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Is He A Lover or A Fighter Part 2 {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

Jake gave her a nod about letting her sleep on the couch. He knew she was moody but wasn't going to touch that. "Well I kinda think you both screwed up. You shouldn't have been moody and she shouldn't have called you a bitch." He shrugged. "Just my opinion though."

Jake had no idea why he chose to reach out to Jake. "Yeah I don't know. Maybe I'll have to ask him." He shrugged. "I personally liked the song so I used it. It was fitting for me and our inside thing with you being my Q." H2 smiled at her. "I like he used the Lose Yourself intro. It's perfect for this. Am I going to capture my dream or let it slip?"

Jake watched the video see referenced of Ed Sheeran. " is this us? She leaves him at the end? That's depressing."

He set the puppies down and wrapped his arms around her. "It's okay. I love you too. I know it's my fault you've not gotten a good night's rest. It will be all over after tonight. No more worrying." He kissed her softly. "I appreciate your support and that you believe in me. It means a lot." He let out a sigh. "Wait a bit on the eggs..." He was nervous and starting to get nauseous. He would need food though to have energy to fight. Owen started to move around. He didn't cry but talked to Max and played in his crib.
"I shouldn't have been moody? Really?" Her jaw tensed but she didn't say anything.

Adri frowned, "No she does. She kicks a Sumo wrestler. Shape Of You. I don't know what video you're watching but it's not the right one." She told him.

She scrambled the eggs but waited on making them until Owen started talking to Max. She looked at Jake. "I can wait on your eggs but he isn't going to want to wait. Will you go get him while I ,ale his breakfast? Please?" She asked and poured some of the eggs in the pan and coked them. She put a piece of bread in the toaster.

When Owen was down stairs she gave him a tickle and a kiss and said good morning.
"Okay, bad phrasing. Sorry. You're allowed to be moody. You shouldn't have taken it out on her is what I meant. Unless she was the reason you were moody..."

"That's the one I watched. I took it as she left him when she put the stuff in his locker. Because where was she the rest of the video? Where was she before his big fight against the Sumo wrestler? Why didn't she train with him? I took it as he was upset cause he was sitting there in the locker room alone and then sprinting...alone. I watched the right one. I just maybe took it wrong. But that's what I got out of it." He shrugged.

She had a valid point. Jake could try to eat eggs. Maybe eating would help. "Eh go ahead and make it together. I don't want you to have to make it later. Yeah I'll get him." Jake went up and got Owen. "Hey buddy!" He saw Jake and said his name with a smile and stood up. "Hi! Did you sleep well? Hmm?" He attacked his cheek with kisses before picking him up and changing him into a new diaper. "Want to go find mommy?" He nodded and said her name before saying 'Mah' which was how he said Max. He got it all but the 'x.' "Yeah Max is coming too."

The boys came downstairs and Jake let Max outside to go to the bathroom before letting Owen down to walk to Adri. "Now that kid can walk...his butt is walking." Jake took a few more drinks of his smoothie. "What are you wearing today?"
"But she was there at the end. She kicked that Sumo wrestlers ass for him. I'd kick a sumo wrestlers ass for you. Or try to at least." She laughed and gave him a kiss.

She made Owens eggs first and then she made Jake's eggs. They were all plated at the same time. If Jake didn't eat his breakfast then Adri would finish it. "If anyone sleeps well, it's this kid." She got her hands wet and slicked the back of his hair down and then spiked up the top. "We're you this white blonde when you were born?" She asked. "It seems like his hair will never darken up."

She gave Owen another kiss and set him in the high chair. "He's got to get skinny now that's he's walking. I'm want him to be chunky butt forever though." She pouted and pinched his cheek.

"Black leather jeans, red top prob all my Nikes and then I'll change into heels for the after party. We can make a quick appearance before you have to fly out."
"I missed that part..." He laughed. "It was on my phone, small screen." He chuckled. "'d fight a Sumo man for me? That's true love right there. No wonder I want to marry you."

Jake watched her play with Owen's hair. "Want me to be honest or tell you what you want to hear?" He smiled. "It was always light. I kinda want to cut mine..." He ran his hand through his hair.

