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Is He A Lover or A Fighter Part 2 {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

"Try to sneak it into mine but I won't bring my purse in so she won't be able too." She smiled. "Always stay a step ahead." She tapped her temple and pointed at him.

"But if it weren't for me she wouldn't have that grandson. I am the only reason you and Owen met her. So there. I'm still technically the favorite. You're a close third place though. Owen is second place."

She thought about it, "LA. I have to go to LA for a week. We can road trip it down there and stay while you get your tattoo. Find someone who is willing to travel to Vegas or New York too though. One artist based in LA that will travel to you. Get it?"

She smiled, "Are you and O traveling with me during the fashion weeks?"
Jake rolled his eyes. "You will travel without a purse? What?! She will just put it in Owen's bag. Or sometime she's babysitting, she will stash it somewhere. You two will let this thing keep going back and forth."

She had a point about her being the connection from Owen to her mother. "True. But technically I hate telling both of us, but he's her favorite. Let's be honest babe."

"Yes Adge. I get it. I'm gonna beat you." He said before smiling. "Alright. Well...I'll maybe look into that tonight. I think it would be better to go in to their shop in person and talk to them about what I want and asking them about traveling. I'd obviously take care of travel expenses and hotels. I wonder how easy it is to travel with their gear though."

"Nope. Not gonna happen. The boys are gonna stay home. Have a 6 week long party. Living the bachelor life. Huh O?" He teased her before smiling.
She rolled her eyes, "I'm just going to carry the essentials. My debit card, credit card and drivers liscence. We don't have to take the diaper bag. They have everything Owen needs at their place."

She nodded her head, "If you do your research tonight, you have a few hours tomorrow to go in look at their work and talk to them for a bit. They can always send you sketches and then you pick what you like best." She proposed.

She chuckled at that, "Yeah right. You'd both cry yourselves to sleep every nig. Nice try though."
"Are you going straight from the airport to your mom's? What if O has a blow out at the airport? I'm not smelling that all the way to your mom's." He teased with a smile.

He gave her a nod, "That's a good idea. I'll see what trouble I can get into after dinner. Who knows what I'll figure out. Maybe I'll go see a few places tonight and then maybe do more tomorrow." He shrugged.

"But we'd be together in bed." He chuckled and mad a face like he got her good. "Um...I'll go with you. I don't know about Owen traveling the whole time. Maybe we can work something out where he can stay with Amy for a bit or something. What are you thinking?"
"Ew. Don't curse that on us." She frowned at him and shook her head. "Gross."

She nodded her head, "It is a tattoo shop so they will all most likely be open tonight."

She shrugged her shoulder, "I know Any won't be able to travel out of the country. So she's out for that. Which means Luke is out. Your dad could come with us for the international fashion shows. I don't know. I don't want to leave this guy for a money with out either of us around. I don't see why he can't go with us. There is nothing wrong with having a well travelled baby."
Jake laughed but knew if it happened he would be the one stuck to clean it up. "I'm sorry babe..."

"Most are yeah. I'll do some online searching before I head out." He knew O would probably be napping soon so he'd let Adri go so she can have time to herself while he was napping.

Jake thought it over. "Yeah...we will have to have someone with us. We may as well hire the nanny. Or a nanny. I just worry about him forgetting what home is. Six weeks is a long time to be away from home for a little guy. But we can always go and if he gets cranky and home sick I can bring him home for a week break or something. We also don't know if I'll have any things booked too." He shrugged. "But if not...I'm with you baby. 3 will make it work."
"She does have her passport." Adri said softly. "Amy and Luke could be there for LA and New York. If they are up to it. So it's just Paris, London, Milan and Tokyo and I may not get shows at Tokyo so we can skip that. So that's about five weeks." She sighed.

"You're right." She said softly. "We need to figure it out though. Maybe he can stay with my parents. Or if you have a job he can go with you. You may not be able to travel with me. You're a hot commodity. I may have to travel alone for most of it." She pouted a bit and shrugged her shoulder.

"It would be nice if you could make it to Paris and London though. Those are our special cities." She smiled and flashed her ring.
Jake leaned his back against the couch. He let out a sigh. She wanted him with her and that he could tell and knew that. "Let's bring the nanny when we can. If we can bring Amy we will." His hand ran through his hair.

"Here...Owen and I will be there. If I have to travel myself I'll work it around when you walk. You're awful busy anyway, I will fly in to see you shine no matter what. I promise." He smiled and gave her a wink.

