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Is He A Lover or A Fighter Part 2 {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

"I'm glad you saw it, but it was a capoeira kick. Bit different. I would have been annoyed if you missed it when you're the reaon I did it." He teased. "Amy can't look away. I almost could have her in my corner she's very good about techniques."

Jake rolled his eyes. "You want put in a headlock don't you. We can definitely make a fort. All the kids will like it. Even us." He smiled. "So do you feel about your man also being on a Sports Illustrated cover?" He smiled wide. "I feel I have so much cool stuff happening, I don't know what to do with all the information." He chuckled.

"I could use two days. It wll be nice to see my family though. At least I can rest and facetime when we can. I won't be a busy. I do want to get a run and work out in though. I've been having too much liquid calories." He let out a sigh. "You doing okay holding the fort down babe?"
She laughed and then touched her throat, "That would have been funny. You would have had to do it again." She teased. She smiled, "We are the SI couple. I think it's pretty cool. Maybe I'll get the swimsuit issue again." She raised her eyebrows and she shrugged her shoulders.

"I'm really proud of you." She told him. "How does it feel to accomplish your dreams?"

She nodded her head, "The house is fine. It's easy with O being on a schedule. The puppies are the ones I have to really watch. How is the apartment? It feels like it's been a while since I've been there." She said softly. "It's alright though, right?"
Jake rolled his eyes. "We taped it, you'd have to be stuck with the tape." He smiled and got a cool idea. "What if we did one together. That would be cool. Online it says we're the new power couple. Everyone is talking about our success. We're unstoppable."

Jake smiled. "Thanks babe. That means a lot. It feels amazing. All that hard work paid off. It's nice to prove to people I could make it. Those people who doubted it." He smiled at her.

"Our girls are little rascals. They are ornery." He knew they'd be a handful. "The apartment is fine babe. It is good one of us can use it and check everything. Everything is working good. You can rest assured knowing it's all good." He looked around and notice he was almost to the apartment. "Want me to let you go? I'm just getting to the apartment. You probably should rest your voice."
"Oh the unstoppable power couple. I like the sound of that." She smiled. "That would be cool to do one together but this one should be about you and that belt. Are you going to model it for me in the elephant thong?" She laughed.

"No, I don't want you to go." She put her head against the pillow and smiled at him.

"I'm winning this bet, you know? Owen hasn't slept in our bed at all. I am definitely the only person to enforce that rule." She said cockily. "Maybe we can break that rule when you come back though. The three of us can sleep together. If you can handle not cuddling the belt at night." She teased.
Jake appreciated she wanted this cover to be about him. "Yeah but at a later time it would be cool to have one of both of us. We could hang up both our individual ones then the one of us together." He squinted his eyes. "No. I'll do you one better, I'll model it naked. How about that?" He asked her.

It was cool she didn't want him to go. She must have missed him, she was acting like he would when she was gone. He got out of the car and thanked the driver before heading into the apartment and going straight to the bedroom to get ready for bed.

"You're just doing it to prove a point. If I didn't make it a bet, you would have let him sleep with you. And for the record, I'm not home yet. Anything could happen." He climbed in bed in his underwear and got comfortable. "We can break the rule. I'm fine with a day and night in bed with my loves." He smiled at her. "Drink tea tomorrow with honey. Maybe even a shot of my Jack. It will help." He smiled at her. "You should sneak in Owen's room so I can see him sleeping."
She nodded her head, "Yeah, I guess naked is better than the elephant but I will get you in that damn elephant Jake. Even if I have to get you drunk to do it." She teased.

She rolled her eyes, "No I'm not. I want him to be comfortable in his room. Not throw a fit every time he has to sleep in his crib. Trust me, this will help in the long run. When he's two sleeping in his big boy bed all by himself, you will be happy." She promised him.

She nodded her head to drinking tea tomorrow. "I will. Hopefully my voice is back before you come home. I don't want to sound like this when you get back. It's not very sexy."

She made a face, "Right when I get comfortable." She grumbled but got out of the bed and walked to Owen's room. She showed him Max in the hallway and she walked into Owen's room. She turned the light dummer on very low and walked to the crib so he could see Owen. She rubbed his cheek and hand. His hand grabbed her finger and she smiled at him.
"What is with you and that damn elephant Adge? Is it really that sexy?" He sighed. If his fiance wanted to see him in it, they both knew it would more than likely happen.

Jake shook his head. "He only does it when you travel. It never starts out that way with him sleeping with us. Normally we throw cartoons or a movie on and we crash. It just happens." He shrugged. "I don't just get him when he cries and toss him in bed with me."