He sat at the table with Owen and took a few bites of his eggs. "Yeah he probably will because you know he won't slow down. He will want to walk and run everywhere. He will start chasing the puppies and Max around the house." He looked over at the puppies who were snoring on the floor. "Didn't they just wake up? What the hell..." Jake chuckled and shook his head.

"That sounds sexy. But babe? How can you have leather jeans? Aren't they just leather pants at that point?" Adri was talking like he already had the title won. That helped boost his confidence. "You sure you are going to be okay here without me? You won't give me spot in bed away?"
"I don't know. I like him being white blonde but if it gets darker he will look more like you. At the same time having one of your around is bad enough so maybe I don't need him to get darker. Just tell me the truth." She laughed.

"They had a very rough morning. They had to eat and then they followed me around and then you cuddled them. That's a lot for them to handle." She said sad asticalky and shrugged her shoulder. "They are cute and I'd rather have that than begging at the table."

She smiled, "Boo, if you can do it, I can do it better and keep Owen in his bed at night. Your spot will be safe." She assured him and sat next to him. She put her head on his shoulder and rubbed his back.

"I'm getting nervous. There's butterflies in my stomach. I can only imagine what it's like for you."
Jake looked the boy over. "I don't think his hair is going to make him just like me. I believe his hangry habits and personality does that. But to answer your question mine darkened up when I got older. Amy's was also light."

He smiled and chuckled. "They did. It's been a big morning for such little girls. Poor babies." He smiled playing with his eggs. "True we don't need bigger beggers than we have. They just beg to be held and cuddle."

He looked at Adri. "You can do it better huh? Is that a challenge?" He raised an eyebrow. He kissed her head. "I feel like I'm going to throw up. I need to try to eat something though. It could be bad if I'm getting sick." He rested his head against hers and sighed.
"But he will look more like you." She smiled. He was right about the hangry thing though. He got that from Jake. "Maybe we will dye it when Daddy's gone. You want to go that?" She asked O and he laughed.

She nodded her head, "If you want to make it a challenge it can be." She smiled. "I bet the first time you call everyone will be happy and smiling. I can do it all by my self."

She kissed his cheek, "I'm not cleaning up vomit. Aim for the sin if you do. Toilet is better though. If I see it I will vomit. So don't start a spiraling circle of us throwing up. That's not a pretty picture." She laughed and tried make him laugh.

"You'll do fine. I love you."
"He hardly has hair to dye. If he's getting anything dyed go with red. You should do red for daddy's fight." He tickled Owen's side.

Jake shook his head. "I'm not saying you can't handle it babe. I just think he will end up in my bed. That's all. All of you. In my bed. The girls. Max. O. You. All in my bed." He gave her a nod.

Jake had been sick before he knew what to do. "Babe I knoe. I'm a big boy. I can make it to the bathroom. Even when I was sick I made it. Plus, I wouldn't make you clean it up." He rolled his eyes.

He nodded and let out a sigh. "I love you too. I can train perfectly but one punch and I'm down..." He shrugged and wrapped both his arms around her. "I got this...I got this." He took a bite of egg and watched Owen. "O...daddy loves you." Owen smiled and giggled. "We will work on that kid. Say I love you."
She shook her head, "Nope. Not happening. What is the bet here?" She asked. "A massage maybe? A full body massage when they, meaning Owen and Max, don't sleep with me." She smiled. "I think I'd enjoy that. And you're strong, you could put those muscles into a deep tissue massage, make it hurt. That sounds good."

Adri smiled when Owen smiled and giggled. "It's on his to learn list. Don't rush him." She kissed Jakes neck and got up. While Jake had Owen,she pulled out her clothes for the day. She put a present in Jake's suitcase and went back down stairs.

She cleaned up Owen's face which he usually protested too and today was no different and then she let him out to run around. "I might even up the stakes and give him a bath tomorrow night." She teased. "But probably not."
"Woah wait. You promised me a massage the other day. You said I only get them after the fight. So I get a massage regardless. So you have to give me something better." He smiled.