He looked at Owen. "Want me to let you go put him down?"
"Dont make that promise, Boo. We don't know if you can keep it. I'd love for you to be there but if an opportunity comes up that will advance your career even more, I want you to take that." She told him.

"We will figure it out when you get back. Go eat dinner and find a tattoo shop." She smiled. "We will talk took u later. I'm going to do some wedding research of my own." She smiled happily.

"Can you blow daddy a kiss?" She asked Owen and got a grumpy response from him. "Okay it's nap time. He's not happy with me. I love you and we wil talk later. I did like waking up to your shoulder and half your face though. I got a screenshot." She teased.
"Fine. Promise revision. If all possible I will see every walk. If not...I'll send your mom to facetime it for me. Deal?" He would see it regardless. "I really want to go to Milan. That would be awesome."

Jake smiled at her. "Okay babe. Ooo wedding stuff. I'll see what you've come up with when I get home."

He waved to Owen and blew a kiss to him. "Bye buddy. Have a good nap big guy. Does mommy want to nap too?" He chuckled. "You liked my shoulder and face huh? What are you gonna do with my pic? Creeper." He winked at her. "Alright baby. Send me the name of the sushi place and I'll do the research on my tattoo. I love you guys. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye babies." He waved to Owen.
She nodded her head, "I like that promise." She smiled and nodded her head, "Yeah. That would be amazing. It's the last show so that's going to be the best one. I want Chanel since that's the very last show from the last week. That would be amazing."

"Will do. Bye boo." She made Owen wave his hand and then she hung up. She set him down and made a bottle for him and in no time he was out.

Adri spent the rest of the evening flipping through the wedding magazines she bought. She also looked for some fancy caterers near the Biltmore that could cater their wedding. They also needed to set up a tasting at all of the places to figure out what they liked best. She switched from food to her gown and looked up some designers. She called her mother over so she could try on the dress and ask if she could get it cut up into a new modern dress.
"You will rock whatever you get babe." He smiled at her. He was nothing but proud of her. His girl was beautiful in anything she put on. She knew how to make any article of clothing look good.

Jake smile and waved again. "Love you both."

Jake looked up the top tattoo shops online in LA as well as the top artists. He found a couple to go check out and got excited to see what they could come up with. He had it narrowed down to Mister Cartoon or Paul Timman. After doing research both had done tattoos on different celebrities and Timman even has done house calls.

When it was time for dinner he got the name of the Sushi place and called for an Uber. He got dressed in jeans, a plaid shirt and then he put on a leather jacket over top. The sushi place was good just like Adri suggested but he got interrupted a lot for autographs and pics which he didn't mind because he was alone anyway.
Her mother came with the dress and it was a little big for Adri but it was the right length. It was just humongous from all of the tool used to construct it. She couldn't wait to give it to an artist and have them create something amazing out of it. She just hoped her mother didn't get too nostalgic over the scraps of dress that would be left over. There was one piece of the dress that she absolutely wanted to keep and that was the veil. It was long and beautiful. She'd probably add a few jewels to the lace around the trim but the video was perfect.

While her mother was around, Adri got the house cleaned up and gathered some old toys Owen didn't play with to donate to the children's hospital. She put them in the garage so they could take them at some point when Jake got back.

After that, her mom went home, Adri fed Owen and they had a couple hours before bed. The rest of the night was quiet for them and Adri was very tired. She sent Jake the picture of her in her mother's gown and then she went to bed with the girls.

They had a fun day planned for tomorrow and she hoped Jake liked it.
Jake went to talk to both artists after dinner. They both were professional and cool. Both were interested in traveling if need be. He gave them both his idea and then decided he would make his decision who came up with the best design for him. Jake was sure to explain that to both of them too, so they knew it wasn't anything personal. Maybe he would choose the other guy for a different design later on.

He got the photo of Adri in the dress. He couldn't help but smile a bit. He sent her a text back, "Damn...looking good. Did you ask your mom about hacking it up?"

Jake went to a bar and had a few drinks before heading back to the apartment. He crawled in bed and texted Adri to see if she was still awake.
"Ass. It's not hacking it up. I'll do something nice with the scraps and she will love what it becomes. But she also said yes I can do what I want with it. It's my dress now." She replied to him.

When he sent her a test later it went by unnoticed by Adri. She was asleep and hopefully getting her voice back. The next morning was pretty standard for both her and Owen. They spent the day at home getting ready for Jake's arrival.

When it was time to go get him, she dress Owen up in a cute button down and shorts. She wore a nice figure hugging dress and heels. She packed the diaper bag in the car along with Owen. She was not going to have him blow out his diaper and not be prepared but the diaper bag was staying in the car when they got to her parents house.

