wrestle?" The fighter agreed and they did it on one of the tables. It was a brutal and close fight but Jake won and it went to his head a bit but his friend didn't care and they man hugged after.

He thanked everyone for coming and told them to get home safe. Jake locked the front door and went upstairs. He saw her on the bed and crawled up her body and kissed her. "I'm no fool. I am drunk though. Damn it's been a long time since I've been drunk."
"No you're not. I'll hit you." She giggled.

She thought about it, "I don't think I've seen you drunk actually. You haven't seen me drunk. I know that much." She smiled. "I don't get drunk with you. We should get drunk together. Got get a bottle of wine. We will stay up and get"

She pulled his shirt off so she could see his body. "Do you really think people are jacking off to my pictures?" She made a face and shook her head. "Why did you say that? That's gross Boo. Now I have the image of messed up magazine clips in my head."
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