Jake only touched half his eggs. He put them on the counter and felt bad he didn't eat much. "Yeah no. It won't happen. But you're gonna make our son be smelly? That's not right."

He went into the living room, sitting on the couch and laying his head back. He got more nervous the more the day went on. He took a small nap in the late morning into early afternoon. It wasn't long but enough to keep his mind off the fights.

He woke up, stretched and checked the time. "I probably should get ready."
"Well what do you want?" She laughed. "My terms are on the table. I want a massage. I'll do whatever you want but you have to tell me now."

She made a face, "He won't be smelly, he just won't smell as nice." She smiled.

Adri played with Owen while Jake got ready for the fight. She told him to shhh while they played and he copied her. She put him down for a nap and when he got up he was grumpy because he was teething. She gave him a toy from the freezer and that helped but for the most part he was clingy and upset. He didn't want to be set down or left alone at all.

When Jake woke up Adri smiled at him. "Yeah okay. When you come down, I'll hand him over and I'll get ready." She told him and rubbed Owen's back.
Jake thought about it and then smiled. "Full body massage with a happy ending." He gave her a nod.

He looked confused. "What? Same thing. At least get in the pool with him then just turn the shower on quick. Or take a bath with him. Put some toys in the water. Let him play. Or better yet. Put the girls in with him." He smiled and laughed at that thought.

Jake walked over and kissed Owen's head. "What's wrong buddy? Your mouth hurt?" He held his hands out for him. "Come on. Let's go get ready. Then I'll come down and get you something to feel better." He looked at Adri. "Put a banana in the freezer for me?" He took Owen and took him upstairs to get dressed.

Owen played on their bed as Jake put on dress pants, a button up shirt and would put the jacket on when he was ready to go. He made sure he had everything he neede in his bag then took his suitcade and Owen downstairs. Jake had one earbud in. "When you come down will you bring my bag?"
She rolled her eyes, "Oh my god. Don't they all end happily though? I mean you got a Victoria's Secret angel to rub your body down. That's sounds pretty happy to me." She told him and shrugged her shoulder.

Adri out the banana in the frieszer like Jake asked and went upstairs with them to get ready. She put on her leather pants and walked into the bathroom to do her make up before putting on her shirt. She grabbed her heels and Nike's and then out her purse over her shoulder. She put her Nike's on and then she was back to pick up his bag and take it downstairs.

She went back upstairs to get Owen something to wear so he wasn't in his pajamas all day. She found a cute onsie and shirt set from Carter's and took it downstairs. After a quick diaper change she put him in his cute clothes and then let him run free but that just meant clinging tin adri or Jake.
She had a point. How many guys could actually say a VS angel was giving them a massage. "I just want to make sure I get my part of the deal. You could be tired and put it off and then it never happens but if it is part of the deal, you have to do it."

Jake had Adri wait to change Owen because he gave him a small piece of the banana from the freezer and didn't want him to make a mess all over his clothes. The cold helped his gums. He had something to chew on that was cold and soft. It was also healthy.

Once he was changed, Jake let Owen snuggle against him. Jake kissed his head. "Babe what if he's awful for the sitter. I feel bad leaving." Jake ran his hand through Owen's hair. After a minute he handed him to Adri and went to the bathroom getting sick.
"You'll get your part of the deal." She laughed and gave his head a kiss.

"Babe she's dealt with teething babies before and he loves her. They will both be fine. Don't stress about it." She told him and finished what she was doing. She frowned when he passed Owen over in a rush and then heard him getting sick in the bathroom

"Daddy's nervous huh?" She told O. "Tell him he'll be okay." She kissed Owens temple and he babbled and bit on his finger. As long as he was being held he was happy. The doorbell rang and she went to answer it. She let the nanny in and handed over Owen so she knew he was comfortable with her. Like she thought he was happy to be held. She picked up her phone and saw her families texts about them getting ready and when they would leave. She and Jake would be there early. She'd meet up with Connor and Dana during their tour and maybe drop by Jake's warm up room.
Jake rinsed his mouth out and splashed water on his face. He let out a breath before heading out of the bathroom.