He gave her a shrug. " are Adriana Jones. Soon to be Adriana Daniels and are sexy as fuck. Even if you have no voice. You are sexy and beautiful. I love you." He smiled at her.

"Thank you baby." He said as she got up. It really did help Jake feel better that Max was standing guard like he should be. They had a security system but still, that's his family. That dog would murder someone who tried to get to Owen or Adri. Their boy was cute especially when he slept. Jake couldn't help but smile, more so when he grabbed her hand. Jake whispered. "Night buddy. Daddy loves you. Give him a kiss babe."
"I just want to see you in it once and make the elephant noise and then you can take it off." She laughed. "Is that too much to ask?"

She smiled, "I love you too. But I would like to have my voice back."

She bent over and gave him a kiss. She pried her finger away and snuck out of the room, turning the lighto the ff as she left. She got back in bed and put her head back on the pillow.

"Alright Boo. I'm tired and my throat hurts so I will call tomorrow or you can. It's up to you." She plugged her phone in and propped it against a pillow. "Do you want to face time until we fall asleep? That way I can hear you snore and it will be like you're right here next to me." She teased.
"Yes. It is." He told her with a grin.

He could understand it would be painful and annoying. "I know. But you are sexy."

"Thanks baby. I can't wait to get home and cuddle him. Think he will remember me?" Jake teased. "Yes please. Let's stay on. It is like we're sleeping together. For the record, I do not snore Adri. You do. Those girls of yours do snore though. Maybe that's what you hear." He smiled and plugged his phone and propped it up as well. He got comfortable and smiled at her. "I'll call you tomorrow cause who know when I'll wake up." He closed his eyes and was out in no time.

In the morning when Adri woke up, Jake was still on the phone and passed out cold. He had been exhausted.
She laughed, "It's only been two days Boo. He's not going to write you out of his memory after two days."

She rolled her eyes, "I don't snore. The girls do snore." She laughed and nodded her head, "That sounds good. I love you. Good night."

She didn't know who fell asleep first but they kept their phones on. When she woke up, her first sight was Jake's shoulder and some of his face. She smiled stretched her legs and arms. "I love you. I'll talk to you later." She told him before hanging up.

She went about her normal morning routine. She didn't have her voice back but she was getting better. She and Owen spent the day out planning something. Then went to her mother's house. She did another thing with O before heading home. Her ,other made her a tea to make her throat feel better and hopefully bring back her voice. She played with Owen on the floor for most of the day and waited for Jake's phone call.
"You never know...he may. He may forget me and cry when he sees me. Especially if I come home with a beard." He rubbed his chin with a smile.

"I know they do..." He smiled. "Love you. Night."

In the morning Jake just rolled over and forgot about maybe being on the phone with Adri. He was only focused on sleep. The bed was warm and comfortable, he didn't feel like moving too far any time soon. When he did wake up it was a couple hours before his massage. He went for a run, showered and then went for his massage. When he got home he felt like showering again from the oils they used.

The massage though was nice and helped Jake relax and after the fight, it was nice have his muscles worked out. He should probably schedule one back home every week. It would be good for his muscles.

When Jake finally called Adri, he looked rested. He was just hanging out on the couch when he called, knowing Owen wasn't napping. He had watched them for a little before he finally called. It was creepy, he knew that, but Adri did it too. Plus he wanted to freak her out a bit.
"Ooh yeah, come home with a beard. That's sexy. You can be my sexy ripped lumberjack." She smiled.

Adri picked up her phone so he could immediately see Owen running around screaming. "Your son screams like a girl." She teased and flipped the camera around. "How was the massage?" She asked him. "You were knocked out when I woke up this morning." She laughed.

She smiled at Jake and Owen crawled over and tried to grab her phone. She pulled it away from him and showed him Jake. He kept saying dada and Adri smiled, "You see, he knows who you are. No need to be worried about that."
Jake made a surprised face as he heard and saw Owen running around. "I think all infants scream like girls. Imagine a deep voiced baby going, Ahhhh." He chuckled. "That would be scary."

"It was so relaxing. Thank you. I may or may not have fallen asleep again. And I was tired. A few hours of sleep in a hotel bed is not enough. The pillows we have here are more comfortable and I know who's heads been on them." He made a face. "I was just acting like Bisping." He laughed at his own joke.

Jake smiled and told Owen hello. "Hi big guy. You miss daddy? I miss you bud. You taking care of mommy? Being the man of the house?"

He gave Adri a look. "So where did you go today? You were gone awhile."
"I'm glad you liked it Boo. They are really the best at massages. I go there very chance I get." She told him and rolled her head on her shoulders. "I need to find a place out here that is that good at giving massages. There are a bunch of ice hotel spas but both quite as good."