She was a little late in leaving but he would take forever to get off the plane and get out to them so she was fine withe being a little late.
Jake laughed, "But I'm your ass. Glad she's cool with you doing whatever to it."

When he didn't get a text back he figured she was asleep so let her sleep and fell asleep himself with the tv on. It shut off on it's own an hour later.

In the morning, Jake went for a run then took a shower. He stopped by both shops to pick up the designs and liked both but think he had a favorite. He wanted Adri to help decide though, she'd be one who would also have to look at it forever with him. She'd like both he figured. He had on a pair of jeans and a nice plaid button up shirt for the flight home.

At the airport, waiting for his flight he took a goofy picture of himself and sent it to Adri, "Can't wait to get home." The flight itself wasn't too long less than ninety minutes. When the plane landed he grabbed his carry on bag, which was a backpack then went off the place to head to the baggage claim. Once he had his suitcase he headed out and started looking for his family.
Adri and Owen were waiting outside of his baggage claim area. She had the back door open and was playing with Owen while they waited for Jake to make his appearance. When he came out she stepped out of the car and gave him a hug.

"We missed you." She opened the trunk so he could put his suitcase and backpack in the trunk. She gave him some time to say hello to Owen before she got in the car.

She held his hand and pulled out of the waiting area and drove off. "Did you find a tattooist?" She asked and gave his hand a squeeze. "And are you hungry because mom went all out." She smiled.
Jake saw the car and then Adri. It was good he had his sunglasses on because the Vegas sun was out and bright. "Hey baby...I missed you too." He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tight. He gave her a small kiss before putting his bags in the trunks.

He leaned in the back and saw O. "Hey big guy!" He attacked his cheek with kisses and Owen laughed as he tried to say dada. Jake chuckled. "Have you been a good boy for mommy?" He tickled his belly and Owen laughed again.

Jake then got in the passenger seat. His thumb caressed her hand. "I think I have, but I want you to look at two guys sketches and see which you like the best. Both guys are awesome. They have awesome work and have done other celebrities. Both are willing to travel." Jake looked around a bit. "I'm starving. I didn't really eat breakfast. I will definitely put away some food. I'm sure the rugrat in the back will eat too." He smiled and kissed Adri's hand. "Happy to have me home?"
"I am excited to see what they drew up for you. Which tattoo are you having done first? The chai mail or the quote?" She asked curiously.

She smiled and nodded her head, "Very happy to have you home." She kissed the back of his hand and drove them to her mothers house. "Now dinner isn't done done yet but I don't think she'd mind if we hang out for a bit before dinner." They also couldn't go home but he didn't need to know that.

When they got to her mother's house she was about to grab Owen but Jake was home and Owen only wanted daddy right now so she let Jake have him. She opened the front door with her key and closed it behind Jake and Owen.

"Watch him with Dad. It's super cute." She told him so he'd set him down. Owen waddled into the front room and when he saw his grandfather he screamed and grabbed his legs to hug him.
"Well I have the one quote already so the chain mail and armor probably." He smiled at her.

He shrugged. "That's fine. I'm hungry but will survive. I don't mind just visiting for a bit. Plus I'm sure they would like to see Owen a little." He looked out the window before looking at Adri, "It's weird how different NY, LA and Vegas is. I feel like I'm back from foreign land." He chuckled a bit.

Jake got out and grabbed Owen. "Come here bud." Owen always was a bit fussy as the car stopped and they tried to get him out. He didn't like being trapped in his seat unless the car was moving. He put Owen on his hip and walked to the door with him.

He put Owen down and watched him with a smile. When he hugged her dad's leg, Jake chuckled. "That is cute." He took a few steps in and said hello to her parents. "Oh shoot. I have something out in the car for you guys. I'll be right back." Jake went out to the car and got in his backpack, pulling out a small bag before heading back inside. He handed a box to her mother and one to her father. Her father's had a watch in it. "I got all of my corner guys and myself a watch just like that. I figured you and my father would like one too. You helped get me a win." He smiled at her dad. Then in her mother's box was a pendent . "I wanted to go black because my colors are black and red. Just something you both can have to remember my win and a thank you for all you've done to help me get where I am. Thank you." He smiled at them and gave them hugs.
"Right. I should look at your body more often to remember these thing. I guess you have to walk around naked." She said and shrugged her shoulder.

"We can always move to NY if you want." She half teased. "Just saying. I wouldn't turn you down." She smiled.

Adri smiled when Jake gave her parents gifts. Her dad got up and gave him a good hug and then her mom was there to sweep him up into another hug. "Now to thank you we are going to get you nice and plump." She teased and patted his stomach.