He smiled and said hi to the nany. "Thank you for watching him." He gave Owen a kiss on the head. "Love you buddy. Be a good boy okay?" He told the nanny about the freezer. He was going to miss Owen but felt better he was in good hands.

"Ready babe?" He grabbed his bag and put in a banana for himself, water, and a few powerades. "Let's do this beautiful." He smiled at her.
She walked with him to the car and let him get on the passengers seat. She drove to the arena where they were still setting up and she walked with him to his warm up room. She gave him a kiss and smiled at Luke and Amy. After saying their apologies and getting back to their normal relationship, Amy and Adri when to find their seats.

Amy would take care of Adri's family and Adri when to find Dana. Dana went all out with mercy and balloons and a huge basket. It was really sweet and he seemed very proud of it. They went up front to greet Connor. Once again he ignored Adri in favor of Dana but his dad Ryan was more than excited to meet Adri.

They went on a walk and let Connor enter the ring by himself. Dana borrowed the belt from Bisping and Connor was able to hold it up and take pictures with it like he was the champion. When that was over they took him to Jake's warm up room so he could say good luck and meet his hero and everyone that helped Jake get to where he was.
Jake gave Adri a kiss once they got to his warm up room. He put his bag down and watched Adri and Amy. A smile couldn't help but form on his face, he was glad the two important women in his life made up and were friends again. Before Amy left to get her seat, she gave Jake a hug and told him to kick Bisping's ass and he gave her a nod. "I will. Keep my girl calm. Don't let her get too drunk." He winked at Adri.

Once the girls left, Jake got dressed into his fight shorts and walk out shirt with his name on it. He sat down and let Luke tape up his hands. "You don't seem like your normal self before a fight. You okay?" Jake gave him a nod. "Yeah I'm good. I'm ready for this. It's what I've trained for. Owen has made it easier to be laid back." Luke didn't care how he acted, as long as he was focused and ready for this fight. Bisping could seriously hurt him if he wasn't prepared.

He started warming up a bit after his hands were checked that they were taped up okay. He started punching the pads with Luke when Connor came by. "Hey buddy!" He gave him a fist bump and introduced him to his training and corner crew. Rich Franklin was back there too so he got to meet him. "Adge..Uriah has a fight, you could probably stop by and let him meet Connor too." One of the guys explained to Connor what they do to get Jake ready.
Adri nodded, "Yeah okay. I'll go ask while he's distracted." She said about Connor. Uriah's room was t too far away so it was a quick trip. She couldn't speak to him directly which was understandable. It would have to be a quick merit with Connor but that was better than nothing.

She went back to Jake's room and collected Connor and Dana. They went to uriahs room and got a few pictures taken. Word spread that Connor was there for make a wish and a few other fighters wanted to meet him. Even Bisping for publicity reasons, he couldn't be the only one to say no or not meet him. Thankfully Dana took him into Bisping's room while Adri waited down the hall.

After that she took Connor and his parents to their seats and said hello to her own family. The first fight was about to start so they started the night off with a drink and a toast to Jake. She would go back to his room before his fight for a kiss and then she'd be back with her family to try and watch the fight.
Jake was the main event so he had some time to wait. They warmed up a bit and went over the game plan. He paced a bit after warming up. The nerves were getting worse. He went into the bathroom a few times in fear of getting sick but was lucky he didn't. He needed to have his strength for the fight.

Tv cameras were in the locker room, closer to the time to Jake's fight to get him shadow boxing and getting ready for the fight. The closer to time the worse his nerves got. Jake got more like himself before fights, the closer it got to the time. He was glad to hear that Uriah won. He'd congratulate him later after his fight.

They were starting the second to last fight before Jake's. He sat on a bench with his music in his earbuds and both of legs jack hammered. Back in the audience, Eminem found his way over to Adri. He couldn't miss this fight. Luke texted Adri that Jake was ready for her anytime.
Adri was one margarita in when she Luke's text. She was super surprised to see Eminem walking up to her and he knew her was a little star struck but she snapped out of it and thanked him for showing up. He was the one that Jake needed to meet. She wondered if it would be too much to have them meet now.