Owen just kept babbling in his baby talk and occasionally saying dads or mama and kept reaching for Adri's phone. He laughed verytime she pulled it away like it was some sort of game. She threw a ball he was holding and ran to get it.

While he was distracted she sat up on the couch. She frowned at his creepy question, "At least when I watch the cameras I don't act creepy about it." She told him. "Don't worry about where we went." She told him. "We had a secret second date today, if you just know. We went to mom and dad's and had lunch and mommmade me tea for my voice."
"I was thinking the same thing. It would be nice to find a place back home so I can keep my muscles massaged out during training. We will both have to find a nice place together." He looked at her while she moved her head a bit. "I'll rub you down when I get home babe."

Jake talked to Owen a bit more letting him tell him whatever jibberish he was saying. "Did you just throw a ball for our son to fetch?" Jake laughed and shook his head. "We should buy him a play phone since he wants yours all the time."

Jake loved picking on her. "You went on another date? You've went on more dates with him than you've ever went with me." He let out a huge sigh. "I'm glad she made you tea. Did you put honey and Jack in it? I should have brought one of the girls with me to keep me company."
She smiled, "I'm supposed to rub you down. Remember?" She teased. "We can run each other down though. I wouldn't mind that at all."

She shook her head, "He's chasing the ball he loves it. You'll do it too when you come home. Especially when he's trying to grab the remote from your hand and you are trying to watch something interesting."

She flipped the camera around and showed him the play phone on the floor. "It rings, it has fake apps. He doesn't like it as much as he likes mine. And he's not getting a real one until he's fourteen."

She nodded her to going on another date. She rolled her eyes, "Jealous? Of your own son?" She teased. "We can go on a date when you get back. I guess I can treat you since you were a very good investment."

"She put honey in it. She didn't put Jack in it. I can if I want too but someone keeps coming over for a sip so that's not a good idea. Guess who figure out how to use a straw!" She smiled. "I got him a cup with a straw so I don't have to sip on his gross backwash but I caught him drinking from my cup when I wasn't looking a couple times." She said and rolled her eyes.
"Oh you're not getting out of that. You're still rubbing me down. I always get my victory rub down from my love." He smiled at her.

Jake laughed, "You are playing fetch with your son. That's awful." He teased. "Nothing is as good as mommy's. Don't you know that? Why play with his own anything if mom has something cause it's better."

"I'm not jealous of my son. I just want to go on two dates with you. It's been so hard for us to go on dates so I just had to give you crap. Did you take him out to eat? Did he get a happy meal?" He smiled. "I'm always a good investment. When you started working for me did you know just how good of investment it would be?" He smiled and chuckled. "I do think it would be nice to go out."

Jake shook his head. "Don't get our son or you drunk. Probably a good thing there is no Jack in it. Liquid calories anyway." Jake made a shocked face. "O man is drinking from a straw?! What?!" He laughed. "Babe our baby is growing up. And again...things taste better out of mommy's cup even though it's the same in both cups. It's mommy's so it's better. I'm sure he took a drink and did his infamous, 'Mmmmm.'" Jake laughed. "Babe if you are sick you could be getting our son sick."

He was curious what Owen would do if he started calling for him. "O. Owen! Buddy where are you? What you doing?"
She laughed, "Its not fetch. It's chase the ball. He rarely brings it back to me. He drops it and comes after what I have."

She laughed and shook her head, "We didn't go to lunch but mom fed him. I think I packed strawberries and kale mix. Looks gross tastes great. I made it myself yesterday." She smiled proudly.

"I'll get drunk if I want too." She teased. "I don't know if he was drinking. He was just slobbering all over it. It was gross. I'm not sick. My throats is gone. It only hurts when I talk. What if I sound like this forever? Would you still love me?"

Adri looked behind the couch at Owen. He called for Jake and looked in the kitchen. He went to the bottom of the stairs and then came back in the living room. He reached for Adri's phone and she handed it over. "You better not break it little boy. Or you're buying me a new one." She told him and picked him up and set him on her lap so he wouldn't run away with it.
"We will let you call it whatever you want babe." He chuckled.

Whatever Adri made was always good. "I've never had kale. I'll try it though. I need to figure something out to eat tonight. Any good suggestions babe?" He looked around. "Oh. There is one big problem with the apartment I forgot to tell you."

"Adge you have our son. Not a smart idea. If you do, call Aim to get the rugrat." He knew all too well about Owen's slobber. "That kid slobbers more when he's getting teeth too. So it's probably worse right now." Jake pretended to really think about it if she sounded like that forever. "Well....I mean...I guess I'm kind of stuck with you. So I kind of have to." He smiled. "Yes babe. I didn't fall in love with you for your voice, it was your body." He teased and gave her a wink.