Adri frowned but her phone rang before she could say anything, "We will discuss that." She told the room and went to answer her phone. She went outside and was out there for a little bit. When she came back, she wasn't alone. Alex and Andre came in first and the Adri and Eileen, who was caring a tray.

She felt out of place and it looked obvious. It took a lot of arguing and demanding to get her on a plane down to Vegas. Adri thought she would have to fly down there and get her herself but Eileen did it. Adri took the tray and let Eileen and Jake talk for a bit.

"I wasn't going to watch you get beat up but Adrianna said you got a big promotion or something. Said I should I come down and celebrate." She said awkwardly. "I don't like your job. You got hit enough growing up and then you go and do this but she said you're the best at what you do. I'm not going to watch you get beat up. I'm not going to be okay with your job. But I'm here for you because this is important to you."
Jake rolled his eyes. "I work in short shorts. How can you miss it!" He teased.

When her mother told him she was going to get him plump he chuckled. "As long as it doesn't go to my butt. Your daughter likes my backside." He whispered and chuckled. When Adri walked out he watched her but didn't think anything of it. He figured it was just a work phone call. He watched Owen a moment.

Jake said hello to Adri's brother's then he saw his mother. He looked at Adri a moment, he knew what it had to take to get that woman to Vegas. It was the first time since he moved she was in Nevada. He walked over to his mom. "Hi mom." He gave her a hug and looked at Adri and gave her a smile, lipping, "Thank you."

He knew his mom felt out of place, he could tell from her body language. This would be a fight the two of them could constantly go back and forth on. "Mom..." He let out a sigh. "I didn't just get a promotion. I became champion. I'm the best in the world. The world mom. I beat everyone who stood in my way." He looked down a moment before looking at her. "Why do think I picked up fighting? So I could be in control. If I lost, at least I fought back at least I tried. I can meet you half way in the middle. You don't have to watch me fight. Just support me not my job. Then we will be fine. I'm just glad you're here. It does mean a lot." He gave her another hug. "Just relax. Her family is good people."
"I don't know. You gotta walk around naked."

Adri smiled when Jake hugged his mother. They both didn't know how he would react so she was happy to see it was a positive reaction. She let them have their moment and took over watching Owen. Andre had him up in air flying around though.

"I know about them. I met them yesterday. I thought you'd kick me out boy. I'm glad you're happy though. That's all I want. You desire that much." She told him and waved at Adri's mother. "Do you have cameras in your house? Adri said you'd be watching." She whispered.

Aaron came in the house next and then Drew came in last with a girl on his arm. Everyone got quiet for a second and then went back to do what they were doing.

The girl, who was in a tight tube top dress and high high heels, walked over to Owen and Adri scooped him up. "Diaper change." She told her and walked Owen away from her. "Does she have body glitter on?" She asked Andre very quietly and he chuckled and nodded his head.
Jake looked at her confused when she said she met them yesterday. "Oh I get it now. This was Adri's date with Owen. You came here. And yes." He put his hands in his pockets. "We have cameras. They are security cameras but we can tap into them anytime, which is nice when we are traveling." He whispered back to her. "Plus it was nice to see Owen running around." He smiled and looked over at Owen.

"Mom...I know it was no easy task to get you here. It means a lot to me that my future wife went through the trouble to get you here. And I'm glad you said yes. I'm not going to be a jerk and not be grateful for everything. Am I still upset about a lot of things..." He nodded. "But I'm putting that aside today." He rubbed her arm. "Spend time with your grandson. He's growing like a weed."

Jake looked at Drew and the girl. He then turned to Adri for her reaction. He noticed she mentioned diaper change, "I'm going to see if Adri wants me on diaper duty since I've been away for a few days. I'll be back. I'm glad you're here." He followed Adri to change Owen. "Hey you..." He said softly and crossed his arms. "You've been up to a lot while I was gone huh?"
Adri and Owen looked at Jake when he walked into the room, "Yeah and my brother bringing a stripper to dinner was not planned." Owen didn't really need a diaper change. They were just playing on the floor for a few minutes.

"I don't want Body Glitter to touch him. Why would he even think that this is okay? This isn't the right time. That's not even his girlfriend. I. Pretty sure she was at the after party. She's using him. She's using him for something and I'm not letting her get near my son." She picked Owen up and handed him over.

"A stripper. If you ever did that I would kill you." She told Owen and he tried to put his finger in her mouth. "A stripper Jake really? What in his right mind would convince him that's okay."
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