She decided to let it wait until after the fight because she didn't want Jake to freak out and feel like Em being here was added pressure. So she said good bye and went to the back to Jake.

Of course the camera wanted the scene for the pay per view audience. Luke let her in and went to Jake. She was sober, she only had one drink.

"Hey, you're going to do great. I love you and remember roundhouse kick to the face." She smiled and gave him a kiss. "Kick ass Boo." She gave his butt a pat and looked at Luke, he followed her to the hallway, "How's he doing?"
Jake smiled at her and took an earbud out when she came closer. He stood up and put his hands on her hips and looked into her eyes. He gave her a nod. "I love you too. Roundhouse to the face. Got it." He kissed her back. "I will." He gave her a smile and rolled his eyes when she pat his butt.

Luke shut the door behind him once they got to the hallway. "He's not too bad now, but earlier...He was in the bathroom a few times. I think they were false alarms but the nerves have kicked in pretty bad. He seems to be focused now at least. He showed up a bit too calm which has me a bit worried. He said Owen helped him stay mellow." Luke shrugged. "He's physically ready. He can do this." Luke also knew it only took one punch or kick though from either guy. "I better get back in." He gave her a small smile and gave her arm a small touch before heading back in the locker room.

Jake started bouncing around to stay loose. By then his gloves were on and taped up. After about another half hour, security told him they were ready for him to head out. Jake gave him a nod and let out a breath. He realized it was way too late to throw up. The guys followed Jake out of the locker room and he made his way to the entrance to the arena. Luke was giving him a pep talk the whole walk down the hallway. "You got this man. Just stay focused. Listen to us in the corner. Remember your training. You got this. Fuck his ass up." He gave his back a pat and Jake nodded and handed his ipod to one of the other guys. Right as he got to the entrance his music started and he waited until the part where Eminem started singing, then started to walk out. As he waited he bounced to stay loose. On the way to the cage he gave a few fans five. He stopped to get checked and get his vaseline on. Jake then gave his corner grew guys a hug and they wished him luck. Jake hugged Luke last. "We're proud of you no matter what man. But kick this fucker's ass." Jake gave him a nod and a double fist pump.

When he entered the cage, the crowd cheered and he moved around a bit to stay loose and put his hand up to the crowd and found where Adri and their families were. He gave them a nod.
Adri the fight started Adri got the jitters in her stomach. That uncomfortable feeling of watching Jake enter the ring and not knowing if he would come back in the same piece. She knew his weaknesses and so did Bisping and she didn't know what would happen which was the worst feeli in the world.

She placed a bet on Jake to win, of course, and she hoped she came back with all of her money and then some. She didn't typically bet on Jake but she firmly believed that he would win this fight. She knew he would and she had to ignore the tense feeling her stomach.

Bisping's music started and he made his way to the rig. He was introduced and checked for grease and his tape before he was let in. The ref went over the rules and let them touch fists if they wanted too. Bisping walked to his corner without raising a fist.

Once everyone but the fights and ref was out of the cage the fight began. Adri was sitting and standing and her face was covered and her eyes were opened and closed and she was all over the place. She was trying to watch but god damn it was so hard.
Jake raised his fist to touch gloves but Bisping walked away which didn't surprise Jake at all. When the bell rang and the fight started, Jake did the same to raise his glove again but instead Bisping went for a punch. Jake blocked it and kept moving around with his fists up to block. Bisping wasted no time going after Jake with punch attempts. Jake blocked all but one that landed on his jaw but it wasn't too bad.

The two danced around a bit and exchanged a few punches. Jake would land a few then Bisping would land a few. Jake got a few good kicks against Bisping's side. Bisping tried returning them with his own but Jake blocked them. He was definitely protecting his ribs that were broken. Bisping got a good punch in. They then clenched and Jake took Bisping to the ground. "So far it's neck and neck, but Jake should get extra points for the take down." Amy told Adri. Jake got behind him after Bisping moved to his side and Jake tried to get him in a head lock. "He has the figure 4 with his foot tucked behind his knee. He just has to get his neck." The time was running out of the round so Jake was trying to hurry as Luke was yelling at him about time.
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