Jake laughed. "Did you find me? Did you have trouble at first? Max seems to be better at that game than you. Where's Max? O where is Maximus?" Jake really missed them but it was nice they had time to just talk and facetime.

"So you're picking me up tomorrow at the airport? Both of you?"
"The sushi place down the street is good. If you want a salad then I can send you a few places you can try. But the sushi place is amazing." She frowned, "What's wrong with my apartment? If you say the decorating I will reach through the phone and hit you." She warned.

"I'm not going to get drunk." She told him. "He's getting his top teeth I think. They have pushed through yet but they are trying too." She made a face, "Okay. I can lose my voice but I can't lose my body. I'll remember that. But you can't lose your good looks either. Specifically your butt."

She held Owen's hands so she could actually see Jake. "Yeah. We are picking you up and taking you to mom's for dinner."
"Sushi does sound good. I'll check that place out. Thanks babe. I may go explore the area a bit this evening. Maybe so some shopping. Without you." He made a shocked face at Adri. He laughed. "No it's not the decor. It's that dumb cut out. I had to move it. He's watching me and it was creepy."

Jake gave her a nod. "Yeah, keep up with frozen or cold fruit. It will help him with the gums and pain being cold and it's healthy. I thought popcicles but don't want just the sugar ones. My poor buddy. Have you gave him a bath? And you know I'm kidding. I can't promise the butt will stay if it goes, I'll have surgery."

Jake smiled. "I forgot. Do you know what she is making then for dinner?"
She laughed, "Don't mess with Prince Harry. He was looking out for you. That's all. If you feel creeped out it your own fault." She teased. "If I'm being completely honest, I turn him around when I'm there so he's facing the corner." She smiled.

"Damn right you're getting surgery if you lose that butt. That butt is mine and it needs to stay round and pokeable and squeezeable." She smiled and shrugged her shoulder.

She nodded her head. "I know what we are eating for dinner but no I'm not going to tell you." She stuck her tongue out at him. "You'll like it though. I know that much."
Jake laughed. "You had to have that thing and you turn it around? No that's not right. You have to look at him. Every day you are there." He was so going to move that thing somewhere to scare the shit out of her when she was at the apartment again.

He shook his head, rolling his eyes. "I'll make sure to do plenty of workouts to keep that butt exactly what you want it to be. Just for you babe."

"I can't wait. I'll be happy just to have a home cooked meal that isn't on my diet. You happy she is making your lemon squares?" He asked and smiled. "Is your brothers coming? Or is it just us?"

Jake let out a sigh. "I want to find an artist for my tattoo. I'm debating finding one out here or in Vegas. What are your thoughts? It is technically only a four hour drive. It would be cheaper to drive than fly back and fourth. But we can drive the dogs and O back and forth for a week here or there. I think New York is a bit farther to travel with everyone and as often to get it all done. There's a lot of good artists in Florida too. Or it may be easier to just pay someone famous to come to the house and do it or come to Vegas." Now he was champion, Jake was more than ready to get his tattoo.
"Everyone will be there." She smiled. "You'll like it. Trust me. She did the grocery shopping and I snuck the money back in her purse for the amount of food she bought and she will cook all day tomorrow to please you." She laughed. "Self proclaimed favorite." She rolled her eyes. "You do know I am the reigning favorite right?"

She thought about it, "It would be nice if you found someone in La and I had to be in La around the same time. I think there will be a time where I will have to be in LA for a week or two. If the family could be with me that would be nice." She smiled. "And find someone willing to travel to you as well. With the fashion show getting closer I have to be in New York for final fittings and what not so I will be stationed in New York. Hopefully you guys will come with me and you can have the artist travel to you and he can do it at home. It up to you though." She told him.

"You realize we have a traveling coming up right? Thanksgiving is here but the fashion show, Christmas, and then a good 5-6 weeks of fashion week fashion shows. Can you handle it?"
Jake smiled. "Thank you for paying her back. But what will she do when she sees it in her purse?" He raised an eyebrow. "I am the favorite. Did she make you your favorite when you became VS Angel? Nope. I'm the favorite. But don't take it personally, I think it's just because I have her a grandson. So if you want to become favorite again, I can knock you up." He teased and smiled. "Otherwise I will keep the reign. I do hold the reign for a lot. King, Champion, your mom's favorite."

After Jake listened to Adri he was more confused. "You didn't really give me an answer babe. You just made me more confused." He let out a sigh. "If I get an artist in LA then he will have to travel to NY or Vegas. I can't get the whole thing done in one session babe."

"Yes love. I can handle it. Why do you think I'm not? Because I miss my family and my bed?" He smiled. "Oh and home cooked meals."
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